im calling ****

The only thing GAC cares about now when determining skill rating is wins vs loses. it initially placed you in a general bracket based on your GP. This no longer matters. What matter is if you win or not. You win you go against others who win. they may be way more then you can handle but thats only being determined once you actually lose. If you lose you go against others who lose. so essentially you keep winning you go agaisnt tougher and tougher opponents until you cant win. if you keep losing you go against weaker and weaker until you get to the point a monkey could win the fight. People claiming GAC is flawed now are just cry babies that they arent winning every round or as many as they used to because the system is actually a lot fairer now. No more inflated GP changing match ups. You have 1 or 2 fewer GLs take it as a compliment that your technique has gotten you to that level. This system is designed that you will go around 6/12 per GAC season. sometimes you may win one or two more and others lose one or two more but overall you will sit around that level. The only ones this doesn't pertain to is the top 50 or so players as they may go nearly perfect every season. But they keep going against others who are at that same level. Gone are the days of a kraken going against a minnow or ftp account unless the krakan intentionally throws to get some easier rounds which because the rewards isnt likely to happen.


  • Options
    What's your point?
  • Edosmage
    30 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    You can't have a matchmaking system based on skill rating when not everyone have the same tools. I have a 4.3M GP account (1 GL and aiming for the second one), and i consider myself an average player, there is no way in hell that i can beat people with 4 to 6 GL. Suposse that Hawkeyes, Peempo, Fatal or someone upthere switch accounts with me, even with their skills there's no chance they can beat me, so, it's not based on "skills".

    With this new system you have a few choices, you can either win, win, loose, loose, win and give a sh... or you can frustrate yourself and start spending if you can, or just frustrate and swalow the anger.
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    I think he's whining about people whining.

    Ironic name
  • Options
    Edosmage wrote: »
    You can't have a matchmaking system based on skill rating when not everyone have the same tools. I have a 4.3M GP account (1 GL and aiming for the second one), and i consider myself an average player, there is no way in hell that i can beat people with 4 to 6 GL. Suposse that Hawkeyes, Peempo, Fatal or someone upthere switch accounts with me, even with their skills there's no chance they can beat me, so, it's not based on "skills".

    With this new system you have a few choices, you can either win, win, loose, loose, win and give a sh... or you can frustrate yourself and start spending if you can, or just frustrate and swalow the anger.

    And this isn't just theory. If you need a real life example, check Ahnald. His main account, all GLs, approx 9 million GP was top 4 in the world for a little while (now about 20-40).
    His f2p account? Stuck in Bronze, losing more often than not.

    Just accept you'll win 50%.
    The only way to get higher is by spending money up until you have 9m+ account AND getting super deep knowledge of the game (a. k. a 'skills').
    Because then, and only then, the game won't be able to match you with someone that'll surely crush you.

    Yeah, i watch all of his streams. A few weeks ago his f2p account went against a 4M one, even with his skills nothing to do there. So this so call skill rating matchmaking system was another move to pass control over CG of the crystal resources and nothing more.

    You reach a cealing, want to go furter? Wale harder! XD
  • Options
    Why are you booing op? He’s right
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Options
    Edosmage wrote: »
    Edosmage wrote: »
    You can't have a matchmaking system based on skill rating when not everyone have the same tools. I have a 4.3M GP account (1 GL and aiming for the second one), and i consider myself an average player, there is no way in hell that i can beat people with 4 to 6 GL. Suposse that Hawkeyes, Peempo, Fatal or someone upthere switch accounts with me, even with their skills there's no chance they can beat me, so, it's not based on "skills".

    With this new system you have a few choices, you can either win, win, loose, loose, win and give a sh... or you can frustrate yourself and start spending if you can, or just frustrate and swalow the anger.

    And this isn't just theory. If you need a real life example, check Ahnald. His main account, all GLs, approx 9 million GP was top 4 in the world for a little while (now about 20-40).
    His f2p account? Stuck in Bronze, losing more often than not.

    Just accept you'll win 50%.
    The only way to get higher is by spending money up until you have 9m+ account AND getting super deep knowledge of the game (a. k. a 'skills').
    Because then, and only then, the game won't be able to match you with someone that'll surely crush you.

    Yeah, i watch all of his streams. A few weeks ago his f2p account went against a 4M one, even with his skills nothing to do there. So this so call skill rating matchmaking system was another move to pass control over CG of the crystal resources and nothing more.

    You reach a cealing, want to go furter? Wale harder! XD

    "Even with his skills"
  • Options
    Edosmage wrote: »
    You can't have a matchmaking system based on skill rating when not everyone have the same tools. I have a 4.3M GP account (1 GL and aiming for the second one), and i consider myself an average player, there is no way in hell that i can beat people with 4 to 6 GL. Suposse that Hawkeyes, Peempo, Fatal or someone upthere switch accounts with me, even with their skills there's no chance they can beat me, so, it's not based on "skills".

    With this new system you have a few choices, you can either win, win, loose, loose, win and give a sh... or you can frustrate yourself and start spending if you can, or just frustrate and swalow the anger.

    Well, you hit the nail on the head without knowing it in your first sentence. Match making is now based on a metric they have introduced called "skill rating" (as you correctly called it). Not skill. Skill rating. Player skill rating comes from wins and losses. Wins and losses come from a player's roster and how they use it. Player rosters come from how well players manage resources, how long they've been playing, and possibly how much money they spend.

    They will never have a pure skill contest in this game, because what would be the incentive to improve your roster? If you got carefully matched against people with the same number/power tier of GLs, same mod power, same meta teams, why would you want to improve? Any time you added anything it would instantly change your match making so the opponent has it too.

    They want you to keep growing your roster. And they definitely want people who spend money to see that help their performance.
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    But most importantly ei
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Why are you booing op? He’s right

    I had trouble reading it all
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    This is designed to push you forward until you get matched with people you can't beat. The only way around this is to whale. You can feel one way or the other about that, but you can't deny that this was done along their general design theory of frustration = spending.

    And it isn't linear purely based on wins and losses. If you paid any attention to how your skill rating changed you would know that.
  • Options
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals

    But more is not enough. I want them all!
  • Options
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals

    "Yeah inflation is a nice asset.

    What a ssob." - POTUS

    Ppl getting more crystals only opened up the way for the next bottleneck to be priced at 200 each pcs.
  • Options
    The skill rating system is flawed simply because if your a good player ultimately you'll be facing an uphill battle every time against a bigger roster.
  • Options
    The skill rating system is flawed simply because if you're a good player ultimately you'll be facing an uphill battle every time against a bigger roster.

    That's exactly what i have to deal with. My 2 GLs and no Executor against enemies with at least 3 GLS and Exe most of the time. But guess what? I'm somewhat able to hold my Kyber 2 for some reason even though i have to get creative so it's actually my skill keeping me in place when the game tries to lower my skill rating as hard as it can.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    It’s a stupid system.

    It’s here to stay I’d imagine.

    Player happiness never on the CG agenda.

    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”
  • Options
    Crayons wrote: »
    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”

    Of course you need to play for some time to get the best rewards, this isn't a FPS. You're building up over years, how frustrating would it be if someone could come around the corner and defeat you with bare hands. If you want to win by pure skill go and play some COD or Overwatch or whatever is hip this week.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Options
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals

    "Yeah inflation is a nice asset.

    What a ssob." - POTUS

    Ppl getting more crystals only opened up the way for the next bottleneck to be priced at 200 each pcs.

    So don't pay
  • Options
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”

    Of course you need to play for some time to get the best rewards, this isn't a FPS. You're building up over years, how frustrating would it be if someone could come around the corner and defeat you with bare hands. If you want to win by pure skill go and play some COD or Overwatch or whatever is hip this week.

    I agree that players that have spent/played forever should benefit in some way but what incentive is there for a new player to attempt to be competitive? How do you propose a newer player catch up?

    Spending alone wont do it unless everyone near the top agrees to stop spending so they can catch up.
  • Options
    Kisakee wrote: »
    The skill rating system is flawed simply because if you're a good player ultimately you'll be facing an uphill battle every time against a bigger roster.

    That's exactly what i have to deal with. My 2 GLs and no Executor against enemies with at least 3 GLS and Exe most of the time. But guess what? I'm somewhat able to hold my Kyber 2 for some reason even though i have to get creative so it's actually my skill keeping me in place when the game tries to lower my skill rating as hard as it can.

    The reason isn't your skill. They suck, don't care, or are intentionally tanking their rating. CG put the word skill in the ranking system and now everyone wants to pat themselves on the back. It was a slick move on their part and a lot of you bought fully into it.
  • SerWulfgar
    471 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals

    "Yeah inflation is a nice asset.

    What a ssob." - POTUS

    Ppl getting more crystals only opened up the way for the next bottleneck to be priced at 200 each pcs.

    So don't pay

    I dont
  • Options
    The skill rating system is flawed simply because if your a good player ultimately you'll be facing an uphill battle every time against a bigger roster.
    That sounds like a good system to me.
  • Options
    StewartH wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”

    Of course you need to play for some time to get the best rewards, this isn't a FPS. You're building up over years, how frustrating would it be if someone could come around the corner and defeat you with bare hands. If you want to win by pure skill go and play some COD or Overwatch or whatever is hip this week.

    I agree that players that have spent/played forever should benefit in some way but what incentive is there for a new player to attempt to be competitive? How do you propose a newer player catch up?

    Spending alone wont do it unless everyone near the top agrees to stop spending so they can catch up.

    Simple: You don't. Why is everyone thinking that you need to catch up on players being there for years? You have your own enemies to fight with - other new players. You can still be competitive even on low end, there's just no need to target veterans except when in your own mind "being competitive" means "making everyone lose no matter how long they have played or how much they spent".
    Kisakee wrote: »
    The skill rating system is flawed simply because if you're a good player ultimately you'll be facing an uphill battle every time against a bigger roster.

    That's exactly what i have to deal with. My 2 GLs and no Executor against enemies with at least 3 GLS and Exe most of the time. But guess what? I'm somewhat able to hold my Kyber 2 for some reason even though i have to get creative so it's actually my skill keeping me in place when the game tries to lower my skill rating as hard as it can.

    The reason isn't your skill. They suck, don't care, or are intentionally tanking their rating. CG put the word skill in the ranking system and now everyone wants to pat themselves on the back. It was a slick move on their part and a lot of you bought fully into it.

    Yeah, sure, every single of my enemies with always more than 7 million GP suck, don't care or don't even try. Of course my development and years of time spent getting there hasn't anything to do with my wins, why would it? You're the one doing the slick move on me buddy.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Options
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    Good thing most people are getting way more crystals

    "Yeah inflation is a nice asset.

    What a ssob." - POTUS

    Ppl getting more crystals only opened up the way for the next bottleneck to be priced at 200 each pcs.

    So don't pay

    I dont


    but ok problem solved
  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    Kisakee wrote: »
    StewartH wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”

    Of course you need to play for some time to get the best rewards, this isn't a FPS. You're building up over years, how frustrating would it be if someone could come around the corner and defeat you with bare hands. If you want to win by pure skill go and play some COD or Overwatch or whatever is hip this week.

    I agree that players that have spent/played forever should benefit in some way but what incentive is there for a new player to attempt to be competitive? How do you propose a newer player catch up?

    Spending alone wont do it unless everyone near the top agrees to stop spending so they can catch up.

    Simple: You don't. Why is everyone thinking that you need to catch up on players being there for years? You have your own enemies to fight with - other new players. You can still be competitive even on low end, there's just no need to target veterans except when in your own mind "being competitive" means "making everyone lose no matter how long they have played or how much

    Everyone is thinking that because CG made it so by throwing every player together, new and old. Before you always could reach Kyber and feel accomplished and get the rewards, now you know you will never reach Kyber as a new player and you will never get the rewards. The main reason people want to climb now is because CG made it our crystal source. And the lower you are the lower your rewards are. So yes people don't enjoy to be stuck on the low end and watch the gap getting bigger and bigger because the accounts above you grow faster because they get more crystals.

    This is exactly what the other person meant when they said there has to be incentive for new players and at the moment it is lacking.

    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Options
    Bakworker wrote: »
    You have 1 or 2 fewer GLs take it as a compliment that your technique has gotten you to that level... Gone are the days of a kraken going against a minnow or ftp account unless the kraken intentionally throws to get some easier rounds which because the rewards isn't likely to happen.

    I have zero GLs at Chromium 3 and have gone up against only a handful of people with one GL in the last few GACs, but in my latest round am now being pinned against someone with 3 GLs (SEE R7, SKR R5, Rey R7) and some very strong legendaries besides, so at least *some* of the complaints about GAC are warranted.

    Just as a matter of the heightened level of play these characters are at, and the teams required to get 3 of them, I'm already pretty confident I'm going to lose no matter how good my placement, gameplay, or strategy is. It's very different when it's only 1 GL and I know they can either only delete one of my best teams or keep me from conquering one of their territories. With 3 GLs, however, that's at least one of my territories guaranteed gone, two of their territories safe from conquering, or any amount of devastation between with little to no recourse on my end unless I fully abandon offense or defense. Best I can figure this person is only in the same league as me because their GP is still about 4.15 million, compared to my own at 4.65, and it looks very much like this is a new or alt account that focused exclusively on chasing GLs.

    Sooo, as far as I can tell, GAC is just as filled with issues as it always has been lol.
  • Options
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    StewartH wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    Your rewards are not tied to skill. They are tied directly to how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played. Only big spenders or the most ancient of accounts can reach the highest reward tiers. Your skill is irrelevant. Strange they even call it skill based. They should just be honest and call it the “how much you’ve spent/how long you’ve played rewards based system”

    Of course you need to play for some time to get the best rewards, this isn't a FPS. You're building up over years, how frustrating would it be if someone could come around the corner and defeat you with bare hands. If you want to win by pure skill go and play some COD or Overwatch or whatever is hip this week.

    I agree that players that have spent/played forever should benefit in some way but what incentive is there for a new player to attempt to be competitive? How do you propose a newer player catch up?

    Spending alone wont do it unless everyone near the top agrees to stop spending so they can catch up.

    Simple: You don't. Why is everyone thinking that you need to catch up on players being there for years? You have your own enemies to fight with - other new players. You can still be competitive even on low end, there's just no need to target veterans except when in your own mind "being competitive" means "making everyone lose no matter how long they have played or how much

    Everyone is thinking that because CG made it so by throwing every player together, new and old. Before you always could reach Kyber and feel accomplished and get the rewards, now you know you will never reach Kyber as a new player and you will never get the rewards. The main reason people want to climb now is because CG made it our crystal source. And the lower you are the lower your rewards are. So yes people don't enjoy to be stuck on the low end and watch the gap getting bigger and bigger because the accounts above you grow faster because they get more crystals.

    This is exactly what the other person meant when they said there has to be incentive for new players and at the moment it is lacking.

    It is harder for new accounts but the incentive is now to build a better roster rather than one good team
  • Options
    The system is designed very poorly. A lot of matchups might as well be totally random, but lol at people thinking they have "the system" all figured out and think "the system is designed for X outcome" and "what matters is whether you win or lose."

    Lol nothing matters. There's no point whaling because there's always a bigger fish and the flaws in the skill rating system mean that you could get matched against darn near anyone. It's liberating really, because you can go back to hoarding or whatever and don't even have to worry about squad arena meta anymore. Just try to get to the highest division/league you can chill in, and play casually.
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