Forced to farm Eeth Koth

Because of the yoda challenge, i was forced to farm Eeth Koth to get the fifth jedi.
But he seems pretty bad, it s the first time i m forced to level a toon i dont want. And just to get the Yoda :s


  • Berimbolo
    946 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Same thing, but I just see it as trading a 7 star Koth for a 7 star Yoda, if anything you have an extra 7 star for GW

    Just got the 6 star Yoda this week, it's worth it IMO

  • Puglio
    161 posts Member
    There are more than five F2P jedi you can get without Eeth Koth, he's just faster because he is the only one coming from arena tokens.

    I'm working on Luminara, Bariss, Ahsoka, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon.

    Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto are the only premium-only jedi.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Barriss, lumi, JC, QGJ, mace. 5 options that doesn't include eeth. So you are not forced to do anything.
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Puglio wrote: »
    There are more than five F2P jedi you can get without Eeth Koth, he's just faster because he is the only one coming from arena tokens.

    I'm working on Luminara, Bariss, Ahsoka, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon.

    Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto are the only premium-only jedi.

    Working on this exact team myself
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Think of it this way, you farmed yoda and got eeth koth for free
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    Snake2 wrote: »
    Think of it this way, you farmed yoda and got eeth koth for free

  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    Ye, others are farmable. I got QGJ, JC, Ahsoka, Luminara, Anakin.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I did the same farming eeth koth. Plus side, he is not hard to star or gear, just needs a bunch of mk laptops you get from tarkin challenges. Stop whining, it's worth it for yoda. ; )
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    His value is Yoda challenge. Majority of other chars have NO value at all. At all. Of course work on him easily.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    'The big whale' is complaining about being forced to farm the ftp character?
    You do understand how laughable that is, right?
  • Options
    Because of the yoda challenge, i was forced to farm Eeth Koth to get the fifth jedi.
    But he seems pretty bad, it s the first time i m forced to level a toon i dont want. And just to get the Yoda :s

    No one is forcing you to do anything. There are other jedis besides him.

    Forced... I have no words...
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    I'm farming Eeth simply because I've got all the other arena shop toons worth anything and I figure why not use him for Yoda. However, I really don't want to spend resources to level/gear him up if I don't have to. Is 7* Yoda possible with 4 fully geared Jedi (Lumi/Barriss/JC/QGJ), plus a level 1/gear I Eeth?
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    I like Eeth. I've been using him for a while now on both my GW and Arena team. He's not the best but his stun is pretty good and he's pretty fast, especially with QGJ lead.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    'The big whale' is complaining about being forced to farm the ftp character?
    You do understand how laughable that is, right?

    And how does "The Big Whale" not have 5 7 star Jedi's at this point?
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    You would make a great snake oil salesman!

    Honestly he is not that terrible. On a QGJ lead team he can put out some reliable stuns. But, more than likely, yea he will sit on the bench.

    It's not that bad though, he may get a buff in the future. I mean, just look at RG. An absolutely worthless character got buffed to #1 tank in the game in a single patch.
  • Options
    Mittens wrote: »
    Barriss, lumi, JC, QGJ, mace. 5 options that doesn't include eeth. So you are not forced to do anything.

    These are the 5 I used. Mace is useless for arena, but is good for GW and the Mace gear challenge...but now I also have my maxed 7* Yoda.
  • Options
    Lol, don't complain, I farmed JKG up to 4* in anticipation of Yoda challenge before they put QGJ in Cantina Shipments ... and now I've boycotted the Yoda event indefinitely because of it.
  • goobstoob
    171 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    to the OP, rather than eeth koth in arena (as FTP myself I only have 7* hk, sid, han, and 88) because I don't have opress or ackbar yet, i am going to finish my 7* QGJ and then bust through ashoka to 7*. Even though it uses valuable cantina shipments, I can hard node farm her on top of the shipments which will make it go quicker. (currently i have poe and daka at 7* and am finishing QGJ). then I will resume chasing the "new meta" with fives and boba coming up next.
    I also prioritize a 100 and 200 crystal refresh in cantina everyday which helps me often get 2 of those shipments a day instead of 1. with ashoka's speed up synergizing with QGJ lead and then I"ll have yoda on top of that, it makes for a useful jedi team that will go first quite a bit of the time. I can't afford to farm useless toons like eeth koth just to get a useful one, I need to make it all count all the time or I get even more behind.
    long story short, I will never solely farm a hard node character as it's just too depressing, if that means one day i can never win then so be it, not my style of fun. I will however always farm the shipments and I will make sure they are always useful to me in at least some way.
    Post edited by goobstoob on
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    JKG.... I had to take a moment before I drank because I was laughing at this.

    I know where you are coming from, but I personally would have waited until a new Jedi was available simply because I would never have raised JKG in any situation until they pulled an RG kind of update on her. She was garbage when I got her and she is garbage at 7*. Yes, I have literally fought a 7* JKG. I feel so sorry for the guy who put her in his GW squad.
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    Koth is a monster when facing Driods similar to what Dooku is facing Jedi. He is a sub character but I even use in Arena when facing Driods.
  • Joe_Cus
    152 posts Member
    EK gets no respect but his stun comes in handy. Just got Yoda with Lumi, JC, Ashoka, QGJ and EK. I can run GW all the way through with this team as well.
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    I use him for the AGI challenge along with Dooku and Daka to keep Savage stunned.
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