Conquest ruined "let's make the game mode terrible and ask for money to improve gameplay"

Why make conquest worst and then ask for money to "improve" the game mode and make it better. This is the worst money grab I've ever seen I won't be paying for either of these "battle passes" if you can even call it that.

At least make the battle pass last 3 months like most other games, the fact that you're trying to milk each conquest for as much money as they can is just sad. This game has sadly become all about the money and zero about the gameplay. I simply won't pay money to "improve" a broken game mode that you guys broke.

First conquest was the most fun and had many choices of data disks. Oh but that's right, you want peoples money, you don't want them to have fun.

Revert the changes, worst conquest yet...


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    You won't enjoy it any more with the 30 pass. Still terrible.
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    The thing is this conquest is so horrible, the disks are so bad, and the feats are so repetitive that I would not want to spend money to do better b/c I can’t stand playing it the little that I have.
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    I actually want to spend money on this game, but they don't have anything that doesn't seem like a bad deal. I mean, anything...

    I give HotUtils $10 a month for the game. I'd rather give that $ to CG.

    But what they have done with Conquest is just make a game mode I just don't care about.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    I think its cool how dots / thermal data disks are useful for once, and how people are creatively using them
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I think its cool how dots / thermal data disks are useful for once, and how people are creatively using them

    Disagree. Enter battle. Do nothing as the super fast enemies take a million turns then die without hitting a single button. Not terribly fun.
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    I think CG made a mistake to raise the bar for conquest postmortem. Just imagine if the current conquest would have been the first conquest introduced. I'm pretty much sure there will be much less people complaining because there is simply no nothing better to compare with.

    Now everyone got used to get red crate without much effort and many won't get it this time. Of course people are upset.
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    Antario wrote: »
    I think CG made a mistake to raise the bar for conquest postmortem. Just imagine if the current conquest would have been the first conquest introduced. I'm pretty much sure there will be much less people complaining because there is simply no nothing better to compare with.

    Now everyone got used to get red crate without much effort and many won't get it this time. Of course people are upset.

    People have been burning the house down since the 1st changes were made. It is far from about the red crate.

    Players feel that if they are going to be beta-tested and told they are being heard, then their input and gameplay are vested. When people feel vested, they have higher expectations in products. This is particularly true when it comes how well that product meets their expectations.

    You may have had this point in mind with your comment, but didn't quite state it like this: CG has a PR problem with Conquest and how they unveil refine it. Had it been Conquest version 3 on day 1, and they made no more changes and said, "enjoy" there would be far less complaining.

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    Antario wrote: »
    I think CG made a mistake to raise the bar for conquest postmortem. Just imagine if the current conquest would have been the first conquest introduced. I'm pretty much sure there will be much less people complaining because there is simply no nothing better to compare with.

    Now everyone got used to get red crate without much effort and many won't get it this time. Of course people are upset.

    People have been burning the house down since the 1st changes were made. It is far from about the red crate.

    Players feel that if they are going to be beta-tested and told they are being heard, then their input and gameplay are vested. When people feel vested, they have higher expectations in products. This is particularly true when it comes how well that product meets their expectations.

    You may have had this point in mind with your comment, but didn't quite state it like this: CG has a PR problem with Conquest and how they unveil refine it. Had it been Conquest version 3 on day 1, and they made no more changes and said, "enjoy" there would be far less complaining.

    Expectations would certainly have been reduced..

    Speaking as a 6 million+ GP, achieving the 2nd to highest crate was the norm, even with crystal refreshes. Now since 7, it's been 4, 4, and finally 5 with way more refreshes for 9th..

    All crystal refreshes were from my stash that I naturally earned, so no spending of real money.

    Personally, I needed the higher crates to get r8 materials which were locked into only the 2 highest crates.. Until now. Looks like the 3rd highest crate get 2 Areomagnifers..

    Not enough to justify the work AND grind for a 2 week event..

    Conquest 10 rewards still don't justify time and effort it takes to get it..

    This mobile game should be fun to play, not a job to work at..
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    Honestly they should be paying US to "play" Conquest at this point, not the other way around.

    I would definitely buy a pass but I can't say I'm enjoying the game mode anymore, so I won't.

    Going for a full clear, and what a tremendous grind.
  • Options
    Antario wrote: »
    I think CG made a mistake to raise the bar for conquest postmortem. Just imagine if the current conquest would have been the first conquest introduced. I'm pretty much sure there will be much less people complaining because there is simply no nothing better to compare with.

    Now everyone got used to get red crate without much effort and many won't get it this time. Of course people are upset.

    People have been burning the house down since the 1st changes were made. It is far from about the red crate.

    Players feel that if they are going to be beta-tested and told they are being heard, then their input and gameplay are vested. When people feel vested, they have higher expectations in products. This is particularly true when it comes how well that product meets their expectations.

    You may have had this point in mind with your comment, but didn't quite state it like this: CG has a PR problem with Conquest and how they unveil refine it. Had it been Conquest version 3 on day 1, and they made no more changes and said, "enjoy" there would be far less complaining.

    Bottom line is: never introduce a new game mode, which feels like a cakewalk. Just make it almost impossible to complete right off the bat. And then gradually reduce the level of difficulty as the game progresses, because you should never underestimate the creativity of the player base. They did it well with the raids and tb. I'm not sure how they could mess it up so badly with conquest.
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    You don't have to complete each battle 40 times in TB / raids.

    Difficulty, people can overcome.
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    I think its cool how dots / thermal data disks are useful for once, and how people are creatively using them

    That is true but it is not cool that is is completely RnG and luck dependent if you are able to get these disks or not. Without them Conquest is even worse. I think they should give you at least a purple disk to start and build your strategy around it.
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    From what I see they are squeezing very hard for the money, company like that won’t survive long.
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    Phaedon wrote: »
    The thing is this conquest is so horrible, the disks are so bad, and the feats are so repetitive that I would not want to spend money to do better b/c I can’t stand playing it the little that I have.

    Same here... I play "Normal" and I used to get red crate or the crate before it. Now I have only crate 2 and I'll probably get 3... But is so repetitive and tedious that I won't be spending money or cristals just to get some ridiculous awful prizes. It's simply not worth the time, money and cristals invested for just a little more at the end...
    "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light"
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    Remember in 2019 and 2020 when we were promised content that we could all play. Well this is it! Have fun.
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    Antario wrote: »
    I think CG made a mistake to raise the bar for conquest postmortem. Just imagine if the current conquest would have been the first conquest introduced. I'm pretty much sure there will be much less people complaining because there is simply no nothing better to compare with.

    Now everyone got used to get red crate without much effort and many won't get it this time. Of course people are upset.

    Maybe people are complaining because they want fun content that they can play with a large roster, and not a mode where you just need to pay for max crate. I would take the worst crate for a fun game mode that I could play leisurely over what this has become.
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    Maybe people are complaining because they want fun content that they can play with a large roster, and not a mode where you just need to pay for max crate. I would take the worst crate for a fun game mode that I could play leisurely over what this has become.

    Realistically, you can do this in the current iteration. Do what parts you think are fun, and skip those that aren't. You'll get a low crate, but you CAN play leisurely.
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    Maybe people are complaining because they want fun content that they can play with a large roster, and not a mode where you just need to pay for max crate. I would take the worst crate for a fun game mode that I could play leisurely over what this has become.

    Realistically, you can do this in the current iteration. Do what parts you think are fun, and skip those that aren't. You'll get a low crate, but you CAN play leisurely.

    Close but not really. I’m still bound by energy and fatigue. In addition, most non-GL teams do not perform well until you get good disks or consumables.

    I’m currently in sector 3 of hard having only refreshed once and it’s not fun. I tried some non-GL teams and it was about 50% success rate meaning I would need to pay crystals to try again.

    And I am skipping the feats, so that’s not the issue.
  • Options
    Rebmes wrote: »
    Maybe people are complaining because they want fun content that they can play with a large roster, and not a mode where you just need to pay for max crate. I would take the worst crate for a fun game mode that I could play leisurely over what this has become.

    Realistically, you can do this in the current iteration. Do what parts you think are fun, and skip those that aren't. You'll get a low crate, but you CAN play leisurely.

    I did that in last Conquest and got box 3 having some fun (not much).

    I'm trying to do the same in this Conquest, but it's not really fun. Now I only can chose from 3 (usually repetitive and white) disks, unless I chose the "Hard path", which means I no longer can chose the path with enemies I like to fight, I'm forced to play against the enemies they chose on their hard path, because only 3 white disk options it's not enough to have fun, considering disks are the main source of fun in this game mode.

    So yeah, the F*ckd up hard in this Conquest. Limiting disks, forcing you onto one path to have the same options we had before. That was a d*ck move from their part.

    And considering this was the Conquest where they supposedly listened to our feedback, I don't have hopes for this game anymore. CG will only keep screwing us over and over.
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    Cg needs that quick cash
  • Rebmes
    376 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Well, you know, you don't have to do the hard path. That's the kind of thing you really can live without.
    I look at it more as an extra hard challenge for those at the highest levels of power ;)

    and something the rest of us can do in the first couple of sectors
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    It feels to me that most nodes require a GL, GAS or CLS (7m GP). Most of my BH are relic level, but still don't cut it.

    I'm sure they said Conquest would use your entire rosta. That's just not true, unless every toon is R8...
  • pinguinbooks
    32 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    i think, that the difficulty is not the main problem. (of course it was not fun to see ewoks killing r7 royal guard under lv lead, before rg even had a turn in sector 4. fun gl lord vader by the way)
    the problem is the time investment. i don't mind to spend crystals for getting a -hopefully- great new character. but for this and the upcoming 2 conquests, i have to spend so much time on this gamemode and on what? 40 battles with bh and with smugglers. 3-4 times a day i do exactly the same battle, same team to fight with and same opponent. day after day. it is depressing and i know from guildmates, that the frustation gets them to the verge of quitting the game.
    and the even worse thing lately was introducing 50 teams each sector in tw, while only 24 hours to play. that actually did already lead to longtime guildmembers quitting or switching to a less competitve guild. they have a bad feeling, not being around the whole time and the guild struggles on one sector because of them. this pressure is not fun at all. maybe give us 3-4 days to fight and just skip one tw instead.

    please cg, make us having fun again with the game (and we had a lot in the past, thanks for that) and hear the players.
    Post edited by pinguinbooks on
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    Honestly they need to shut the game down and retrieve what dignity they have. They are literally going down as the worst gaming developers in gaming history. I’ve been a gamer all my life and never seen a company mistreat their customers like this. We need a new game and new staff who actually care about the players and not just money.
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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI just so y’all at CG can see the player sentiment. Any game that purely chases money spenders over fun content will go under. Look at Battlefront 2… that debacle ensured that the game died far earlier than it should have
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