So many problems

79 posts Member
So today I played a bit more than usual, and got a bit more issues than usual:
1. The gear Find and battle chain has either been severely nerfed or something is wrong, just spent 160 energy only to get a single item of gear!!! This was my 40 recovered and 120 payed from crystals. All in all couldn't get my character upgraded.
2. I get a hell of a lot of Deflected and Resisted when attacking enemies of the same level as mine in the Galactic War battles. Like really tons, one after another, they just don't stop, and I end up losing all characters because of no damage.
3. The healing immunity doesn't work today at all. I use Sidious 4* and the immunity shows above the character correctly, but they get healed up without any problems anyway. Either there's a bug on the server or something or I don't know.
4. I lost Arena credits twice now. Yesterday, I got 700 from the rank, had 200 in the account and 100 got as a bonus. I spent 400 on a character, came back after about 6 hours to buy another 5 shards, but only had 100 left. Where's the remaining 500??? It's about 900 in total, the first time 400 seem to have disappeared.

I feel being cheated a lot in this game. I spent a bit of money on Character bundle and crystals, but I feel like I'm not getting anything back in here, as the fun is negatively related to the amount of issues that I'm experiencing.
Is anyone else experiencing problems like above?


  • Options
    I am on gear finding. Must be part of game. I spend a lot on gear, but the fertility gods are not blessing me with needed gear. Spent over 180 and got one needed item out of fifty. On item two, try finding right combo. Once I put Bariss at leader, GW was fun again. On three, I know Bariss heals those with healing immunity. Never had item four happen. I too sometimes feel cheated with gear. But can't stop playing.
  • R4D4
    79 posts Member
    Well, thanks to the latest update, I'm stopping now. The game is bland and boring now. Also with all the bugs that remain unfixed, it's even worse than before. Counter attack with a bonus attack with a bonus attack with a bonus attack! Total ****.
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