
Is cheating ever addressed by CG? There are 2 players in top 10 in squad arena who have disjointed teams with only one toon with relics defeating high powered GL’s. Been going on for months and no change.


  • bap1234
    126 posts Member
    my theory is that it would cost them money to fix cheats.
  • Engage
    267 posts Member
    They don't address cheating and they never respond to requests. People have been asking for years for someone to address issues of cheaters using exploits. It doesn't seem like they'll ever do anything about it.
    The guy that everyone says to message doesn't check his messages and never responds. He still hasn't replied to my request from a few months ago.
  • DonPuto
    385 posts Member
    Remember when that portly guy McMole showed how cheating was possible but didnt actually do it and then he got banned for a while? They (CG) certainly gave a crap back then but I find their recent lack of ban hammer disturbing.
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