The Republic Academy is looking for new/returning players to fill its last slots!


**__The Republic Academy__** (Academy for The Republic alliance)

40+/50 Members

**Mission Statement:**

Coming from the different Republic guilds within the alliance, we form a team dedicated to work with the new and returning players in the SWGOH community. From your personal to guilds' goals, to alliance-wide, to even birthing new academies by our graduates that will progress into the next generation of established Republic guilds.

__What we offer:__

- A safe yet very rewarding place for all new and returning members.

- Hoth TBs

- Heroic raids

- Promotion into our established Republic guilds in the alliance upon meeting their requirements.

- Leadership training for the more enthusiastic members to one day give birth and lead your own Republic guild.

- Mentors coming from different Republic guilds to help you achieve your personal to alliance-wide goals.

__What we Require from you:__

- Max TB and TW participation

- 400 Ticket Daily Average every week

- profile

- Active on Discord (Follow Orders and let us know about real life events)
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