no crystal payout...

8 posts Member
edited December 2021
I just realised that I did not get my daily crystal payout yesterday, Friday, December 10, 2021. I'm kyber 3, and did not get the 220 crystals that I received the day before... is this a bug, or is CG, SERIOUSLY, screwing their players this hard, by reducing the currency, no, literally taking away the currency they originally got, or would have gotten from arena... it said this was the new DAILY reward... does this mean daily when GAC is active, or what?
If so, are we now going to see month delays between GAC, instead of the average week or so, like we usually did, and not receive any crystals anymore that we would have gotten from arena in that time, in order for you people to try and get us to spend more money on your game?

Did any one else not get their pay out?


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