GW harder than ever. Facing lvl 71 teams.

802 posts Member
edited April 2016
Since the last patch, my GW increased s lot in terms of difficulty. Lot of level 70 teams, some not full stars, but some are. For me being level 66, it's been pretty hard, using martyrs and suciide teams, but yesterday I started facing level 70 teams since node 2!! With the last 3 nodes being level 71 teams, with most characters full stars.

GW was my fave part of the game, but it's now too tedious to finish, too long to complete, I know many will say "unlock barris " but the cantina nodes to farm her are still locked (farming her from the hard nodes in the meantime).
While most players had to face GW opponents up to level 70, it's unfair now with the current level cap to force us non level 70 players, to face level 71 teams.

My whine of today.
Post edited by BentWookiee on


  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Get Barriss
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    Barris shards 14/80. Not gonna happen anytime soon.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Who are your top 10 characters (If applicable) on your roster.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    Yeah barriss helps a lot, you should farm her soon as possible, its the key toon for compete in GW.
    line id: naso_fin
  • Captainrrl
    358 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    What I have done recently to win is try to use more attackers early, suicide middle, and tanks and healers late. Its **** annoying having to retreat a lot. I too struggle with GW, and have many 7*, gear lvl 8, and 70+ power lvl characters. I find changing the leader makes the biggest difference. Sometimes a 5* leader helps against their 7* for some reason. I use Han against Phasma. Luke against DS. Yoda against dooku and jedi, etc. EK is worthless.
  • DieInFire
    802 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Currently farming JC and 86. Today got to level 67
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    DieInFire wrote: »
    Currently farming JC and 86. Today got to level 67

    You need Daka and Phasma. Those are good for GW.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    DieInFire wrote: »
    Currently farming JC and 86. Today got to level 67

    You're off to a great start, max gear, max levels.
    Throughout my past 20 or so GW victories I've used QGJ (L), Luminara, JC, GS, and Dooku, all of which you have. I typically start off stunning Luminara or QGJ (let's face it, everyone has them), and am able to kill almost 2 other characters using GS and QGJ assist. The key is that you never finish with their assists on cooldown, along with Dooku's stun.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    JC is good for A team, IG for B team, maybe for suicide squad to eliminate 1-3 toons from opposite team.
    line id: naso_fin
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    Get Rey. She has been biggest boost. Bariss does help. Get one more taunt toon, Han or Poe. I try not to use too many jedi against DS. He dodges or resists the heck out of them. But nice looking team.
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    Usually my A team are Lumi, qgj, JC, gs, Sid (or Dooku). Changing leadership between Lumi and qgj. In some hard node I sacrifice rg, and on the last three nodes have to use the b and c teams...

    I want Daka but need to get qgj to seven stars first...

    I hope improving 86 will make a difference...
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Q, Lumi, barriss, Rey, Geo gets me through, I do need a hit squad at least once a GW to get through a maxed team and knock out at least one of theirs, retreats and setting up assist is huge, I always make sure to set up Q assist so Rey gets the call
  • Zephon
    122 posts Member
    I think OP is just playing Galactic War the way the designers meant it to be played. From level 66 til you level out with everyone else, it's going to be the same thing, I would say. It's great to hear though that even at level 66 you're holding your own in Galactic War.
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    When Rey is on she is best character in game. At 5* she is usually my last person standing on Arena team and will often take out 2.5 toons by herself. Her dodge is freaky.
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    86 is good. I agree get characters to 7* first and fast. QJ drives me nuts when I face him.
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    I'm at lvl 71. Will be lvl 72 tomorrow am. I have cleared GW everyday for last few weeks and today mine got much harder too. I think it is the lvl cap update.

    GW is all about having a deep bench. If you try to make it through with only your arena team you will probably fail. That is part of the game.

    Lvl up your healers at the same time as the arena team and keep a deep bench and you will make it through. However, if you only focus on five toons for arena, and don't have any backup, you probably won't make it.

    Those are the choices that make this game a strategy game. Don't just build for one node.
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    I posted this like yesterday.
    and all of a sudden you're in trouble with GW Now?
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    GW became easier for me since I stopped using my A team in the Arena, and swapped it for my B team. I hover around 400 now instead of 200 but the trade off imho was well worth it. I clear GW without retreating now and maybe sending in 1-2 suicide squads towards the end. Try swapping out, and don't use your strongest squad in the arena because that's what GW is based off of.
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    Zephon wrote: »
    I think OP is just playing Galactic War the way the designers meant it to be played. From level 66 til you level out with everyone else, it's going to be the same thing, I would say. It's great to hear though that even at level 66 you're holding your own in Galactic War.

    Thanks. According to achievements, I have completed GW 33 times, failed 3 times (before having Lumi on my rooster).

    @Rod___INL , yeap I have b and c teams, but lack the resources to hear them past gear level 6 or to level them up.

    @TheRedDeath didn't see your post. Over the last days, particularly yesterday, and still haven't try today's.
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    Repeating myself ad nauseum, GW match making is really beeped up. Level 72 here and faced mostly 50+ to -70. I think I only faced a 71 in my last or two.

    Don't listen to @Sir_Whooty. No proof it'll help. Doing my best in Arena has never harmed me in GW.

    Do read up on other GW threads to pick up tips. I'm of course having it easy with my match ups but I usually go with only one squad of Barris, Lumi, JC, Daka and Dooku. I always attack Sid 1st as a heal block would mess up my CDs. Sometimes sub in a high speed toon when necessary. Before Barris, it was Lumi lead and Sid was on my team.

    BTW, my wife was facing the same situation as you. Concentrating on Bariss, Lumi and JC did make things better for her.

    Best of luck.
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    Mine increased in toughness again at cap increase. I've seen AI behaving oddly. LVL 70 7*Lumi 1 hitting with FB when my lVL 73 is hitting at 5k. My Dooku bonus attack operated this last run at 25% not 50% Of the 9 I faced only 6 times did he not double and there was 4, 5 hit strings as well. On node 6 I had a speed glitch where an entire team went before mine. LVL QGJ lead Yoda, Lumi, Daka, Han all moved before my LVL 73 QGJ(leader Max so I was +2 over) Yoda, Dooku, Tano, GS. My Yoda was Stunned by Daka who is vastly slower. Han went before Tano and QGJ. It was strange. No matter the teams I tossed in same result. All 5 moved before me. I had to burn a suicide squad, which did no good because the AI specials reset, so I put in my Droids to whittle a couple down, lost my Droid team and Cleaned up Yoda and Lumi with my main.

    It did make it challenging which was fun. The RNG was just utterly laughable tonight. The AI got nearly every possible proc it could. In the end I claimed my Tano shard, so 15 **** currency. Honestly I like the challenge, the only frustration I have is when my characters, which are all maxed and 73 are hitting like they have offense down and the AI is hitting like offense up.
  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    I'm with the OP. I have an alt account that just reached 61. I faced 2 level 71 teams today for the first time. There's noone even at 70 on my server. At levels 55-60, you have MAY have 2-3 maxed characters and a pretty shallow bench if you spent that many resources on those 2-3. I won in the end but it was not fun and there was a lot of swearing. If I had to fight that unfair of a fight every day just to keep up with the joneses then I just wouldn't play the game. Not worth the frustration.
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    Once you level up those 7* and 6* characters to level 71 it becomes all too easy
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    I'm just speaking from personal experience, since there's no difference between 400 and 200 it didn't have any effects on my rewards. I don't really care about the Arena (I'll never hit the top 20 when I'm facing squads that are pushing 26k in strength at 300) since I feel GW is more beneficial for the credits, ability maps and shipments. A deep roster also helps, I use my suicide squads to dispatch or weaken the glass cannons so QGJ can one shot them. And it's been stated that GW difficulty is based off the highest squad power you've ever won a match with in the Arena, so I like to keep that under 24,000 and have an edge in GW, just food for thought. Didn't take long for my B squad to become as strong as my A squad was anyways.
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    Please don't use a word (or an abbreviation) ESPECIALLY in the post title that is censored. :|
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I just started beating the GW more often before the cap increase but it got harder almost immediately. 5 shards away from unlocking Barriss and I hope at 4* she's enough to make a difference.
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    Hey guys,

    What are the total power of your opponent's team and on which node?
    GW used to be pretty well balanced before the level cap raised, just checking if it still the case
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    Yep... I'm back to having to use my full array of toons again... Which I guess is what GW is all about. I have a lot of powerful toons. I'm fairly certain that your overall roster is calculated in there somewhere. I have 13 7* Toons, another 6 that are 6* and more 4 and 5*. Since the update it has taken a good portion of those toons to finish.

    The biggest issue is all of the evasion leaders. It's one thing in arena to get dodged like crazy. It's entirely another thing in GW where you have to wind your way through 12 battles.

    PSA... Don't accidentally launch an AOE against an Ima Gun Di lead team with Aayla, Lumi, 5s, and Dooku. It gets ugly in a hurry but it's funny to watch!! All 5 countered!

    That squad must be a nightmare in Arena! Does anybody know if IGD's leader ability stacks on top of Aayla's counter chance?

    PS... I'm quite jealous of anyone that has a 7* Aayla but I wouldn't want your I-tunes Bill!!
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    This is what I faced today


    And here's my roster

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    Jedi Teams with two healers work best. You need another high level healer. You don't need Bariss, just up JC and you just need to focus down Sid first nearly every battle (Rey, GS, IG86, Maul first)


    I can almost always just about run the table before I lose one. Lumi lead is best til you hit the 70's, then switch to QGJ.

    If I can suggest... you have too many high geared 4* chars. You should focus on maxing characters when you start with them. Two max geared 7* chars are WAAAAAYYYY better than six 4* chars.
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