Sry old question but I need answer

1 posts Member
edited April 2016
Been watching forums for a long time and I know this sort of post happens all the time but I've never seen anything to convince me so I thought I would ask. I have 7* phasma, lumi, savage, Sid, jc, workin on qgj, resistance trooper and dooku. My question is who should I work on in arena and gw. Have a lot of tokens saved but can't decide. I don't have yoda yet should I get koth or is he not worth it and get someone else? in gw I don't really have any ideas. Or should I just wait until after the update and decide who to farm in both places after that


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    Go for koth if you want to get Yoda eventually, the update won't be for awhile
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    Koth is average at best. The only reason to level him up is for Yoda. I am a maxed Koth and his 75% stun chance must be a typo because it hits less than 50%, and seems to stun Dooku maybe 1 out of 1000 times.
    Greedo, Han are good chars to get from arena.
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    From what I could tell koth wasn't that great and I wouldn't be close to a fifth 7 star Jedi anyway. Been thinking about han. Is dathcha any good 7* or maybe resistance pilot. Don't have much interest in droids but will listen to arguments for them.
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    Go for Han. Tank that can taunt with turn meter manipulation.
  • Zombie8mylunch
    146 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    IIf your under 30k in arena I'd save for the update, but I doubt they'd add more than one good character at a time to either GW or Arena at a time. Since you really can't spend more than a clear a day in GWanyways go nuts. Either unlock every one at low star rating to unlock Vader shards or over buy Phasma and the like to hit the shard store for advantage in farming some key toons. I wouldn't try for GG, but you never know buy the end of summer you may have 7* most of GW and have to put those credits into something.
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