Dark side squad

I recently realized that I've been focusing way too much on my jedi, and that might dark side can't keep up. I currently run Phasma (L), dooku, vader, greedo, and sidious. I can replace any of them with savage. Should I just keep leveling them, or do I need to farm some new toons? Thanks


  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    I run:
    Dooku(L), Talia (she heals very well), Daka (more heals and res), Phasma (hits hard, turn meter manip) and GS (obvious).

    Your team doesn't have much healing, and thats its only downside. Not sure how far you are in the DS campaign, but I would suggest getting at least 1 or two healers in there. Talia is my recommendation (despite objections from others) because at max * and gear, she hits hard, heals for about 1800-2k per hit, and her heal is the best in the DS line-up.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    I run:
    Dooku(L), Talia (she heals very well), Daka (more heals and res), Phasma (hits hard, turn meter manip) and GS (obvious).

    Your team doesn't have much healing, and thats its only downside. Not sure how far you are in the DS campaign, but I would suggest getting at least 1 or two healers in there. Talia is my recommendation (despite objections from others) because at max * and gear, she hits hard, heals for about 1800-2k per hit, and her heal is the best in the DS line-up.

    I'm stage 6, and looks like I'll be farming Talia as my allies supply a maxed daka
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    Yep, get a healer and you'll be fine. Talia isn't that bad but you have to put alot of resources into her to make her decent. I said DECENT lol
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    PyroPuff wrote: »
    Yep, get a healer and you'll be fine. Talia isn't that bad but you have to put alot of resources into her to make her decent. I said DECENT lol

    Who should I replace with her? I am replacing greedo with savage cause he has too low health and AOE kills him
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