What the... Glitch?

2907 posts Member
edited April 2016
I just logged onto my main account, and it gave me all of the achievements again. I now have loads more credits and 101/65 Vader shards. Is this a glitch or what?


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    Yeah that sounds like a glitch for sure. I know people were banned awhile ago for using a glitch to get Vader shards. You may want to fill out a support ticket just so you do not get banned.
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    I've got screenshots just now. I'll edit the original post in a minute.
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    It's a trap!
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    @KamikazeRhombus how to you do that? Fill out a support ticket I mean.
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    @KamikazeRhombus how to you do that? Fill out a support ticket I mean.

    In game settings menu help/contact us
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    I just uploaded a video to YouTube of my roster and Vader so you know I'm not lying.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Wish I could fall into one of these glitches.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member

    There is a Bugs and Issues section below in these forums. I would post all this there as well.
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    Ok, I've submitted a ticket. @EA_Jesse could you make sure this is reported to the devs, so it gets fixed as soon as possible.
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    Same thing has been happening to me. I also reported it. At first I thought it was new achievements they added and they were catching them all up at once. I was stoked! But then it kept happening everytime I would log back into the game.

    Worse part is I probably could keep doing it and they would never know as long as I didn't strut out a 7* Vader I could have just used the credits etc. However... I'm an honest man.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Crazy. Hasn't happened to me but sounds extremely odd like someone would have to go out of their way(?) to make this happen. Like purposely sign in and out etc
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Rafini wrote: »
    Crazy. Hasn't happened to me but sounds extremely odd like someone would have to go out of their way(?) to make this happen. Like purposely sign in and out etc

    Oh the things people would do for a 7* Vader.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    I stumbled across this. I didn't find it on purpose. All I was doing was switching accounts and it happened. I want all the credits, crystals and Vader shards to be taken away from me becuase it gives me an unfair advantage. I want it to be fixed so people don't exploit it, or feel guilty (like me) for stumbling across it accidentally. Last of all, I don't want to be banned for something I didn't intend to happen, which is why I posted on here and submitted a ticket.
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    Is this an iOS thing or does it happen on Android as well?
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    From what others have said, and my own experience, it's iOS only. So android users are safe, lucky you lot.
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    iOS exclusive content!
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    If I noticed that I'd just assume I collected all those shards without realizing it since I never look at Vader. 4* sucks. lol
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    @BenjiFett that's actually what I thought when I first saw it. "Oh look, they're making up for all the android exclusive things that they did. Wait, they wouldn't do this would they. I'll just click claim reward and see if the game crashes (hopefully it does)" Nope it didn't. 30 minutes later...
    "Oh no, you can get banned for this. I need to send a ticket to EA help ASAP." That is basically how it all happened.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I stumbled across this. I didn't find it on purpose. All I was doing was switching accounts and it happened. I want all the credits, crystals and Vader shards to be taken away from me becuase it gives me an unfair advantage. I want it to be fixed so people don't exploit it, or feel guilty (like me) for stumbling across it accidentally. Last of all, I don't want to be banned for something I didn't intend to happen, which is why I posted on here and submitted a ticket.

    When you switch accounts though wouldn't it start your game over from scratch? Cause it's connected to your Apple ID I thought. Like how injustice is connected to your WBID. Also not saying you purposely did it at all! Just *seems* like something someone would do purposely to make a glitch work. Def don't think you did t on purpose based on what you've said here about it all. And the guilt.
  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    No it's connected to gamecenter. I have one gamecenter stored account (my main one) and one locally (device) stored one. I simply logout and into gamecenter depending on which account I want to be on. Also, thanks for understanding.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Thad too bad it happens that way. I'm sure they'll patch it ASAP! Can't imagine they will punish you. Maybe just take away the extra stuff you got.
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    Hopefully they do just what you said. I don't want those shards, crystals and credits as I said earlier.
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    EA have emailed me back. They said they can't comment on my individual case :/ I'm worried now. They said they're working on a bug fix, but that's all they could say. They also said "If you need an immediate fix to continue playing a game, go back to EA Help and select a topic other than Report a bug". Do you guys think I should do this?
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    Oh, God, it's happened again. Help me EA.
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    If you take advantage of an glitch that exploits the game you can or may be banned
    According to a mod here over 1000 accounts were banned
  • kaleb314
    146 posts Member
    About a month ago I got all of the ally # achievements when I only had two. But I assumed it was because of sent ally requests maxing out the limit.
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