Galactic War... not exactly fair

I'm level 61, and have yet to win it. The reason? I get stuck against level 70 and up players little over half way through! Tonight, I'm stuck against a level 71 team that has a Rey that tears me a new one before my first move. So, I put in Sid to try and debuff Rey and every time Sid is one or two shot. I just think it's a bit much to put someone with that much power level above me as my opponent. How is the matching done in that part of the game? Vent over

Something is out of balance though. I guess I didn't read enough about the game before I started playing. I should have kept a lower level team to start GW with. I guess that's the key? It's sad if that is what it takes to win GW. Manipulating the game.. I guess I'll keep a team at 61 and not level it up in prep for future games.


  • DarthMegaBex
    568 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm also 61 but I've won 13 of them now, You can always retreat to make sure you're healer is okay for the next fight. I use Lumi as my leader bc of passive heal. I only do suicide squads at the end tho.
    I'm Lumi, Sid, Phasma, Kylo and QGJ
    With Dooku, GS and JC as subs
    I get paired with 70s too but it seems like your server is strong. Have not faced Rey in a GW at all
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    It all comes down to luck tbh, ive only completed it once and my boss at work who also plays says he has yet to even beat it once. I use some low level chars for the 1st 3 matches then switch to my level 71 chars to finish, but some of those ppl you go against the chars have some pretty nasty little skills!
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    It all comes down to luck tbh, ive only completed it once and my boss at work who also plays says he has yet to even beat it once. I use some low level chars for the 1st 3 matches then switch to my level 71 chars to finish, but some of those ppl you go against the chars have some pretty nasty little skills!

    Huh guess I'm lucky I'm on an easy server
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    Hello welcome to the forum...

    I don't know why, but when players reach around level 60-65 GW does become insanely difficult. Don't worry if you can't complete it then. Focus on leveling up as quickly as you can and developing a deeper roster with a decent number of strong healers (most people seem to use 2 of Lumi, Barriss, JC or Daka).

    + what @DarthMegaBex wrote: make sure you use the retreat option and save suicide squads to the very end.

    Team Instinct have also written a useful guide to GW which can be helpful for new players:

    GL :)
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    Wait... Is GW dictated by my server or is it any server? Bc if it's the latter I've been pretty lucky.
    Also try to hit Sid or any high Prioirity toon right away. If I come across Rey and Sid... Rey dies first. TBF I retreated so much to win and btw it's trial and error. Everytime you do the same move on the same character without changing anything the previous outcome will occur.
    So say I stun QGJ but GS kills my healer boop reset and try to see other reactions.
    Tedious but hey I want to farm trooper >:(
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    @DarthMegaBex I believe I read elsewhere GW is dictated by the power rating of the strongest team you have used in arena
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    My first advice would be to farm Barris, she is invaluable as leader in GW. Sure she won't help that much when you're 10 levels down but she is probably the best GW toon and makes things a lot easier.

    Secondly is use your best team from the first node. Use suicide squads(lowest, weakest toons) to eat the specials if you're having trouble beating a node then send in your A-team. This usually helps avoid sid's aoe at least.

    Use retreat, shuffle up your team, even placing them in different positions will change the RNG if things don't go your way.

    You probably won't beat it everyday facing 70's at your level, but those 3 points should help.
    As you level up it will become easier.
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    I am level 69 and ftp. The very first 2 gw battles I have ever done at level 40 (I believe it was 40 when you first unlock it) I breezed through it without any troubles despite my low level and low star chars. And I thought to myself, "boy, that is easy, I will win every day". Geez I was wrong! After these initial 2 wins, I never won again until a week ago when I got to about level 64/65. I am not sure how they match me. I tried once to drop back in arena to below 1000 and it didn't change at all! Since then, I struggle to get back into arena but for the last few days, the gw gods were good to me. I won about 6 out of 10 matches!
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    @DarthMegaBex I believe I read elsewhere GW is dictated by the power rating of the strongest team you have used in arena

    That explains so much lol I'm using such a weak team right now haha. I'm using my FOs :pensive: still 3-4*s cept for Phasma and Kylo
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    Just deal with it till you get to 70. I don't think it's worth tanking your arena rank for something that quite frankly you won't even remember after two weeks.
    Tekken 7
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    GW is generally hard around lvl 60 as you get paired with lvl 70 7* teams quite a bit. at least I found that anyway. Some of them I could handle (with suicides and retreating), some of them I could not and had to admit defeat. Keep at it though. It gets easier as you get closer to lvl 70.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    It's why I'm farming Barriss right now. I am able to complete it once in a while, but since my arena team powered up it's like fighting arena matches half way through with teams at my level or a little higher. I faced a level 71 team today on the fourth node.

    I hear they 'fixed' matchmaking, but I still don't see it. Still get OP teams early on then sometimes it'll drop back down for a couple nodes.
  • Yoda_99Father
    6 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I appreciate all of the responses and tips! I was more frustrated than anything else. That Rey character was unbelievably powerful. Of course, I would expect that being 10 levels lower. My power level for the team I had available was 21,390. It doesn't show the opponents power level. I wish it did similar to arena play.
    Just deal with it till you get to 70. I don't think it's worth tanking your arena rank for something that quite frankly you won't even remember after two weeks.

    That's true also
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    healing is king in GW. DPS and speed is king in Arena

    I have one account (now lvl 70) where I focused on getting 3 usable healers upgraded early on (lumi/JC/talia) and GW has been fine since. Not easy but I where's the fun if there is no challenge? Could do with another good healer now though. Arena however has never been great as I typically sit in top 200 with occasional days in top 100.

    On my other (new) account I went straight to focus on a droid team. Done great in arena sitting in top 50 most days and I play kind of casual. Never completed GW as I run out of steam every time near the end (if not sooner). Now focusing on adding lumi and daka to make GW easier, after which the shards will flow. BUT my arena team will most likely drop back a bit. Or maybe I'm just impatient and forgotten the time it took to get to a wining position?

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    @Yoda_99Father I can completely sympathise. When I was lvl 60-65 I was versing teams full of level 70's all of whom were 7*. My major mistake was not investing in a second healer. I relied on luminara and overlooked jedi consular. As soon as I had a second healer it became so much easier. It's completely down to luck and a bit of skill. Things will get easier OP! Rey is crazy powerful and her dodge ability is a nightmare. Always good to have an AOE character to get rid of that dodge without wasting an attack.
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    Well... I put together a combo and actually beat that team!! Sweet reward after a thousand tries! But I beat em! HA!
  • DrpPnts4Food
    224 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It doesn't show the opponents power level. I wish it did similar to arena play.

    You can calculate it by holding down the button and viewing each enemy toon's profile.

    Edit: nice one beating it!

    Tekken 7
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    I appreciate all of the responses and tips! I was more frustrated than anything else. That Rey character was unbelievably powerful.

    Yeah she is,it's just bad luck running into her, she can be quite a handful to deal with. That is the only toon I go for first before healers, she has to die fast, once she gets going she can wreck you.
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    Gotcha.. Never thought of doing that.. It's too early in the am for math!! Hehe
    Thanks for the tips again to everyone. I've been playing this game a long time and still learn little tips and tricks. I've never even used the forums until the last week. This is a great game for the iPad, and outside of the occasional troll, this is a pretty good community.
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    Faced Dooku (L), qui Gon, lumi, Kylo and Rey today. 10th or 11th node. All 72. All 7*.

    Needless to say, I retreated like a baby 22 times.
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    I've been playing since November and am F2P. I recently finished my dooku in cantina (along with GS before) and I'm now farming Barris. I levelled her to 70 and maxed her hear out for that level, and she has 14500 + health already. I tried her as my leader today in GW, and completed it with no retreats. I used to run 7* QGJ (L), 7* lumi, 5* JC, 6* Rey, 7* GS and I could complete it every day (and had done,for a few months)'with a few retreats here and there. One problem I found was that JC got targeted by the AI, so I sometimes had to bring in my 5* daka instead. Today, I ran with 4* Barris (L), 7* QGJ, 7* GS, 7* lumi, and 6* Rey. I destroyed meta teams at level 72 and 73 from node 6 onwards as if they were nothing. The AI targeted Barris most becuase she's only 4* (just, as I had hoped) but as soon as she was in the red, I just used her heal and everyone was back to full health. I only needed 2 heals from lumi the whole time becuase of barris's huge health increase and HoT from her leader ability. Honestly, Barris makes GW a walk over if you put her with the characters I mentioned. If you are struggling in GW, this is the answer. All you need is her at 4* and you're good to go, providing you have a strong enough arena team already, (so it doesn't take away for. Dooku or GS farming) just spend a few days of farming to get her at level 69 in cantina, and you'll not regret it.
  • Yoda_99Father
    6 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The next team they put up against me was level 73, so at least they are consistent. I didn't add up the power level, but I'm guessing he's not much more powerful than the 71 but close. I tried the technique of 3 glass cannons a healer and a tank that taunts. It was working well. I just need to practice the timing better. I used to try well balanced teams, but this technique might work well.

    I'd say I'm not fully F2P, but not p2p completely. I don't mind rewarding developers that put a game out there that I enjoy. Specially, as much as this one! I've bought a couple player packs when they were available. I hate the way I burn through energy so fast, that I'll spend some crystals on that. I know EA is gigantic, and that's one money trap, but I do love this game. Shoot me for enjoying it.. Lol
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    GW is end game content. You shouldn't expect it do be fair until level 70. I didn't even beat it once until I was 70! Now I'm on a 60+ streak
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    The reality is that you need to focus on building your GW team. Typically your arena team isn't enough to really carry you the whole way through (obviously not always the case). GW is hard and it's supposed to be. It's high-end mid-game stuff. You're not supposed to beat it unless you're strong enough. Everyone asking for scaled difficulty is annoying the people that worked hard to be able to beat it every day. It's a monster source of credits that I spent my time being able to earn. I don't deserve to win, I earned it.
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    I've made a video on this new team that I just talked about. I decided to video the last 2 nodes after realising how strong the team was. Yeah, they weren't necessarily meta teams, but they were still pretty strong, and they got ripped apart. Also, sorry for bad quality and no sound as I have no way to record screen footage on an iPad other than with my iPhone.
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    I want my end game content now! I'm level 15 and deserve it! Lol
    Although, I am tired of reading how people do it every day like its a walk in the park.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yup. GW is difficult/impossible to complete consistently pre cap. Go as far as you can and keep improving your entire roster.
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    It all comes down to luck tbh, ive only completed it once and my boss at work who also plays says he has yet to even beat it once. I use some low level chars for the 1st 3 matches then switch to my level 71 chars to finish, but some of those ppl you go against the chars have some pretty nasty little skills!

    Huh guess I'm lucky I'm on an easy server

    It pulls people from other servers too.
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    I had bad problems lvl 60-69 because previously I was putting all my resources into my top 5-7 characters for arena (+ LS/DS battles) and leaving the rest chopped liver. I held out for a few weeks and trained 3-4 different teams up just for GW, from being weak to matching my arena toons, or close enough to it, and at 71 now it is not too difficult.

    I'm sure luck of server has something to do with it and it is still not easy (Often I only have 1-2 good ones left). But overall people put too much emphasis on the arena, as long as you are top 100-200 it doesn't make a big difference (you still get 10 shards a day). Now, not winning the last 6 matches of GW? =$300K+, purple mats, character shards, in this drought? Yes that is a bigger deal. Plus it is more fun to spend resources into different toons than SIMing around 200 matches for GS' stun cuffs...
    "Everyone is going to love the new me." - Kylo Ren
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Just deal with it till you get to 70. I don't think it's worth tanking your arena rank for something that quite frankly you won't even remember after two weeks.

    I toss in a crap team and rarely drop as I can do GW in about 45 minutes then I go back to my A team.
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