Will GAC Cheating Ever Be Rectified?

I made a post over a month ago to ask for community input as to whether someone had cheated in my GAC round. The overall consensus was yes they cheated and to report to CG Lucifer’s Daddy. I did so and gave it a few weeks before following up with him again. Fast forward until now and I still have not yet heard anything. I bring this up as I’m fairly certain my current GAC opponent has cheated as well and I’m at a loss for how to proceed. It seems like simple requests like this should be able to be answered/rectified in a month but alas here we are. It would be nice if CG would at least provide a response saying “we are looking into the matter and you can expect a response back in x amount of time”. It is frustrating when players are putting in effort into a game where cheating seemingly goes unpunished. What are your thoughts on how to make this better for everyone as this has truly gone on for far too long?


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    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.
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    Thanks for the response, it would be nice if they would at least take a second to respond back to the player base to let us know if this had been taken care of or not. At the very least it would show they are active in ensuring cheating does not go u punished. I think way too many people have a negative view on how CG handles cheaters that would warrant some type of response from the company but who knows, maybe this will be the way it is forever.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    Funny enough, I bought the thread up to meathead yesterday
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.
  • Options
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.

    I know this wasn’t in response to me but I figured I would respond. I don’t want to see anything happen publicly, I would however like to see a response from the team so that I knew they were at least looking at it, and if they did determine the individual cheated how they were going to compensate me for the loss. I just hate to lose crystal income for something absolutely beyond my control. If I lose fairly, I lose no worries. If I get cheated out of a victory though then compensation should be given. Just my two cents.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.

    I know this wasn’t in response to me but I figured I would respond. I don’t want to see anything happen publicly, I would however like to see a response from the team so that I knew they were at least looking at it, and if they did determine the individual cheated how they were going to compensate me for the loss. I just hate to lose crystal income for something absolutely beyond my control. If I lose fairly, I lose no worries. If I get cheated out of a victory though then compensation should be given. Just my two cents.

    AFAIK, compensation does not occur. Cheaters suck, and it sucks to be a victim of it, but this is just how things work.
  • Options
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.

    Yes. Public flogging. You nailed it. Well done.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Justokay wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.

    Yes. Public flogging. You nailed it. Well done.

  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    edited April 2022
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    What do you expect, a public flogging? They aren't required to update you when someone gets banned.

    I know this wasn’t in response to me but I figured I would respond. I don’t want to see anything happen publicly, I would however like to see a response from the team so that I knew they were at least looking at it, and if they did determine the individual cheated how they were going to compensate me for the loss. I just hate to lose crystal income for something absolutely beyond my control. If I lose fairly, I lose no worries. If I get cheated out of a victory though then compensation should be given. Just my two cents.

    I agree, and CG did say they would recompensate players if cheaters were found:


    I asked them a few times if anyone was ever given recompensation but they ignored me so I gave up asking (i think thats their way of saying no?), I will try to ask meathead if i ever remember coming week
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    I can confirm that this didn’t happen in my case. I got zero in compensation. Ultra can confirm the guy was a cheater. It was obvious.
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    I have reported cheaters and never get a response. I guess there's too many to respond to
    This is the Way
  • Rius
    389 posts Member
    I think the issue is if CG have invested enough resources to trace the cheaters and those who lose out. It is sad they need to even consider this as I don’t see the point in playing any game by cheating. I think they would need to come up with criteria in assessing cheaters, seeing threads before sometimes it very obvious but sometimes it’s quite subjective and requires checking mods, and frequency of success to rule out amazing RNG. This needs to be robust so they don’t punish very skilled players particularly if they face being banned. I don’t think it’s important to announce the ban/ inform those who reported specifically but they do need a fair compensation process. But they could come up with simple solutions to be efficient with low resources and it’s important for the integrity of competition.

    Surely GAC history is all you would need to observe. Maybe a simplification would be if a players has been proven to cheat, players in the current season who lost to them should be given a flat rate compensation of crystals, saves time trying to calc potential losses for each individual player affected, as this includes the win, the placing at the end of event and a small amount of daily crystals if caused a relegation. This could be adjusted for the division to make sure it’s fair (around the quantity of potential loss) but should assume they would of won in a fair game, since why else did the opponent cheat? This would be a good will / apology for inconvenience.

    Is it realistic to catch someone during a GAC? The turnaround on that investigation would have to be less than a week.

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    Has any player come forward saying they got recompense for having cheaters cheat against them? I don't recall hearing of anyone.

    If there's a cheater in one group, then 7 other players should be compensated and their scores and lost crystals / winnings given to them. As many cheaters have been identified so far, that's a lot of crystals and other items players should be receiving.

    It ain't happening probably because the cheaters are far more rampant than CG wants to let on and they don't have the team to keep up with cheaters yet.
  • Wrathe
    205 posts Member
    We got people reporting other players just because their "impenetrable defense" gets 1 shot. I don't know how you lower the noise and create a useful heuristic there.
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    Automated tools a player can run themselves would be a nice start. Something run from a defacto site like swgoh.gg that let you pull/see the raw data held on the server per battle. Punch in a gac ID and it dumps all the data back from an API call. Many people could turn that data into a visual representation of weather any stats fall within or outside possible variances. We know CG use the player base for feedback (I was trying to be positive and not say testing) so why not let us do our own low level cheating checks. @CG_Tusken_Meathead not sure what your experience of other games is relevant and might help with the cheating problem, but any action is appreciated.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    Funny enough, I bought the thread up to meathead yesterday

    Hope you didnt pay too much.... anyone... can i get a laugh track... anyone...

    Is this thing on?
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Has any player come forward saying they got recompense for having cheaters cheat against them? I don't recall hearing of anyone.

    If there's a cheater in one group, then 7 other players should be compensated and their scores and lost crystals / winnings given to them. As many cheaters have been identified so far, that's a lot of crystals and other items players should be receiving.

    It ain't happening probably because the cheaters are far more rampant than CG wants to let on and they don't have the team to keep up with cheaters yet.

    This... exactly this
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    Funny enough, I bought the thread up to meathead yesterday

    Hope you didnt pay too much.... anyone... can i get a laugh track... anyone...

    Is this thing on?

    i cheaped out on the ‘r’
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Justokay wrote: »
    We had this discussion in Feb when I showed a clear cheater in Kyber. Ultra asked for suggestions to take to devs. But not sure what happened. The cheater, btw, seems to have been banned looking at swgoh.gg but I never heard anything one way or another from LD. Not even a “received” on the DM.

    Funny enough, I bought the thread up to meathead yesterday

    Hope you didnt pay too much.... anyone... can i get a laugh track... anyone...

    Is this thing on?

    i cheaped out on the ‘r’

    You'd make a terrible pirate
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