Team Singapore!



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    Hey ho singaporeans! i'm an active player at lvl 74 too!

    Line ID: zheng_wen

    ally code: 326-539-769

    can add me in?
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    Looking to join a guild SG based
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    @Saddist Welcome.
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    Hi. Malaysian lvl 75 player, usually in the top 20 occasionally top 10. You guys still accepting members?
    Ally code:272-479-314
    And by line ID u mean line apps
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    @SWL1212 yeah.whats your line ID?i can add you into the community chat & the other guild we have going if you are interested.
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    Hello fellow Singaporeans! I would like to join a singaporean guild.

    Level 75 daily active ftp player with 9 x 7* and 19 purple geared characters, 50 - 20 in arena daily.

    Player Id: 388-764-954

    Please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!
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    In Singapore, 7* x 15 toons here with lvl 75 × 10 (all gear 8/9) toons.

    Not much of a PvPer but do my 5, more character driven type daily player.

    773-213-195 if interested for guild.
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    Hi there. Also GMT +8 (MNL) started last week as an f2p player

    Currently lv43 with 3-4 stars (lumi, qgj, chewie, ds, gs). Manage to end at 50-100 daily but wake up to 150-250 haha.

    Looking to join a chill guild. Mildly competitive but not super kiasu (I have a couple of friends from SG).

    Line ID gr33n3ggsnh4m
    Ally code 743913561
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    Hi, looking for a guild in the same time zone.

    Lvl 75 daily player.

    Line ID: yjrgr
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    Message me on line. Jaqenhgar (line id). I am on night shift currently so i wont be fast in my replies.
  • Redvirusexe
    20 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @Chosen_One holy ****. Never thought I'd meet you here one. I'm your old Galaxy Online 2 pal, red.
    Quit **** and spend money
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    Add me on line & drop me a message
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    Wow...fellow sporean here. .didn't realise there are so many SW fans
    If there's a spot left in guild I won't mind joining. .not sure if I have line chat. Am currently lvl 75. .full F2p. .never spent not even on a pack or chrome ..10 7*.more on way soon. Active daily player though I I only do 50/50 crystals on LS/DS...arena usully near or under 100..

    A/C : 634-937-925/WolverineJediMaster
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    Wolverine wrote: »
    Wow...fellow sporean here. .didn't realise there are so many SW fans
    If there's a spot left in guild I won't mind joining. .not sure if I have line chat. Am currently lvl 75. .full F2p. .never spent not even on a pack or chrome ..10 7*.more on way soon. Active daily player though I I only do 50/50 crystals on LS/DS...arena usully near or under 100..

    A/C : 634-937-925/WolverineJediMaster

    Btw..just curious. .what's the name of the guild?
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    Just opened a line acct

    ID - 777wolverine

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    Hey @Wolverine we currently do not have any spots left in the guild
    Do you want to be added into the community chat?
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    Aww .that's too bad..was really hoping to join one in this region. I hav couple invitation but was holding back. Anyway anyone thinking of creating another guild. ..we could do inter guild coordination and co-op ..I was thinking of doing so but not sure I have the time to be the leader. .my work shedule isn't fix .

    Sure. .add me up. .if I can contribute my help and know how. .why not.
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    Are there still anyone else here looking to join a local guild ?if there is enough peaple...
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    I just started a guild called Singaporean! Search for the guild or provide me your ally code, my ally code is 881-343-781.
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    @alanchiawc awesome. You got line ID?we can add you into our community chat. Plenty of singaporeans there.
  • Jaqenhgar
    164 posts Member
  • DarthBrown
    10 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    bump. to join the asian community!
    line ID : dannywong87
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