Optimal Squad and Next Farming Strategy

The new level cap increase came at the perfect time for me where I need to start making some long term decisions on my optimal lineup of toons for the squad arena and to round out my existing light, dark, and GW teams. Info on relevant characters for the arena/GW squads below (Level/Stars/Shards/Gear Level/Power):
• Darth Sid: 71 / 7* / Max / 8 / 5,507
• Lumi: 71 / 7* / Max / 8 / 5,550
• Qui-Gon Jinn: 70 / 6* / (15/100) / 7 / 4,803
• Count Dooku: 70 / 5* / (75/85) / 8 / 4,355
• Poggle the Lessor: 70 / 6* / (75/100) / 7 / 4,492
• Kylo Ren: 70 / 6* / (3/100) / 7 / 4,308
• IG-88: 70 / 6* / (90/100) / 6 / 4,147
• Chewbacca: 63 / 6* / (19/100) / 6 / 3,851

My squad is currently ranked 163 in squad arena without having done any battles today. I know no one is going to suggest bringing Chewie into the arena, but there is a clear gap after him and the power of the rest of my squad. Darth Sid and Lumi are obviously planned staples at this point for the arena, but I can see a compelling case being made for about anyone else to fill the group out. Currently I am running a combination of the top six depending on the opponent. Most the time is DS (L), Lumi, QGJ, Dooku, Poggle. If I think the battle won’t last long enough to fully enjoy Poggle’s party ability, if the opponent has toons to take away buffs, or if there are a lot of group attacks coming I switch to Dooku (L), DS, Lumi, QGJ, Kylo. Finally, if the opponent is droid based I take out QGJ.

Am I missing any synergies I could be taking advantage of with this group? Who would you suggest I prioritize for gear and leveling up as I level? I notice most of the top teams on my server are running Dooku leads now, and I think his counter ability is so useful that I want to leave him in my squad. I feel like its redundant making him the leader though if I have Poggle out there.

I am currently sharding Dooku up through the final node of stage 6 cantina and will likely switch back to KR afterward. IG-88 and Poggle will reach 7* this week. Which brings me to my next point … who should I be building up next in Cantina, GW, and SA currencies? Relevant characters I could farm are below:
• Poe Dameron: 56 / 4*
• Old Daka: 57 / 4*
• IG – 86: 44 / 3*
• Asajj Ventress: 53 / 3*
• Biggs Darklighter: 39 / 3*
• Boba Fett: 57/ 4*
• Stormtrooper Han: 22 / 3*
• Ahsoka Tano: 37 / 2*
• Captain Phasma: (40/50)

Final relevant information: My darkside squad is: DS, Dooku, Poggle, Kylo, IG-88; my lightisde squad is: QGJ, Lumi, Chewie, Poe, and Finn (53 / 4*). I have a farm of Rey that will finally be done this week (3 more shards!) that will become a permanent staple of the squad afterward. I also just need 10 more shards for Jedi Knight Anakin who I plan to put as the final member of my LS squad.

With all this said, who should I farm next? My struggle is that all the farms I want to do are dark side characters even though that squad is already better built than the Light Side. My thoughts with all things equal:
• Cantina: Daka (I feel like I need a second useful healer for GW), Poe (already 4*, would be another useful LS member and could tank in GW when squad enters with low health), Fives (poor man’s Dooku?)
• SA: Eeth Koth (for the useful LS character and to build towards the Yoda chase) or HK-47 (to continue a droid based build even though he is generally reported as squishy). Could maybe hear a case for Assaj
• GW: I feel like I could make the case for so many people. IG-86 (droid build out), Resistance Pilot (I have seen some huge damage from him), Captain Phasma (would not have been included if the game hadn’t decided to essentially give her away for free at 3* this week but I love using her as my ally in DS quests), Biggs (love characters that call another ally to attack and intrigued by “built in ship synergies” down the road).

Finally, in case anyone asks about my healer point, I missed the boat on Jedi Counselor and don’t think I am going reinvest in gearing/shards at this point. I have been farming Barriss (23/80) and plan to get to her after Dooku and Kylo on Cantina nodes.

I know this is a long winded post but wanted to get a full view on strategy since I have two farms finishing up very soon and want to figure out prioritization on gearing up characters. I appreciate the feedback and comments on my squad.


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    Ok, first thing first, for arena, you are making a huge mistake not having QGJ as your leader. You should run: QGJ (l), lumi, Sid, dooku, poggle. In that team though, you still lack dos on the first round.
    After you finish dooku, start on GS form cantina nodes. Once he's 5* and max gear, he can replace Sid, but continue to level him up. From the cantina store, either save them until we know more about the changes, or go for daka as the safest option becuase she'll always be good to have. From arena shipments, go with eeth Koth, but only if you want yoda. Otherwise, you should save or go for hk 47, becuase you're part way to making a droid team, and if they become meta again, you're sorted. As for GW store, go with 86. You have him at 3* already, so why not finish him off, and your droid team will be there if needed at any point in the future. Then you can finish off phasma.
    If you're struggling for healers and not completing GW regularly, then farm JC from his hard nodes until he's at least 4* and if you feel the 5th star is necessary, get the 65 shards needed form his cantina node and put GS on hold. For now, in GW, I'd recommend you running QGJ (L), lumi, daka, dooku, Sid. Don't farm barris yet until your JC is at least 5*, as he's enough to get you through GW. I'm f2P and run 7* QGJ (L), 7* lumi, 7* GS, 6* Rey and 5* JC, and I finish GW everyday with minimal fatalities (normally none). Barris isn't going to pull you through GW by herself, because she's a different type of healer to JC.
    Teams you should be aiming for:
    GW: QGJ (L), GS, lumi, JC and either a high speed dps like Rey or another healer like daka or barris (if you're going to use barris,cane should be your leader too).
    Arena: QGJ (L), dooku, lumi, GS, poggle or another high speed dps character like Rey.
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    You must farm GS.
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    I appreciate the advice. It feels a bit late to go back for the GS farm IMO though. He would certainly sync well with what I'm doing but getting prizes from back at the first node of Cantina feels wasteful now. I really wish I'd have chased him instead of Luke Skywalker when it first opened though.

    Do I really gain much of an advantage with QGJ as lead when only him and Lumi get the benefit of the speed boost? I use him on LS battles and try to bring and ally Jedi with me each time. I essentially expect everyone to use him as the leader once speed hits everyone at level 8.

    I complete GW everyday when I actively manage it. Sometimes toward the end of the day though when I don't feel like grinding, I just sim until I get as far as reasonably expected. JC would certainly help and I just noticed he has a node late in Cantina. I might jump getting him a couple levels ahead of KR if he's no longer in my main arena squad.
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    Go back for GS. It may seem late. Just do it. You regrets will be only that you didn't do it sooner!! And yes I am simply you, 24 days in the future.
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    If you already have Poggle and 86 then you'd be mad not to get GS
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