Leaders is looking for players...


LeadersThatDontLeave is 329 million GP (49/50) and looking for two replacements (for retirees).

Competitive in TB and TW. You don't have to join every TW, but offense and defense is expected when you do join.

6 million or higher GP
TB-focused roster
At least one GL
600 raid tickets/day
An active Discord presence
SWGOH.GG profile

Guild reset time is 7:30pm EST.

31 stas, 48 Wat shards in DS Geo TB
23 star️s, 23 KAM shards in LS Geo TB

Challenge Rancor on farm starting at 8:00pm EST.

Sith raid alternates between 1:00pm and 8:00pm EST.

If we sound like a good fit and you would like to learn more about us, come chat with us on Discord.

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