With the game balance update coming, I hope they remembered ...

378 posts Member
There are 3 aspects to a toon's stats, speed, damage and health, not just the first 2.

They say "Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.".

So, toons like Kylo and Fives shall do more damage just because they are slow?? they have 2x health compared to fast DPS toons. How is that being balanced?


  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    I highly doubt we will be seeing a damage increase for people like fives. He is not an attacker, nor should he be subject to updates that will most likely only affect attackers.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Eaywen
    422 posts Member
    I think what they mean is speed will be weighed heavier with balance decisions, like if there was a formulae 1 speed =100 hp= 40 damage (I'm being arbitrary) is now 1 speed = 140 hp= 55 damage.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Cause we want the battles to last more than 67 seconds. More power goes with less speed, less turns, less hits - unless they have counter ;)
    I'm sick of Dooku & QGJ... looking forward to it.
    5's Han Chewie Mace Savage Asajj Ororrrrrrororor Biggs Ben Boba Plo Tusken IGD GG etc
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
    333 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    There are 3 aspects to a toon's stats, speed, damage and health, not just the first 2.

    They say "Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.".

    So, toons like Kylo and Fives shall do more damage just because they are slow?? they have 2x health compared to fast DPS toons. How is that being balanced?
    Health is only useful when toons are being hit. High HP toons are generally avoided since it takes longer to take them out, therefore the game should give those toons a certain level of threats to really draw fire so they can make use of their high HP. Increasing damage means the longer those toons remain the much more damage they will do, so players may have to think about re-prioritizing those high damage/HP toons.
    If high HP toons don't have some decent damage/threats/team benefits then everyone will just leave them for the last, the designing of those high HP toons is then counter-intuitive.
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    LMYYYKS wrote: »
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    There are 3 aspects to a toon's stats, speed, damage and health, not just the first 2.

    They say "Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.".

    So, toons like Kylo and Fives shall do more damage just because they are slow?? they have 2x health compared to fast DPS toons. How is that being balanced?
    Health is only useful when toons are being hit. High HP toons are generally avoided since it takes longer to take them out, therefore the game should give those toons a certain level of threats to really draw fire so they can make use of their high HP. Increasing damage means the longer those toons remain the much more damage they will do, so players may have to think about re-prioritizing those high damage/HP toons.
    If high HP toons don't have some decent damage/threats/team benefits then everyone will just leave them for the last, the designing of those high HP toons is then counter-intuitive.

    Yeah no. Maybe a counter that increases their damage if left alone for a certain number of attacks but a flat increase will just create teams full of tanks. The low HP characters will be near useless in that situation.
    I am Darth Spartacus
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    Well since they're faster they'll start getting turns off way faster and get to attack first... Thats how it's balancing. Lower hp chars wont be getting a huge damage bonus but I'm sure they're doing everything to balance things... Lol
  • Options
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    There are 3 aspects to a toon's stats, speed, damage and health, not just the first 2.

    They say "Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.".

    So, toons like Kylo and Fives shall do more damage just because they are slow?? they have 2x health compared to fast DPS toons. How is that being balanced?

    They have 2x the health but do 1/4 the damage. They up the damage some to balance. My 5's is maxed and I can count the 3k hits on 1 hand,lol. Rey on the otherhand typically crits at 10-15 at on;y 6* so you are talking 3-5x damage of 5's who has not quite 2x the health.
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    Hoping bariss gets a damage buff
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    Hoping bariss gets a damage buff

    That would be amazing. 60/80 for her
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.

    RIP Rey. Who I just unlocked and poured my resources into 3 days ago
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.

    Grandmaster, enlighten us with more of your noble knowledge.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    It's just not logical that the biggest baddest dudes do the least amount of dmg. So high speed = less dmg but more hits. I just spent weeks maxing out GS so I'm skeptical too - we'll find out soon.
    I can see how balancing toons would be a legit challenge for the coders.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    LMYYYKS wrote: »
    Health is only useful when toons are being hit. High HP toons are generally avoided since it takes longer to take them out, therefore the game should give those toons a certain level of threats to really draw fire so they can make use of their high HP. Increasing damage means the longer those toons remain the much more damage they will do, so players may have to think about re-prioritizing those high damage/HP toons.
    If high HP toons don't have some decent damage/threats/team benefits then everyone will just leave them for the last, the designing of those high HP toons is then counter-intuitive.

    but isn't that balance? everyone leaves Fives for last, so he lasts long and fires off many shots, even though those shots don't do monster damage. if you gonna make Fives hit like GS, with 20k, QGJ/Rey won't stand a chance against him.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.

    Grandmaster, enlighten us with more of your noble knowledge.

    The devs just posted tonight that faster toons will get a damage reduction. GS = fast, high damage currently. So he'll be nerfed.

    Not that I'm happy about it. I don't believe in this mega change ****. Changing a toon that someone invested time and often money in is like stealing.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    GS is an assist caller. If they increase slow damage a team of QG, GS with slow damage dealers would still be effective. Instead of Rey you have RP or FOTP.
  • Luke6108
    370 posts Member
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    There are 3 aspects to a toon's stats, speed, damage and health, not just the first 2.

    They say "Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.".

    So, toons like Kylo and Fives shall do more damage just because they are slow?? they have 2x health compared to fast DPS toons. How is that being balanced?

    They have 2x the health but do 1/4 the damage. They up the damage some to balance. My 5's is maxed and I can count the 3k hits on 1 hand,lol. Rey on the otherhand typically crits at 10-15 at on;y 6* so you are talking 3-5x damage of 5's who has not quite 2x the health.

    You are comparing the hardest hitting fast DPS and a slow character with Low damage. Why not comparing fast characters like douku/Sid who constantly hit 2-3k and slow charactes like FOTP/ig 86/resistance pilot who constantly hit 7-10k. If douku and Sid have a demage nerf to probably 1k and FTOP has a damage increase, then all the slow DPS will be OP.
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    IMHO, Rey and FOTP are the only OP damage dealers. Rey oneshot my full health Poe (13733hp) yesterday in arena, that's just wrong. FOTP consistently does 11k on special, and 5k on regular with a consistent 2nd attack.

    Toons like QGJ and GS, are not OP at all, nor do they deal huge damage, the problem is they call assist and they are fast, so when paired of DPS, it gives people the bitter feeling of "they took out my toons before I even got a turn."

    I hope there is more to dev's claim of "faster dps will do less damage while slower toons will do more damage", do you really want to fight Savage/Kylo/Fives with boosted damage?? lol.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    They could be adjusting speeds instead of damages.

    For instance Rey could have her speed lowered significantly, but the same damage.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Arube wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.

    Grandmaster, enlighten us with more of your noble knowledge.

    The devs just posted tonight that faster toons will get a damage reduction. GS = fast, high damage currently. So he'll be nerfed.

    Not that I'm happy about it. I don't believe in this mega change ****. Changing a toon that someone invested time and often money in is like stealing.

    You couldn't be more wrong. You got your fast chars and you've been rewarded a LOT by now. You know what is stealing? Investing time on heroes like Boba Fett because they are your Star Wars favorites, but ending up to be a total waste of space. That is stealing. And not only a waste in time and money , but punishment in arena/GW too.
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    RIP Geo Soldier. Looks like he'll get nerfed out of usefulness.

    Exactly. Anyway this toon was ugly. He won't be missed

  • Waz675
    193 posts Member
    What was the last thing to go through Geonosian Soldier's mind when he was nerfed to hell?

    The windscreen and his butt!
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