Anyone know what works for Siphoning Strike feat?

445 posts Member
edited February 2022
Yet another issue. Greef Karga's Bring Them In Cold ability doesn't count for gaining health steal up when the ability triggers the buffs. Does anyone know what actually works for this feat?
Post edited by crzydroid on


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    palpi let the hate flow through you (2nd special)

    Combine it with GBA so you have 6 allies instead of 5. Sunfac also has an ability for it.
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    Traya lead, Malak, Emp Palp, BSF and GG won it for me in 2 or 3 battles.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    I'd love to see the code for this game. I can't see why things like this could fail for certain things and not others when thinking in object-oriented terms. I feel sorry for the devs having to work with something like this if it's related to core game code.
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    EP, Mara, Thrawn, Visas Marr and a fifth character got it for me in a single battle
  • crzydroid
    7409 posts Moderator
    Did you defeat someone with that ability? It doesn't grant Health Steal Up otherwise.
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    I got it with EP and Visas.
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    Yeah I got the buffs and it doesn't count towards the feat.I ran it twice , got the kill shot on it, saw the buff appear on everyone and nothing counts towards the feat.
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    Thankfully Palp does contribute to the feat.
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    HokieFiend wrote: »

    Yeah I got the buffs and it doesn't count towards the feat.I ran it twice , got the kill shot on it, saw the buff appear on everyone and nothing counts towards the feat.

    This is probably because the death of the enemy is triggering the buffs. Instead of the action of your toon using its ability.

    Not saying that it shouldn't count, just guessing at the problem.
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    HokieFiend wrote: »

    Yeah I got the buffs and it doesn't count towards the feat.I ran it twice , got the kill shot on it, saw the buff appear on everyone and nothing counts towards the feat.

    This is probably because the death of the enemy is triggering the buffs. Instead of the action of your toon using its ability.

    Not saying that it shouldn't count, just guessing at the problem.

    Nah it was the first enemy killed in both battles I ran. Greef's ability triggering just flat out doesn't count towards the health steal feat.

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    Mando Beskar lead, Chewbacca, Han Solo, L3-37 and Qira on enemy team with enfys or a mon montha, easily you complete this.
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    EP and Visas will get you this feat in a couple battles as someone above mentioned. I think maybe was only about 2 battles or maybe 3 depending on how long it lasted. I used my Starkiller team but regular EP Mara with Visas will make it pretty easy.
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