Alts and good toons

35 posts Member
edited April 2016
Anybody else ever feel like they wish they could do a 1 time bring over of a toon or toons from a different account? For a small price of like 5 bucks per toon or even free if EA felt like rewarding us players who have the drive to play on more then 1 acct and u end up pulling that 1 toon u would otherwise put so much time into on the other acct lol


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    Never going to happen, but I know your pain with Bound gear in MMOs.
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    I think EA would rather have you play with a single accout that you would want to splash some cash to. So, rewarding multiple accounts? I don't think so.

    And as per your request, no. Apart from the reality that it will never happen, the time wasted on this thought is a betrayal to your creator who placed all those neurons in your brain.
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    Ofc it will never happen but it would be nice....also EA doesent care WHERE it gets money just that they do IE the auto level up feature is a complete and utter low blow to anybody that comes to this game wanting to have fun and then only to later learn they got screwed of 20 bucks idk why they could cash grab that and not take this chance niether of u specifically said it was a bad idea just that EA being EA never would but a cash grab is a cash grab so i dont think it would be that hard
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