Are you still having fun on SWGOH ?

6 posts Member
edited September 2021
I am an old player, playing the game since the day of the release. I dont like to post on forum because i am not comfortable with english.

This game was really fun, but it'is not anylonger.
It started with absurd metas few years ago. As EA wanted to milk whales, devs introduced first metas.
First metas was still ok, you could counter them and still have some fun in the game.

For several year i was an occasionnal cash player. Usually spent around 100 to 150 euros a year. I stopped that at the start of this year because i really think devs dont deserve to be paid anylonger, because they think players dont deserve to have fun anylonger.

This game could be awesome, but now even a canine dejection is better. I dont know why i still play this game. Probably because i am a masochist, or just that there is no other Star Wars game good enough, or just because i am playing this game for 6 years now.

So there is a question : Dear devs, are you testing the game and would you play the game as it is now ?

Would you incite your friends ans your family to start playing it now ?

Aren't you just ashame of what you are doing ?

I know i will not get an answer because i am noone for you.

Maybe other players will tell me if i am really wrong.

Once again, english is not my native language so sorry for all mistakes here.

Post edited by Kyno on


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    I feel your sentiment @Microbrutus buddy.

    The game has had its ups and it's downs fir me, and currently it's having its downs.

    I don't blame the devs, or at least the public face of the game as (same as it is in all businesses) they don't make the final call on stuff.
    Yep, the nerfs, Executor's introduction, the buffs to GLs, the grindiness of Conquest is making me think 'meh, why do I bother'... the thing that keeps me playing right now is my guild and the community.
    If the community was toxic, I would've dropped the game years ago, but (luckily for the game) the players & community are great.
    I just hope that things improve... I'm not looking forward to the second round of the newly grindy Conquest... and I'm seriously worried about the idea that relic 9 has been thought of anything other than a wholly bad idea.... but that's looming on the horizon too.

    I think the best of the questions was 'Would you incite friends or family to play the game?'... I'd be directly dissuading them from it... which is a shame, as 3/4 years ago, I advised everyone to pick it up.

    For context, my old guild leader who quit the game a year ago, and left a year or so ago, got in touch and in passing asked if with all the additions if he should start playing again.
    I'm still thinking now on how I should say 'no, don't bother'.

    It's a shame, as the game could be great.... but right now, it's ok-ish with a whole lot of genuinely frustrating elements, and has an excellent community.
    Again, the people have kept me here... and our own challenges & fun keeps us engaged... for now.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Personally I am finding the game to be ok right now. Not the most exciting as the game has been around for a very long time and everything just becomes repetitive.

    I enjoying popping in from time to time to play. Don't feel the need to go hard-core on anything and that keeps it fairly fresh for me. As a former whale that bought all the marquees as soon as they come out I can certainly I enjoy farming characters much more than buying them.

    Conquest is cool, no real big complaints. Sure it's a little grindy, and probably could split up the grind into different feats, but it's still a reason to log in and see what I can accomplish.

    Would a new raid be nice? Absolutely, for about 2 months until it became old and stale.

    Tldr; the game is ok. There have been better and worse times in 5 or 6 years here.
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    It's taken a downhill dump for me. Been playing since the game launched and this is by far the lowest point I've seen.

    I'm farming Mandalorians right now and wondering why I'm doing so. All that matters is GLs. CG has said this much. Nerfing Vader, etc was a huge mistake. Why not nerf them against GLs only, like in Raids?

    I've been dying for a Krayt Dragon Raid where Mando's and Scoundrels excel, but it's not happened. Would love a ships Death Star raid, but it's not happened.

    I know these things take money to develop, but is this game hurting for money? Maybe the answer is yes, since lately it seems that's all this thing has been geared toward. Might as well play slots in Vegas.

    They ruined Galactic Conquest for 98% of the player base.

    I don't know how things could get this bad, but they have. My thoughts are that EA is pushing hard on CG for more money, but we will never know the answer to that.
  • Hal_10000
    163 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    It's not in a fun place right now. I just got the Executor but the joy was mostly leached out because I felt like I *had* to get it to stay relevant, not because I wanted it.
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    The real question is "did I ever have fun"?
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    no, I am not..

    Conquest was so fun and interesting and I now it's a terrible mode where the grind is more important than actually playing the game..

    More work for the same rewards for a 2 week long Event???

    Got my first GL and because of the Great Nerf, his supporting squad is not the same as was.. Not very good game design..

    I don't care about the newest shiny thing, and to make everyone HAVE to have a GL or 5 to even get any kind of compensation for playing the game is counter-intuitive and anti-engagement for me.

    Vader is weak now, there is still no Red 5 X-Wing, do the Devs even know Star Wars? I don't get the disconnect about that.. Plus there is too many Capital Ships and not enough fleet ships or TANK Ships to even them out.. Horrible planning..

    I do my dailys, farm the gear, and spend no money..

    That's my level of engagement now... Thanks, CG.
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    my enjoyment is waning
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    What about Lord Vader requirements ?

    He spent so many times with Bad Batch guys, same for TBL fighter. Dont remember about Embo.

    The more you want my money the less you will have it :)

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    Its a bit of a low point but hopefully things pick up. Hardly anyone puts multiple GL on defence in GAC, most seem to save all for offence. That's sad and it's sad for YouTube streamers as the quality of their content is diminished. GL steamrolling non GL is pretty boring
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    The amount of enjoyment this game brings me is slowly fading, unfortunately.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    The only thing that’s keeping me in is my friends and my guild. If they go, and some of them, including some big whales, either have left or gone full F2P in disgust, I go.
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    Why my post was edited by Kyno ?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Why my post was edited by Kyno ?

    Just moved.
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    With the recent nerf of off-meta counters, buffs to the GL's, and introduction and buff of Executor, this game has taken a massive nose dive. It's pretty clear that CG doesn't want people to enjoy playing this game, they just want us to pay for it. They seriously need to fix things soon.
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    The game has become about collecting different currencies rather than playing a Star Wars game

    The focus of the user is incorrect:

    We need to focusing on the force powers of the characters rather than the iddy biddy gear parts

    my 2¢ Thank you
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    The game has become about collecting different currencies rather than playing a Star Wars game

    The focus of the user is incorrect:

    We need to focusing on the force powers of the characters rather than the iddy biddy gear parts

    my 2¢ Thank you

    It was never about the characters’ Force Powers, but rather about having the ability to have any SW character fight by another SW character, regardless of who they are, and getting to experiment with different teams. The current game has started to ruin that, with the whole GL or nothing mentality CG has introduced.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    The community wants the gear crunch to be resolved..
    CG implement and thicken the Pay Wall ....
    They don't care anymore ... it becomes a Pay to play with delirious requirements...
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    I am. I am fine with difficult to achieve requirements for new GL's etc. The top stuff should be hard to get. I love all the new changes that reduce the screentime, but, on that note, the recent changes to conquest and tw are terrible, as they massively increase screentime. As someone who has played from almost launch (iirc), I don't feel the burning desire to spend all day doing things in-game.

    It used to be "money or time," but now we can't even spend our way out of the time requirements. Even MSF allows people to pay $20 to not have to do rta/blitz and still get the character rewards.

    GAC has always been meh: same battles over and over, but at least you can join and do nothing/just set D. Less rewards for less work at least makes sense. I would say I have had one or two people not autoset the last 20-25 rounds of gac, which shows, anecdotally, how much people just don't care about doing the same thing over and over

    TW: same battles with meta v meta, except now we get to relive the old days of the same battles with meh teams, and now it's basically mandatory due to the rewards.

    Conquest: same, except now way harder and requires far more time, and the rewards are also mandatory/unobtainable elsewhere

    Just make more raids. Make a ship raid or two. If they are outdated soon then fine, just make more. Add different beasts maybe? Just do something new. So far all the talk about the "new delivery system" has given us just more fo the same thing. And give me playable Jabba so I can give you money to get playable Jabba

    ps if someone's reply is "nothing is mandatory!" well neither is breathing, so...
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    +1 to give me Jabba, so I can give you my money to get Jabba
  • DarjeloSalas
    9944 posts Member
    Odd that you’re complaining about clicking auto several times a day and there being more to life when you must have spent a good deal of time writing this self-indulgent piffle.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Odd that you’re complaining about clicking auto several times a day and there being more to life when you must have spent a good deal of time writing this self-indulgent piffle.

    Do you feel that your added anything of value to this discussion? Other than making someone who is struggling with mental health issues feel worse about themselves?

    Congrats on your accomplishment, I guess?
  • DarjeloSalas
    9944 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    Odd that you’re complaining about clicking auto several times a day and there being more to life when you must have spent a good deal of time writing this self-indulgent piffle.

    Do you feel that your added anything of value to this discussion? Other than making someone who is struggling with mental health issues feel worse about themselves?

    Congrats on your accomplishment, I guess?
    He’ll maybe read it in 6 months?

    If someone genuinely is struggling with mental health, I find it hard to believe that they would setup a forum account just to post about their hatred of a game. Just stop playing it if it’s that bad.
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