What's up with the arena?!

309 posts Member
edited April 2016
Well.. Have been around 100-200 for a few weeks and now I suddenly got pushed to the close 400. And in the top 100 I see countless Mol Eliza Players. Someone knows what's that about?


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    CG bots... To push down players and force them to spend money to keep up...
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    Or you could use the search button
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    OnJouney wrote: »
    Well.. Have been around 100-200 for a few weeks and now I suddenly got pushed to the close 400. And in the top 100 I see countless Mol Eliza Players. Someone knows what's that about?

    Crabs in a bucket my friend.
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    Hmm, I know that is one of the default names. I have a friend that uses that name
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    It been theorised that server/shards are being merged. Thus, ranks are being re-allocated.
    In My experience, I've notice small rank shifts when I was in the 100s tiers. This is strange as who would challenge for a small Rank swap in the 100s rank tier. It not solid proof, but very suspicious.
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am rank 160 & i have seen a bunch of load of Mol Eliza's everywhere about like 9, 10 accounts
  • OnJouney
    309 posts Member
    Hmm, I know that is one of the default names. I have a friend that uses that name

    I see.. Thanks :smile:
    Gavstar wrote: »
    It been theorised that server/shards are being merged. Thus, ranks are being re-allocated.
    In My experience, I've notice small rank shifts when I was in the 100s tiers. This is strange as who would challenge for a small Rank swap in the 100s rank tier. It not solid proof, but very suspicious.

    Welp, thanks for the answer! Since there are many new names I guess it merged or moved me to a different server maybe.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    If there is a server merge your average finish should be half as good with no recourse as everyone around you has the same refresh habits.

    Therefore unless you permenantly drop by 100% a server merge is unlikely to have occurred.
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    True. Two days ago it was easy for me to stay in TOP 20 and now I have to fight and spend crystals to stay in TOP 50
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    Same on our shard, suddenly a whole new slew of previously unseen names in the top 20.
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    Something is happening. Part of it is maybe a few people coming back to grind the cap lift. Also, another factor is people grinding more and trying their teams more often as they level. Intensity of Arena increased including CG bot activity.
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    pnutbutter wrote: »
    CG bots... To push down players and force them to spend money to keep up...
    Something is happening. Part of it is maybe a few people coming back to grind the cap lift. Also, another factor is people grinding more and trying their teams more often as they level. Intensity of Arena increased including CG bot activity.

    Why do you guys think there are CG bots?
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    OnJouney wrote: »
    Well.. Have been around 100-200 for a few weeks and now I suddenly got pushed to the close 400. And in the top 100 I see countless Mol Eliza Players. Someone knows what's that about?

    @OnJouney - Mol Eliza is one of the default names when you start to play and EA did not put In an option to change usernames so you will see a lot of them for people that skipped by
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Starjumper wrote: »
    pnutbutter wrote: »
    CG bots... To push down players and force them to spend money to keep up...
    Something is happening. Part of it is maybe a few people coming back to grind the cap lift. Also, another factor is people grinding more and trying their teams more often as they level. Intensity of Arena increased including CG bot activity.

    Why do you guys think there are CG bots?

    This is a joke. Op's question has been answered many times. The search button is there for a reason.
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