TW matchmaking

So it’s been quite some time since TW matchmaking has been changed and you guys implemented R9 rewards into TW. When you made these changes there was “keeping an eye on things” for data and all that.

I think you guys REALLY need to redo the matchmaking as it’s getting beyond ridiculous now. Especially with the push to make R9 the norm as with your implementation of RoTE TB needing full R9 squads in P5/6. How it’s fair to go against nothing but R9 GL loaded front walls with lv9 DataCons followed by a secondary wall of R9 GL loaded lv9 DataCons resulting in a 1:4 win loss ratio is just….dumb.

TW matchmaking needs rebalancing. It’s not fun anymore. At all.


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    It definitely needs freshening up, and I think it would be a nice nod to the players to include impulse detectors too in the rewards for the top few brackets. If it was only one for a win in the top few brackets that surely wouldn't break their relic economy and would make accessing r8 and r9 that tiny amount easier.

    What would you suggest they add to improve the matching? Trying to balance numbers of GLs? Factoring in total numbers of relic levels? I'm sure their response will probably be that it'd be too hard/there would be too few matches available.
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    The problem is the number guilds available. I am guessing part of their algorithm is to prevent rematches as much as possible. Since this is the case the selection pool needs to be a wide as possible within the general joined gp and win streak parameters.
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    Reward distribution for losses (droid brains specifically, but probably Aeros as well even though I'm not currently worried about my Aero supply the new demands probably require updated rewards) needs revision as well.

    In fact, I would argue that's the larger problem. When Droid Brains were introduced, the topmost tier of competition was at a guild size of 380Mgp. My guild is ~450M and it's not even exceptional.

    Droid Brain rewards should be about 7 per win, 4 per loss at 450Mgp. They're no longer luxury items. They're guild-wide requirements. Aeros could be 5/win, 3/loss or so, but possibly as high as 7/4 like DBs. I'd have to look at the total number we're requiring and also the different sources accessible to be sure.
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    Has TW matchmaking ever been changed? It’s been garbage for as long as I’ve ever remembered. The only time I can think of when CG did a change to TW was the introduction of R9 mats to it and that was an extremely lazy update.
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    Has TW matchmaking ever been changed? It’s been garbage for as long as I’ve ever remembered. The only time I can think of when CG did a change to TW was the introduction of R9 mats to it and that was an extremely lazy update.
    They’ve changed matchmaking at least twice.

    The previous incarnation to what we have now matched on signed up GP only, but paid no attention to number of signed up players. This system led to the “sandbagging” approach (be it deliberate or otherwise) where guilds going in with 43-44 signed up members often got matched with weaker guilds who had all 50 members signed up.

    The current incarnation has an element of a handicap system, which sees most guilds on a run of defeats eventually matched with a guild way inferior to them so they get a win again. It does not appear to care too much about signed up GP as there’s been many examples of cross-reward-bracket matchups.

    @Ravens1113 even if CG were monitoring the current system (I highly doubt that they are), all they’d see is almost all guilds getting wins every now and again, which is what the devs stated was their intent.

    The fact that (for my guild at least) ~75% of matchups are hopelessly one-sided one way or another, leading to boring wars doesn’t seem to matter to CG.
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    Back to the discussion on how to improve matchmaking.

    Does anyone know how many guilds there are in the top five bands (excluding the open ended top one)? It would be interesting to know how hard they are working to avoid guild having regular rematches.
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    Always remember: if there's something you don't like about the game it's intentional design
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    Sounds like something to work toward.
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