Double Luck: A New Arena idea where you don't choose your team.

One problem people keep bringing up about Arena wars is that they favor speed and evasion too much, so the same characters (GS, Rey, Dooku) and seen over and over while others like Boba Fett and Ashoka are never used.

I propose that, instead of nerfing all the time, that a brand new Arena be made that utilizes an element of chance regarding characters used. I call it the "Double Luck" Arena.

When you fight in this Arena, you don't pick your own characters. The game chooses 5 characters from your best thirty. This means while that bad boy 7 * GS might be chosen, that 4* Mace windu you have sitting at lvl 57 might get the call as well. Your opponent's team will be similarly a random group.

Then, just before you start to fight, the game switches one of your players with one on the other side, furthering increasing the element of intrigue. This Arena would have us thinking on our feet more.

I think Double Luck is a good arena style because first, it would forcibly bring in a lot of underused characters into the game, and second, our skills as players will develop from attempting to win with random teams instead of one stale lineup.

What do you think, mates? Willing to challenge a double luck Arena?

( note: this arena is in addition to the present one, not designed to replace it).


  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    If someone does have 30 characters chances are most will be one-shotted immediately because their levels are so low. Speaking for myself anyway. Can't afford to keep up with that many.
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    You could tighten the range to Top 20 then. Also remember the enemy will also be sporting a few weak characters as well, so one shoting them would not be too easy.
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    I have lots of unlevelled toons, randomizing from all of them would be hell for me. But narrowing it down to top 20 would be interesting.
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    Would be a decent idea if there wasn't such a driod and credit crunch
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    Let's make it top 20 then. A good effect of the Arena system would be a shift from maxing out one "elite" team to a focus on strengthening the weaker links.
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    I'm not sure about the system you recommended and won't comment on that in particular, but I like the idea of any mode that benefits those that have a full stable of characters. There needs to be some mode introduced that rewards collecting and promotes the usage of other non meta toons. (Besides galactic war and the challenges...)
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    Exactly what we need in the game, more RNG. :|

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I agree with Dr. Evil.

    @cosmicturtle333 , watching the whole series, are you?
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    People that started the game recently, barely have anything maxed other than Sid, Lumi and 3 more heroes.
    Also, people would start complaining that AI chose a better team than them. Or that their droid team never gets picked together. So...
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    Hey, how about a Arena where you purchase 5 tries with a sim button?
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    I agree with Dr. Evil.

    @cosmicturtle333 , watching the whole series, are you?

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    In some weird, twisted way, this idea is interesting and when i think about it's results, it makes me laugh. Think about it, there wouldn't be just some people mad some of the time. All the people would be mad all the time. :smiley:

    But seriously now, there are whales in the game. Their top 20 characters would always win against your top 20, so arena would be very one-sided towards them. There's enough pain in arena as it is.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
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    Ahh. Here come the haters. Let's take them on.

    Lots of ppl complain about RNG, but I've never seen anyone prove there is "too much". Basically it's just a bunch of kids who "shockingly" lost a match. Non-RNG games tend to be boring anyway, as a lack of it kills creativity. When was the last time you played chess, for instance?

    No one is forcing any whiner or RNG hater to play. They can stick to regular Arena. This just gives an avenue for those who don't want to be stuck with always using a speed team for months on end.

    As for the whales, of course they may do well, but how many whales are there really on each server? If you can't grow twenty characters to a decent size, you're probably not trying very hard. Money has little to do with it.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    As someone who hates RNG, weirdly, I like this idea.
    Maybe because it's a different sort of RNG. I get frustrated with RNG when it ruins my carefully-made plans. But if the team is entirely random, there's nothing really to get upset about if you lose, it's just the luck of the draw.
    This is basically the same model used by nearly every card game: poker, MtG, etc. There's a lot of skill but there's also luck in terms of what you start with. I think it would be neat.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    @Qeltar, you want the credit crunch to hurt you more? Glutton for punishment, you are. The only way this would be practical is if the random characters are maxed automatically in the Arena. Like how all decks of cards are equal in every way.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    @Azraelrulez - Yeah it would need to be say, only from your top 10 or 20 for example. Top 30 is too many unless they make leveling less painful. And it's true that we already have a game mode that punishes you for having a weak bench.
    I would prefer if it drew from a pool of random maxed characters just as you say. The randomness should be with the characters, not their level/gear.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    If you can't grow twenty characters to a decent size, you're probably not trying very hard. Money has little to do with it.

    Lmao! Ok dude! Do you even know what syringes are? They aren't just for sticking your butt...

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    I see you're great at making excuses to justify why you suck at this game. The syringes are holding you back from winning? Really? Last time I checked there was no way for whales to buy equipment anyway. It's the grinders who get the goods, mate.

    Anyway, this is not 20 on 20 anyway. It's 5 on 5 picked from a group of twenty, with one player switching sides.

    Speculate all you want about how "whales" will dominate, but in the end you can't really prove it.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    It's common sense that whales get the crushing advantage i don't need to prove jack to you. I am working on gearing up Yoda, i haven't even started the eyeballs yet and it's been 3 days already since i got him. I am supposed to work on 20 characters at the same time?...How long till you have to take your meds? This is not the type of content people want to see. Thanks for the laughs tho!
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    I lIke this idea, but only if it was a separate mode with separate awards, so others could opt out if they wanted to
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    Lol Alexone is soiling his pants over the fact he may have to battle someone better than him. Probably one of these guys who whines "nerf! Nerf! Nerf!" every time he loses a match. How many "whales" do you think are in each server anyway? Looking at mine, I only see one guy on lvl 73 and lots of guys are running 6* star players so I doubt there are more than a handful on each server.

    Also, remember you are facing the AI in these wars. If your top 20 can't put up a decent fight against an AI, you should really think of trying another game.

    In short, the possibility of facing one or two whales is not a good enough reason.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Ok i am done here. Keep waiting for your brilliant idea to get implemented any day now. Meanwhile, keep defending it like it's the best thing you ever discovered in your life.
  • McPot45
    133 posts Member
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    Thanks for getting off the thread. No need for whiners and noobs full of excuses why they can raise 20 competitive characters.
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    @WaltonJapan Whales can buy equipment. It's called crystals for energy refreshes (which include free sim tokens). And building 20 "decent" characters requires *a lot* of time and effort. I've been playing strongly since almost the start, and as a f2p right after 20 (22 to be precise) my character pool takes its insane deep towards uselessness. Towards the late game of a leaderboard/server, f2p might have caught up, but on a newer one, whales would utterly dominate, much more than they can do now in the arena, unless other controls are put in place to avoid that from happening.

    You also said noone is forcing you to play this arena. It depends. If you have prizes in the game mode, you are in a way forcing people to play if they don't want to fall behind.

    With this said, I quite like some bits of the idea. Actually, one of my favorite features in Pokemon Emerald was the Battle Factory, where something along this lines would happen:

    You get presented with 6 random characters (from the full pool, not your own. They are pre-maximized to give the same chances to everyone playing). You can pick 3 of them for your team. (Make it 8-5 for SWGOH?)
    You fight against an opponent that has the same conditions. The winner gets to exchange one of his characters from one of the opponent to improve their team.
    For each battle you win, you get a small reward (say 10-20 arena tokens?). If you win 7 in a row, you get a bigger prize (say a few shards of a character you used?).

    This still includes randomness but lets you handle some with both teambuilding and sinergy skills, while requiring creativity. If you want full randomness, a turn based strategy game shouldn't be your thing, you're probably looking for a casino. (Or for the current state of the high end of the arenas with 80% dooku leads)
  • ElToro
    149 posts Member
    This would be good for whales, but for ftp that barely have 5 maxed out characters, this would suck badly, a much better idea is let us use 5 random maxed out characters with us having the option of who to put as a leader
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    If you can't grow twenty characters to a decent size, you're probably not trying very hard. Money has little to do with it.

    Lmao! Ok dude! Do you even know what syringes are? They aren't just for sticking your butt...

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    I actually like this idea just so long as it's 'equalized' in some way. Say each team is compised of toons whose power total is within +/- 1% or so. That way RNG can only do so much and you'll avoid a match with 5 losers vs. 5 powerhouses
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