Is this a joke?

25 posts Member
edited April 2016
This "BIG UPDATE" was a 17 second video announcing the "biggest update yet that includes Guilds, Raids, Guild Chat and more. ....coming your [our] way later this month." That teaser was/is a joke. A big announcement got my hopes (and probably everyone's) up in the hope that they would be patching bugs with gear, drop rates, and the new level cap increase. Instead they just asked is your squad ready? How are we supposed to know what "ready" even means? I am a level 71 player in the top 200 in my server but my toons will be stranded at Gear VIII until May... they introduced the new ability pad and gear but there's no way to earn this gear until a month later (at least; EA isn't fond of deadlines). This update seems weird from the get go. "Oh well increase the cap but hey don't worry about the gear no one actually collects it anyways..." They seem to be purposefully misleading us, the customers because they can. Sorry I had to rant about this.
Post edited by BentWookiee on


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