Fleet Arena number one and daily activities

I'm currently rank 6 in arena and will soon be number one.
My question is how am I gonna do All daily activities if I'm number one?
There is no one to attack and I need that omega ability and gear.
Every little bit helps.
You won't believe me but I'm happy with 200 crystals plus 65 crystals from gac.
1 x cantina refresh
3 x fleet energy refreshes(gear 12)
Since I relic GG and geo pilots nobody attacked me.


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    It still shows 3 opponents, you can attack down.
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    Congrats on getting first! Not having anyone attack you is a good thing, although I’m expecting you’d eventually get knocked out of first.

    To make sure you don’t anger anyone in your fleet shard, I’d wait to climb (when someone else takes first) until it’s close to your payout hour.
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    What happens if you're in 1st and win a battle vs the 3rd place team? Do you swap or stay in 1st?
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    StewartH wrote: »
    What happens if you're in 1st and win a battle vs the 3rd place team? Do you swap or stay in 1st?

    Stay in 1st.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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