To Rebel or to Ewok, THAT is the question!

Hi all,

I'm f2p and have a decent arena squad built out and am working on a bit of a meta squad as well (starring up Rey and RG), but wanted to start working on something on the side that is a little more long term. I'm considering either a Rebel squad (minus Leia cause f2p) or possibly an ewok squad.

I'm currently farming ST Han from Arena shipments as he would work well in either squad, just not sure where to go from there. Squad ideas I had are (as well as how developed these chars are):

Ackbar (L) - not yet started
ST Han - 5* slowly gearing him up
HRS - just barely started
Old Ben - not yet started
DPS Rey/GS/?

Chief Chirpa (L) - not yet started
Teebo - 4* 2/65
EE - 4* 13/65
Ewok Scout - 4* 20/65
ST Han - 5*

My general sense is that Ewoks will take FOREVER to get starred up, but could be pretty fun to play, while as you can see I've barely started Rebels but should be able to star and gear them up a lot faster.

Has anyone played with either of these teams maxed out (which DPS for a Rebel team?) and how do they play? Fun? Competitive?


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    bump anyone?
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Ewoks areally a very long road. Just a fair warning lol I do well with them though!
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    Yeah I figured it'll take me forever but I'm thinking either of these teams are a slow build on the backburner while I work on main teams, so time to build isn't #1 priority. Also, I know it'll speed up a little bit with the cap raise since both Scout and EE will have an extra hard node to farm, but even with that it's going to take forever. If it's fun though, I'll build it.

    Any thoughts on the Rebel squad without Leia? Does anyone have experience with this team and whether it can hold up in Arena well enough?
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    Ewoks are scary
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    I am personally working on both rebels and Ewok. Due to the fact it takes forever to star up Elder and Scout, my Ewok are more on the backburner, though. My Ewok team (so far) is more fun, but the rebel team is fun, too, and much easier to get to reasonable star levels. HRS is also very easy to gear compared to most characters.

    I recommend doing your hard nodes for Elder and Scout all the while, but focusing on other characters before Chirpa and Teebo, since you will easily be able to farm those two up from 0* to 7* before you can get Elder/Scout from 6* to 7*. That said, since Chirpa and Teebo are so easy to farm, you could also spare a bit of time to at least 4* them so you can begin gearing and leveling them and trying out your Ewok team in the first couple GW nodes.
  • Helekil
    44 posts Member
    I think both teams are even. I would go with what you enjoy. I have *7Scout, Teebo, *6elder and *5chirpa all purple gear. I play them with 7*RG. skills are only 3 and 4. I am not sure how they would do in PVP as speed is king. However in GW this team takes me more then half way through GW. I am level 72
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    i'm level 71 and i run 7*teebo 7*greedo 6*daka 5*chirpa and 5*elder and theyve taken me to the last round of GW by themselves for about the last week.
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    Elder is functional at 5*?? That gives me great hope!! I do 1 refresh a day, currently have 100 shards!! Haven't activated the character yet due to severe credit crunch and the fact I was expecting to have to get to 230 shards before he was functional!!
    160 posts Member
    Elder at 5 is good for GW at 6 is totally arena worth. I have it on my team, 3 weeks first place at payout... What do you people think about a semi ewok team chirpa L teebo elder Han rey/Yoda?
  • Olfbald
    106 posts Member
    Full ewok or nothing at all IMO. Im building them + Han as a tank. Should be crazy turn meter manipulation. Almost there: scout 5*, elder almost 6*, teebo maxed and chirpa is 3*. Farming him up after Dooku (2 days from 7*)
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    Is Han the best tank for the Ewok team? I'm slow building an wok team on a secondary account, but haven't thought about synergies yet. RG is my main tank for that account and I have Poe at 3*. Without AA at lead does Han get a turn fast enough to be useful.

    If not a tank what is everyone else thinking about for the 5th on that team?
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • Olfbald
    106 posts Member
    Is Han the best tank for the Ewok team? I'm slow building an wok team on a secondary account, but haven't thought about synergies yet. RG is my main tank for that account and I have Poe at 3*. Without AA at lead does Han get a turn fast enough to be useful.

    If not a tank what is everyone else thinking about for the 5th on that team?

    I'm guessing burst dmg will tone down once this fortitude thing hits the streets, and then Han's speed will not be any problem.
    Besides a tank (with taunt) as a fifth, you can surly use either another healer to help accomodate Elder, or, a super burst attacker like Rey or FOTP. Since not many people have maxed Ewok teams, I reckon the jury is still out on the fifth.
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    I go with the rebels, hoping the new Metall will make it more viable. At the moment it is a pain that nearly everybody wants to fight you in the Arena.
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