GC: Can't use Inquisitors

12 posts Member

Am I missing something? How can it say use full team but won't let u use the team!
Come on CG.....


  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member

    No problem here. Are you sure you're on the GC page and not the Omega Battle page?
  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member
    Lol, looking at your GG page you don't even have the Inquisitors unlocked. Of course you can't use them. Do you genuinely have a 3.5M account and not know that you need to unlock a character in order to use them? Or are you just trolling?
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    @Chilost https://swgoh.gg/p/853722387/characters/?f=Inquisitorius if this is you, you don’t even have the Inquisitors unlocked… surely you cannot be suggesting you should be able to use characters you haven’t unlocked?
  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member
    Also might have moved to a new account: https://swgoh.gg/p/132911816/

    Which also doesn't have the inquisitors unlocked.
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  • Chilost
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Not trolling.... That's my alt accts....
    This is the one with issue
    Post edited by Chilost on
  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member

    Try it again. You may have been logged into the wrong account. Or (as suggested) have been looking at the Omega battle. Report back with info when you've confirmed neither of those is the problem.
  • Chilost
    12 posts Member

    Try it again. You may have been logged into the wrong account. Or (as suggested) have been looking at the Omega battle. Report back with info when you've confirmed neither of those is the problem.

    Nah Ik what GC is..... It's not omega battle....
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    Chilost wrote: »

    Try it again. You may have been logged into the wrong account. Or (as suggested) have been looking at the Omega battle. Report back with info when you've confirmed neither of those is the problem.

    Nah Ik what GC is..... It's not omega battle....

    If you have them unlocked, and they are not showing as available when filtering on inquisitorius then raise a ticket through help desk with your Ally Code, preferably with a video screengrab showing the steps taken. Based upon the limited info we have on the forum it implies you don't have them unlocked but we could be wrong :-)
    This is the Way
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