Proving Ground Best Teams

8 posts Member
edited October 2022
I've just got to 4 mil gp and can finally access proving grounds however my Jedi team can't make a dent in either event. R6 Revan lead, R8 yoda, R5 bastilla, R5 Jolee, R5 Ezra

They're the only full team I have that our Relic 3 and above. What teams did people use to beat these events? Especially the CAT one as I'm slowly working towards JMK.
Just looking for some guidance on what team I need to work on getting to relics. Thanks for your help.
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • Options
    Jml , jkl, gmy, hyoda, revan.
    Tried with non gl teams like imps, sith empire, rebel, couldn't get far.
  • Rius
    388 posts Member
    edited June 2022

    This team got it done on first attempt, I failed twice before that with Mace R3 instead of GAS. Still only managed a 1 star as I think GK buffs Maul but he’s my better tank.
  • Picollo
    41 posts Member
    I did the RC event with Veers lead, starck, piett, thrawn and darth vader. Took about 20-30 attempt for the RNG to work out. I used imperial ambition on thrawn and used his basic to permanently stun after vader used ability block. I used fracture on dark trooper (it stays on even if you kill a stack).

    If storm trooper got a taunt up I just restarted it.

    Sometimes a character will just randomly take a turn and one shot one of your characters. If that happen just restart. ;)
  • Options
    Rius! Correct!! I got it done on first try with that team… 3 stars!! Thank you
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