Active Guilds Looking For Players -November 2021 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Do you want to make SWGOH fun again with an active and friendly guild? Want to be competitive in all game modes? Then Wookie Insights is the guild for you! We're looking for ACTIVE members to join us! We have TWO spots open!

    What We Offer You
    💥 390+ million GP when full
    💥 170 GLs, 40 Executors, 13 Profundity, 4 Leviathan
    💥 Fun and competitive
    💥 Been together 3+ years
    💥 No forced farming (voluntary ROTE Operations leveling encouraged)
    💥 23⭐️ in ROTE, 3-6 Reva shards
    💥 Krayt: Working towards 90m box
    💥 We earn r9 in TW, even if we lose
    💥 Independent guild, no big alliance oversight
    💥 HotUtils enabled
    💥 Discord:
    💥 More info:

    What We Are Looking For
    ✅️ 6.5 million GP minimum
    ✅️ 400 daily ticket minimum
    ✅️ Participation in ALL guild activities (ROTE, TW, and Krayt Raid)
    ✅️ Discord required
    ✅️ 2-3 GLs, 1 of the 3 meta capital ships
    ✅️ Friendly attitude!

    We understand this is a game and don't want to make it a chore, but we encourage as much participation as you can. We also understand life happens, we just ask that you notify us ahead of time that you'll be busy if at all possible.

    Come join Wookie Insights today if you want great rewards, great guildmates, and a great time!
  • Lpd777
    222 posts Member

    Probably one of the most knowledgeable, laid back, productive guilds around. We have simple rules to follow and expect everyone to do their share.
    We have solid strategies for Territory Battles,
    Rise of the Empire = 26-27 Stars
    We are no longer running Geo
    We have a winning record in Territory Wars (Getting Brains!)
    We are running Krayt Dragon full time
    We have 2 spots and are looking for active players above 5.5 mill GP or a focused roster.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging with any other guild

    Please contact one of us on Discord about joining
  • gymghi
    31 posts Member
    Guild: Nute Gunrays Abacus

    GP: 262.7m

    members 43/50

    Time Zone UK - but we have members from all over the world
    Leader: Gymghi Ally code 384-562-391
    we use discord, but it's not compulsory:

    we're relaxed, not much in way of rules, but expect everyone to hit raid, TW, TB etc, have at least 2 GLs

    Krayt runs almost continuously, sometimes a break of 1 day between raids (was continuous until we lost a couple of members) - score around 34m points

    Doing well in Territory Wars - we usually win :)

    Empire TB only - around 15 stars
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    Join us at Fortress of Sol-itude!

    About Us:
    We are an active guild but still easy-going and family friendly. Our members are all supportive and most have been together for years.
    Reset time 6pm PST, 8pm CST, 9pm EST UTC/GMT 1:00
    330+ Million GP
    140+ GLs

    -RotETB 18* (high water mark) - we earn ~10 Reva shards monthly
    -40m Krayt Raid
    -We win majority of our TW

    -5m GP and 2 GLs minimum - we are willing to consider lower GP depending on roster
    -Expected to contribute to TB (deployment at least), TW, and Krayt Raid
    -2800 tickets per week
    -Be active (daily activity is recommended - we do have notification channel for time away)
    -We DO NOT require discord or any form of outside communication.
    -We DO NOT force farming specific toons.

    Try us out and see if we’re at the same speed!

    Message me on the forum or in game for more information.


  • HershJH
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    T0asted is looking for new members!

    We are a relaxed guild who try to help each other enjoy all aspects of the game.

    We're currently at 357m GP, consistently score 19* in ROTE, and 37M pts on Krayt raid. Most of our members are in the US and our reset time is 1:30 PM EST.

    We're looking for active players who will regularly participate in TB, TW, and raids. Our ideal recruit should have over 5m GP, 2 GLs, and a ranking of Chromium 1 or above in GAC.

    Send me a DM or invite ally code 611-875-634 or 591-324-119 if you're interested.

    Post edited by HershJH on
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    Maestri della Forza

    Guild Power: 311M GP

    Guild Members: 42/50

    We are looking for active players with at least 6M GP.
    We're looking 8 people to face the latest quits. We're a mainly Italian guild, but we have already some foreigners and we're all quite good speaking english.

    We're actually doing RotE (reached 22 stars and 4 Reva shards when full, for now 3 Reva shards and 17 stars)

    Good coordination in TWs, in a positive strike at the moment.
    If you're interested, you can contact me on Telegram: @CondrakeCraterlast or Discord: therionbloodeye

    Discord is our main chat, so it's mandatory.

    Feel free to contact us for more informations!

    May the Force be with you :)

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    7KOR 7 Knights of Ren is looking for new members!


    Who are we?

    We are a rebuilding guild who welcome all sorts of players, we seek to help new players along and give older players something to be a part of.

    Our requirements:

    Minimum level: 22

    Activity requirements: Please be active once a week or at least inform us if you're taking a break (don't worry we have no issue with players having a life, in fact please touch grass just be sure to participate when you can).

    Be civil and all the usual stuff and please remember that this is a game, it's fun.

    What can we offer?

    Unfortunately at the time of posting we don't have much as we've only got roughly 4 mil gp but we hope to change that very soon. (That said we have maxed out raid tickets left over for when more people join)

    We look forward to seeing any new members! Simply search for "7KOR 7 Knights of Ren" in-game or send a message to the leader (Buddugoliaeth) and you'll be invited.

    Buddugoliaeth's ally code: 972-848-733
  • Xariel7
    198 posts Member

    49/50 members with 313 Mil+ GP

    We’re a welcoming mid-late game guild looking to grow. Members are all over the globe so there is always someone available for any help.

    TB records:
    20 stars in ROTE

    TW records:
    90%-win rate, designated squad placements for GP ranges as so no one misses out.

    SWGOH.GG account
    Discord account to join the guild server
    We are looking for 4 mil gp and people with focused rosters to help out with tb, tw and kryat
    Active daily player that we don’t have to chase with reminders (GAC history to support activity)

    GI completed or in near-term roadmap, to farm Reva shards
    Units to help ROTE platoons (or a willingness to gear up a gap
    Teams that will contribute to Raids (eg Jabba)
    Complete squads that can contribute to TW defense / offense

    There is no forced farming. We have a wide range of GP, from 9.1 Mill to 3.2 to offer advice and guidance to everyone.
    As well as awful dad jokes for all who want to hear them, or even those that don’t.
    For any further info or questions feel free to jump into our welcome channel and talk with the admin team at

  • Iandog
    95 posts Member
    Looking for 2 new guildmates:
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    Guild: Scourge
    Recruiter: Me, Kraphe. My discord is Riplow91, Ally code 223 935 824
    Raids: Easy Sith Heroic, working towards Krayt.
    TB/TW: Just merged two guilds. We were each at 80mil gp, took all active/serious players from both and sitting at 120mil. Regular TW wins. TB was 25 stars but imagine we’ll be much further now. Up to Geo TB.
    Required: Attempt at raid tickets, participation in TW and Raids weekly. 3 strikes system if not helping out. Cool about talking it out if life happens. Min 2mil GP. Hoping you got 3-4mil to keep up; but mostly want activity.

    Merger just popped us up an additional 40mil gp to 120mil…we’re crushing it now, extremely active and social. Looking for 3-4 more people to keep the momentum going!! We think we’ll enjoy us and think we’ll get lots of loot together. Not super strict, just enough to make sure we’re progressing together. Would love to hear from you and have you in our motley crew, we’re fun and helpful!!
  • Lpd777
    222 posts Member

    Probably one of the most knowledgeable, laid back, productive guilds around. We have simple rules to follow and expect everyone to do their share.
    We have solid strategies for Territory Battles,
    Rise of the Empire = 26-27 Stars
    We are no longer running Geo
    We have a winning record in Territory Wars (Getting Brains!)
    We are running Krayt Dragon full time
    We have 1 spot and are looking for an active player above 5.5 mill GP or a focused roster.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging with any other guild

    Please contact one of us on Discord about joining
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    8/11 Update: 1 open!

    Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on progressing and having fun, not a lot of strict rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.

    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 374 mil GP
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 9:30 EDT (East Coast N America)
    • 24 stars in ROTE, 25 in sight
    • We are pushing for Reva, although still in the single digits per TB, so realistically still a ways off for us
    • 81-39 record in TW, (losses are mainly vs guilds with a ton more GP/GLs), very organized, we assign specific players and squads to most territories, we take it kinda seriously, but don't mandate any TW omicrons or squads, we work with what you have
    • we require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, discord required
    • Min 6 mil gp, but will take lower if have a very focused roster
    • Swgoh guild with a drinking problem, or drinking guild with a swgoh problem? You decide.
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
  • Lpd777
    222 posts Member

    Probably one of the most knowledgeable, laid back, productive guilds around. We have simple rules to follow and expect everyone to do their share.
    We have solid strategies for Territory Battles,
    Rise of the Empire = 26-27 Stars
    We are no longer running Geo
    We have a winning record in Territory Wars (Getting Brains!)
    We are running Krayt Dragon full time
    We have 1 spot and are looking for an active player above 5.5 mill GP or a focused roster.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging with any other guild

    Please contact one of us on Discord about joining
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    443mil GP UK Guild

    Currently looking for 3-4 players to join us!

    Must be 8mil GP minimum with at least 3 GLs due to TWs/Raids/TBs, Thank you!

    - Guild Reset - 5.30pm (UK)
    - Krayt raid (90mil crate) Pushing for 130mil crate!
    - Discord required
    - Daily contribution of 600 Tickets is encouraged but we understand RL may affect that so no pressure!
    - 29 stars ROTE 20+ Reva shards
    - Need to contribute to TW/TB although we are taking a break during the summer for TW so we are focused on TB/Krayt raid
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    Join us on our Just Crusade!

    About Us:
    We are an active guild but are still about having fun. Our members are supportive and helpful and our Leader and Officers are great resources for questions, etc.
    Our Guild Reset time is - 7PM EST

    235+ Million GP
    35+ GLs

    Krayt Raid (exclusive) - 25M+
    TB - DS Hoth 43* / LS GEO 9* / DS GEO 17*
    TW - Approx 65% win-rate

    Minimum GP: 4M for new members (1+ GL Preferred)
    Activity: 3-Strike Policy then removal
    Territory War / Territory Battles / Raids are mandatory
    Be active (daily is recommended - 3 Days inactive w/o notice = boot) - Notify Calo Nord if time away is required
    We DO NOT require discord (we have one though) or any form of outside communication.
    We DO NOT force farming-specific toons (recommendations may be offered)

    If this sounds like a fit for you, feel free to join the Just Crusade.

    Message me on the forum or in-game for more information.

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    **Typhon Reborn** is an ambitious but relaxed, friendly guild growing together and building from the ground up. We have many experienced players who will help you grow and develop with us!

    __**What we’re looking for:**__
    - 1 new member!
    - Around 4M+ GP
    - Active daily (500+ tickets)
    - At least 1 GL

    __**What we offer:**__
    - 270M GP
    - Krayt raid (~32m avg)
    - **17** ⭐️ ROTE TB (Full time - 5 Reva Ready)
    - **28** ⭐️ DS Geo TB (**36 Wat**)
    - 27k+ tickets daily
    - 80-10 TW streak
    - Natural growth over 7m/month avg

    Discord required, have fun and enjoy SWGoH with us! DM me for more info, and feel free to join our discord server to check out the resources we have!
  • Skilgannon
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    League Of Average People

    Newly formed guild looking for active players.
    We have an active and welcoming discord and encourage all players to join and enjoy friendly discussions.
    All we ask is for everyone to participate in guild events, and be friendly to each other..
    We look forward to hearing from you, recruiter is Skilgannon
    Ally code is 332-546-844
    No major requirements, but level 30 is a minimum
    Post edited by Skilgannon on
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    Rebellious Rebels
    266M GP

    •We have a few inactives that we would like to
    •A Relic'd KAM for ROTE operations would be a
    •Prefer 5+million gp to be able to optimize
    Guild Events.
  • 11Onyk_xamot
    15 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    Come join us in House Mand'alore!

    We are an engaging & supportive StarWars-fan Family
    * looking for active & casual players 2.5m GP+

    Post edited by 11Onyk_xamot on
  • YodaDoc
    1077 posts Member

    Chairborne Rangers (Invite only)

    About us...
    Timezone: US-EST (GMT-5)
    No force farming
    45m Krayt
    24 ROTE TB, 1 Reva
    170's GLs
    Average about ~27k tickets daily ~ 540 tickets/person

    Must be active - daily players only (not casual)
    Must be at minimum 6m GP
    Must have account
    Must have GL

    Here's our rules...
    20 misses in 2 months of the following, get removed
    . Do the quest's daily guild activities
    . Generate at least 300 tickets daily
    No login for 10 straight days without notifying me, get removed.
    We have strike system... get 3 strikes, get removed.
    . For TW, must participate and must set defense/score points
    . For TB...
    . Rebel action or did not follow instruction.
    . Must produce minimum 6 waves
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    8/19 Update: 1 open!

    Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on progressing and having fun, not a lot of strict rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.

    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 375 mil GP
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 9:30 EDT (East Coast N America)
    • 25 stars in ROTE, 26 in sight
    • We are pushing for Reva, although still in the single digits per TB, so realistically still a ways off for us
    • 81-40 record in TW, (losses are mainly vs guilds with a ton more GP/GLs), very organized, we assign specific players and squads to most territories, we take it kinda seriously, but don't mandate any TW omicrons or squads, we work with what you have
    • we require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, discord required
    • Min 6 mil gp, but will take lower if have a very focused roster
    • Swgoh guild with a drinking problem, or drinking guild with a swgoh problem? You decide.
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
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    The Zefiro had a couple of retirements. Looking to replace them ASAP!

    Over 400m GP, 25-26* ROTE, collecting a few Reva shards each time out.

    Pretty casual about TW, main interest being collecting r9 mats but we fight when we have a decent chance...just won the last two.

    Fun group of folks; we expect participation in the game (including the newish raid) but understand there's this thing called "real life" that can interfere. Won't micromanage how you play the game, but can provide all the advice/support you want.

    Contact DocDoom#3475 on Discord to discuss! Please have at least 7.5m GP to inquire (strong/lean rosters with a little less can be considered).
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    Feddy is an independent guild with strong leadership seeking active players to join our tight-knit community. We have a long-standing tradition of being highly-organized and competitive in all aspects of the game while keeping things fun. Our lively Discord server is filled with chat, advice, and resources from skilled and experienced players that love the Star Wars universe. Feddy is a great spot to advance your SWGOH game while contributing to a phenomenal guild!

    We have one spot open.

    Guild name: Feddy
    Guild GP: 305 mil when full
    Entry level: ✅ 5+mil GP; 2+ GL OR 1 GL and 1 GL ship; Discord

    Raids: Krayt T2-01 (39 mil)
    RoTE: 18 ⭐
    TW Last 44: 🔥 41-3 (**dominant TW guild**) guild profile:
    Guild discord and how to join: (Say hello and share your .gg profile in the recruiting channel 👋.)
    Guild leader: 👑 TheEwokening (DMs welcome); Ally code: 544-256-682
    Guild Recruiter: DarthJarJar (DMs welcome); Ally code: 431-429-767

    We are based in the Mountain time zone (US) and have players from around the world. 18+r8thujfsyyx5.jpeg
  • Ayubi
    14 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    437m GP UK Guild
    3 spots available due to retiree's

    -Must be 7mil GP minimum
    - At least 3 GL's
    - At least 1 of Executor, Profundity or Leviathan (working on 2nd)
    - TB/TW contribution Mandatory
    - Daily contribution of 600 Ticket
    - Discord mandatory

    Exceptions can be made for focused rosters!

    - Guild Reset - 4.30pm (UK)
    - Krayt rolls over as soon as completed
    - RotE - 29 stars
    - 20+Reva shards

    Discord Contact: ayubi7
    Post edited by Ayubi on
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    Join CAGoH Power Today!
    Part of the Syndicate Alliance of 17 guilds with access to large discord community (oppertunity to transfer to a higher guild when your roster is ready). CAGoH Power is looking for active players who want to help this guild grow and prosper under new leadership.

    —> Discord Mandatory for all members.
    —> 1M min GP (expectations can be made)
    --> Active daily, willing to learn --> 500-600 tickets daily is a must (Please inform any officers for away periods.)
    --> GP 100m
    --> LSHothTB = 26*
    --> DSHothTB = 28*
    --> DSGeoTB = 4* (4 Wat shards, But looking to increase that number quickly)
    --> TW record = 48-4
    --> Guild Reset - (19:30 EST)
    --> Sith Raid - alternating times
    --> GUILD EXPECTATIONS -Join on TB and TW -Checking discord on a regular basis -Participation is a must

    Discord Link -
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    Lunatic Asylum Raiders

    Who are we?
    We are a fun and active guild looking to help all members grow stronger. Our motto is: Fight Together, Win Together! We have numerous resources to help in this endeavor:
    1. Discord with bots to help with prioritizing toons
    2. Communication of upcoming updates to prepare members
    3. Links to videos to teach newer players
    4. Variety of GP to help players at all stages
    We strongly believe that every player can contribute to the guild no matter their GP. Lower GPs help with Platoons in TB while stronger GPs can clear missions. TW has strict defensive guidelines.

    What we look for in players:
    We strongly believe that every player can contribute to the guild no matter their GP. Lower GPs help with Platoons in TB while stronger GPs help clear missions. TW Has strict defensive guidelines. We have a range of GP, but looking to strengthen with LS members to start tackling LSGEO with at least 12 stars.

    Feel free to ask ANY and ALL questions, we are happy to assist however we can.

    Our Stats:
    Current Guild Membership: 41/50
    Current Guild GP: 206 mil

    Galactic Legends:
    • 4 Rey
    • 11 SLKR
    • 13 JML
    • 6 SEE
    • 8 JMK
    • 5 LV
    • 2 Jabba
    • 9 Executor

    Current Raids:
    • Krayt Dragon - 28 Mill (receive level 3 rewards)

    Territory Battles:
    • DS Geo - 20+ stars, average 25+ Wat shards
    • LS Geo - 10-12+ stars, running LS Hoth until we get more members. 8 Stars ain't worth the trouble
    • LS Hoth - 40+ stars, will run LS GEO when we get more members.

    Interested? Contact me:
    Discord: MuMMaChuGGa#4069
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    8/25 Update: at least 1 spot open!

    Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on progressing and having fun, not a lot of strict rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.

    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 370 mil GP w/ 49 members
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 9:30 EDT (East Coast N America)
    • 25 stars in ROTE, 26 in sight
    • We are pushing for Reva, although still in the single digits per TB, so realistically still a ways off for us
    • 81-41 record in TW, (losses are mainly vs guilds with a ton more GP/GLs), very organized, we assign specific players and squads to most territories, we take it kinda seriously, but don't mandate any TW omicrons or squads, we work with what you have
    • we require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, discord required
    • Min 6 mil gp, but will take lower if have a very focused roster
    • Swgoh guild with a drinking problem, or drinking guild with a swgoh problem? You decide.
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
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  • Options
    Outgrown your casual guild? Burnt out by your elite guild?
    We are a friendly, relaxed, active, long term guild looking to recruit active players to grow with us and fill some empty (and soon to be empty) seats.

    - 299m GP
    - RotE– 12*
    - DS Geo – 24+* with 25+ Wat shards (27 this TB)
    - Consistent 25m Krayt Raid and growing (30m - T2-01 rewards)
    - UK time zone based mainly, but with international players
    - No mandatory Discord requirements – we have one but it’s 100% optional

    Ideally looking for 5.5m+ GP min with at least 1 GL. Our biggest thing though is players who are ACTIVE, so reach out if you’re slightly lower but have GLs and a focused roster. We've got a great bunch of players ranging from slightly newer to day one players who are all willing to help you grow.

    We're a relaxed, fun environment with no strict rules and an understanding that life happens and comes first. Grow your roster how you want – we just ask that you’re active, engaged and help the guild reach its goals. TB participation mandatory – no posting zeros.

    Feel free to reach out to us!

    Ally code: 323-776-592 or send me a DM
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    About this guild
    We enjoy success across many game modes:

    90+% TW win rate
    31 stars in RoTE
    45+ Reva shards
    130 million box in Krayt
    Everyone is expected to carry their own weight, which is why we punch up much higher than our GP level. However, we also understand that people have lives outside the game.

    Guild Reset: 02:30 AM UTC (08:30 PM CST)
    Guild Requirements
    Reva Ready
    6,500,000 min. GP
    Min. 3 HotUtils Mod Score
    Min. 3 GLs
    Min. 1 Ship GLs
    What else we're looking for
    600 tickets/day
    Discord and regular communication
    Willingness to work on raid teams
    People that are serious about the game, chatty and down to earth
    People that want to find a long term guild and grow with us. Our guild is very stable and has been around since 2017.
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