Hyberdrive bundle - Needs a rework??

So what do you think about the Hyberdrive Bundle (HDB)

I think the characters are outdated, the gear is not as valuable anymore after the gear economy changes. Maybe they should update it, or make a HDB V.2 and if, what should it include?

What do you think? Lets get a debate going.



  • LendersQuiz
    1185 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    A Hyperdrive "update" I would like to see:

    1. Allow people who have purchased it in the past allowed to purchase it a second, third, etc time, whenever it goes on its 50% sale.
    2. A new Hyperdrive "lite" version at the same price as the 50% off version, with all of the same gear, omegas, zetas, currencies, crystals etc....(just no ship/toon shards, level 85 stuff) made available to previous HDB purchasers.
    Post edited by LendersQuiz on
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    A Hyperdrive "update" I would like to see:

    1. Allow people who have purchased it in the passed allowed to purchase it a second, third, etc time, whenever it goes on its 50% sale.
    2. A new Hyperdrive "lite" version at the same price as the 50% off version, with all of the same gear, omegas, zetas, currencies, crystals etc....(just no ship/toon shards, level 85 stuff) made available to previous HDB purchasers.

    Thats interesting, havent thought about letting us buy another. If they update it with newer chars and more/better stuff, i would make a 2nd account and play both :)
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    @CG_SBCrumb are you guys doing anything like this in the near future?
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