Is this person cheating?

12 posts Member
edited March 2022
So I had my GAC round yesterday and I really did not think that the individual I played against had enough to fill clear me. I could be wrong, and I am willing to accept that if so as I am no master strategist or anything. Please look at some of the below screenshots and let me know what you all think so I can either put this behind me or try to pursue further. Thanks!uzjspgtw05ns.png
Post edited by Ultra on


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    Message @CG_LucifersDaddyMINI with your screenshots and any relevant information.

    Based on a cursory look, things do look suspicious.
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    Yeah there is no possible way that Vader team could beat CLS unless you don't have any mods on any characters.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Joebo720 wrote: »
    Yeah there is no possible way that Vader team could beat CLS unless you don't have any mods on any characters.

    let alone demolish JKL with protection on that team

    Anyways, Salatious covered your next action, OP
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