Hard to contribute to advice threads without knowing shard maturity

I'm finding it pretty difficult to contribute to these advice threads when I don't know how old your shard is. I feel advice is very different for a newer shard than one from December or earlier. Even with the top 50 at max level, a newer shard will have players with a roster that is much more shallow than a December starter.

For arena, most assume you are talking about both an offensive and defensive team since we cannot yet change them out without playing the last battle with your defensive team. But, there are those who swear by certain toons who probably perform fine under manual use but are played terribly by the AI. This will not only lead you to lose more often but be targeted more often.

Different shards have different competitiveness. But, it's safer to assume an older shard will be more competitive than a newer one, regardless of the current meta. Of course, this isn't an absolute truth; just more often than not.

Please add an approximate time you started the account you're asking about. This will help more than you think.
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