I don't understand the game direction

213 posts Member
edited April 2016
I try not to complain but I'm confused. Some of the stuff in the game seems like a galactic adventure to farm and now they add new requirements to make it harder. Is there an issue that we were not being challenged enough? For me, when I see a 50 item requirement, it seems insurmountable. It was hard enough for me with the 20 ones. Anyone else wonder what the heck is the thought process on this?


  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
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    The issue is maximizing revenue.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.
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    "Players are getting upset by the frequency of level cap increases, we have to find an alternate way to keep progression slow so people will still be progressing next time we bump the level cap any ideas?"

    "New content!"

    "that's impractical, anyone else?............No? I guess we will just multiply the loot grind by a factor of 2.5 and hope no one notices"

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    "Players are getting upset by the frequency of level cap increases, we have to find an alternate way to keep progression slow so people will still be progressing next time we bump the level cap any ideas?"

    "New content!"

    "that's impractical, anyone else?............No? I guess we will just multiply the loot grind by a factor of 2.5 and hope no one notices"

    Lol. I really hope that wasn't the discussion lol
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    I try not to complain but I'm confused. Some of the stuff in the game seems like a galactic adventure to farm and now they add new requirements to make it harder. Is there an issue that we were not being challenged enough? For me, when I see a 50 item requirement, it seems insurmountable. It was hard enough for me with the 20 ones. Anyone else wonder what the heck is the thought process on this?

    5 days of 50/50/100/100 is what i takes me usually (which is doable without spending $ if you dont refresh cantina). Once you get to 25/50 it doesnt feel as bad
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    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Its not like it takes any effort, just time.
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    Requiring exponentially more work to get the same benefits is pretty common in games like this. You already see it with the stars and levels so it makes sense it would work the same way for gear.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.

    Good point!
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.

    Valve was originally a game design company. They realized they could make more money being a distributor and so they shifted their business. Valve doesn't make games anymore, period.

    EA, on the other hand, does make games and buys studios to add under their umbrella. They then tell that company HOW to make their game so they can milk the most profit out of their customers (Looking at you $60 battlefront with a $50 season pass).

    Valve doesn't do that and just lets developers run rampant with whatever they want and zero quality control. Thats why there are more games in "development" "early access" and all that other **** than ever before. And the worst part, people actually defend this. A game that charges microtransactions + pre-purchase money IS NOT AN EARLY ACCESS OR IN DEVELOPMENT GAME.

    E.A. is just as bad as Valve, but they are apples and oranges as to why they are terrible.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.

    Valve was originally a game design company. They realized they could make more money being a distributor and so they shifted their business. Valve doesn't make games anymore, period.

    EA, on the other hand, does make games and buys studios to add under their umbrella. They then tell that company HOW to make their game so they can milk the most profit out of their customers (Looking at you $60 battlefront with a $50 season pass).

    Valve doesn't do that and just lets developers run rampant with whatever they want and zero quality control. Thats why there are more games in "development" "early access" and all that other **** than ever before. And the worst part, people actually defend this. A game that charges microtransactions + pre-purchase money IS NOT AN EARLY ACCESS OR IN DEVELOPMENT GAME.

    E.A. is just as bad as Valve, but they are apples and oranges as to why they are terrible.

    Like they did with Bioware and ruined them. We'll never gonna see any game like Kotor again.
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    Have to admit I'm not a fan of the 50 gear pieces. Especially with my unlucky drop rate.

    It's the 2 reasons everyone mentioned.
    1. Slow progress down which will have the effect of
    2. Make more money as people will spend more on energy refreshes

    But if you've ever played clash of clans, this grind isn't as bad.... Yet but it's getting closer
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Never played clash of clans and I'm not a huge fan of the way games have changed. It used to be you'd by the game and work to unlock everything. Now it's but the game and then $20 to unlock this and $10 to unlock that. It's like every game is really a stealth $200 :/
  • Options
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Most accurate response. /thread
  • JarlRagnar
    94 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.

    Valve was originally a game design company. They realized they could make more money being a distributor and so they shifted their business. Valve doesn't make games anymore, period.

    EA, on the other hand, does make games and buys studios to add under their umbrella. They then tell that company HOW to make their game so they can milk the most profit out of their customers (Looking at you $60 battlefront with a $50 season pass).

    Valve doesn't do that and just lets developers run rampant with whatever they want and zero quality control. Thats why there are more games in "development" "early access" and all that other **** than ever before. And the worst part, people actually defend this. A game that charges microtransactions + pre-purchase money IS NOT AN EARLY ACCESS OR IN DEVELOPMENT GAME.

    E.A. is just as bad as Valve, but they are apples and oranges as to why they are terrible.

    I am no Friend of early Access and I Boycotted steam for years. But as you say: Valve is only a distributor you dont need to buy the **** ;-) in the Internet you have enough possibilities to Google the Games you want to buy. No Problem for the customers.

    Meanwhile I am a great Fan of steam because they did a great Job for independent developers. Crowdfunding and steam Opened the Market for a lot of interesting Games beside the triple A Games.

    And I like their Hardware Ambitions: the vive is my preferred vr System.
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    In every game I've ever played where you level characters it always takes longer and longer to get to the next level. I think that's the idea behind it.

    But it does bring in revenue and annoy us to no end for sure.
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    It sucks but you know it's just a game. You can get mad or just get whatever you can from it. I try and take advantage of every place in the game that gives you something for free. I feel like I'm doing alright and making the upgrades harder just means everyone else is struggling too. Even if you spend tons of money on this game there is no guarantee you'll find every piece of gear right away. So it is what it is. At least we have challenges and events that give us something without having to pay. I can't even imagine these new game "features" they are going to be adding soon. Hopefully it won't become annoying to play.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    CPMP wrote: »
    Toukai wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    The issue is maximizing revenue.

    I understand they have to make money but isn't there a frustration level to consider also?

    Yes. Make as much money as possible before everyone gets frustrated and quits. Then do it again. It's the circle of gaming.

    Certainly for EA. That's not the circle of gaming for good developers like Valve.

    Valve was originally a game design company. They realized they could make more money being a distributor and so they shifted their business. Valve doesn't make games anymore, period.

    EA, on the other hand, does make games and buys studios to add under their umbrella. They then tell that company HOW to make their game so they can milk the most profit out of their customers (Looking at you $60 battlefront with a $50 season pass).

    Valve doesn't do that and just lets developers run rampant with whatever they want and zero quality control. Thats why there are more games in "development" "early access" and all that other **** than ever before. And the worst part, people actually defend this. A game that charges microtransactions + pre-purchase money IS NOT AN EARLY ACCESS OR IN DEVELOPMENT GAME.

    E.A. is just as bad as Valve, but they are apples and oranges as to why they are terrible.

    Like they did with Bioware and ruined them. We'll never gonna see any game like Kotor again.

    Alot more than that buddy.
    1. Maxis
    2. Mythic
    3. Dreamworks Interactive
    4. Westwood (We will miss you, command and conquer)
    5. Origin

    And thats not all, but those were the best. Now EA has a monopoly on freaking star wars and I refuse to pay them a dime for anything. I participate in the "what I would give them money for" surveys and forum posts simply because i know THEY WILL NEVER DO IT.

    I hate Disney now too, for putting me in this situation. We could have had X-Wing V Tie-Fighter 2 by now if it weren't for them.
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    soneill73 wrote: »
    It sucks but you know it's just a game. You can get mad or just get whatever you can from it. I try and take advantage of every place in the game that gives you something for free. I feel like I'm doing alright and making the upgrades harder just means everyone else is struggling too. Even if you spend tons of money on this game there is no guarantee you'll find every piece of gear right away. So it is what it is. At least we have challenges and events that give us something without having to pay. I can't even imagine these new game "features" they are going to be adding soon. Hopefully it won't become annoying to play.

    I would refer to myself as more frustrated than mad. You just have to take the good with the bad. It's just funny with all the complaints about low drop rates how they add more requirements.

    The good news today I got Yoda the seventh star before he quit.
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