Yet Another 'What squad?' thread

21 posts Member
I am f2p and have been playing since December so the server is a little more mature and I am maybe not keeping up. I seem to have all the wrong characters for a more mature server.

I am managing to break 50 in Arena on occasion but never lower (30-80 on average), and on a bad day I can lose up to 100 places. Fighting back from 170 or 180 is tough.

I know that not having a Dooku is now hurting me. He seems to be a game winner for most groups. I tried Kylo for a little but he is horrid (or at least when my team were 60 and mostly 5 star he was).
I do not have a heavy hitter (IG86 is the hardest I have). Luke was going to be it but he annoyed me early on by being all glass and no cannon.

I now have a good (not great) set of characters and cannot quite work out a good combination that can keep me competitive in Arena. Until I get better characters I am happy with 50(ish) but dropping as low as 180 overnight is killing me.

I have the following Arena Lineup(s): Poggle buff, 2 heals with possible rez and a nice stun. Sid is essentially my hard hitter (His AOE is mainly useless since most groups are Dooku) and he takes a LOT of damage. Not much synergy but this seemed to perform the best anyway.

6* QGJ (Lead)
7* Sid
7* Daka
7* Lumi
7* Poggle

I also sometimes sub in IG86 for QGJ seeing as he is only 6*. (This feels stronger when I fight but should be weaker based on stats.)

7* Sid (Lead)
7* IG86
7* Daka
7* Lumi
7* Poggle

If my poggle gets stunned or 1-shot I lose.

I have the following other characters at 'Arena level'. (i.e. 6+*, max (or close to - most missing the last '50' item) gear)

7* Eoth
7* Bariss
7* JC
7* Phasma
6* Yoda (I need another 20 days to max QGJ to get him)

7* Biggs (Just finished - no gear\levels)

I am busy leveling: (except for QGJ No gear and levels - stars only)

6* QGJ: (Cantina shipments)
3* GS.: (Cantina)
4* Royal Guard: (Tables)
0* R. Pilot: (GW Shipments)
6* IG88: (Arena Shipments)

At the end my Arena could be:
QGJ,Lumi,GS,RG,RP (or similar).

I have the following available (on my abandoned list) and if required I can level them up instead of ones in my current list:

5* Talia
5* Kylo
4* Luke
4* Poe
4* Chewie
3* Jawa
5* Asajj
2* Greedo
2* Res. Trooper
3* Ahsoka

I know I spread myself too thin initially with swapping out my goals:
I was looking at Daka\Asajj\Talia for a nightsister combo in December.
In February I thought bots may be the way to go, now I once again have changed my mind.
I am now looking at what I should have done all along I suppose: GS, Dooku, QGJ etc.

I have farmed most of the easy characters, I guess I am just looking for some second opinions as to 'next steps' seeing as that will most probably take 30-60 days or more.

I guess I have as Questions:
1. Is there a better Arena lineup for now that I cannot see? JC, Bariss, Yoda, Phasma all seem weak.
2. Should I be concentrating on anyone from my abandoned list instead of my current farming list?
3. Who should be farmed in Cantina Shipments after QGJ? Poe, 5's, Ahsoka ?
4. Who should be farmed in Cantina afterGS? Dooku maybe?
5. Who should be farmed in GW After RP? Datcha, Magma?
6. Is the Arena team I am looking at as a goal decent enough?
7. Is it worth farming Rey in tables as well?

Any help much appreciated. (And yes I am a confused bunny sometimes).


  • Options
    Check out the teams in the top 10 on your server, pick which group you like the most, copy it.
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