Dumb question , canon / non canon / legends

136 posts Member
edited April 2016
Hi guys bit of a noon question as I've completely forgot after confusing myself , but what's the difference between canon - non canon and legends

Post edited by warmonkey1024 on


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    Canon are the ones following a timeline/story the whole Star Wars stories (movies, series, comics) are following. Non canon are those that do not belong to that timeline and will not cause any effect nor they will be affected by the canon stories.
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    Thanks , got it now
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    If you're a voracious reader and a big Star Wars fan, you will have read the Star Wara novels. One that comes to mind is the Thrawn trilogy (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrawn_trilogy); a must-read if you enjoy the Galactic Empire as an entity.

    Basically, what Disney has done is they've decided to start with a clean slate and 'ignore' the massive amount of Star Wars novels written so as to have creative freedom. A fun fact: in the books, Leia and Han actually have three kids:

    "The Solo family is a fictional family of characters in the Star Wars franchise. Introduced in the 1977 film Star Wars, smuggler Han Solo is initially a morally ambiguous character but evolves into one of the heroes of the film. He is also a major character in the sequels The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983) and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). In The Force Awakens, Han and Princess Leia have a son named Ben.

    In the alternate Star Wars expanded universe of novels and comic books, Han and Leia have three children—Jaina, Jacen and Anakin Solo—who also appear as lead characters in several expanded universe books and other media." [Wikipedia]
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    Don't forget a grand kid and nephew!
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    I've read the original ep7 scripts with jacen ect . just couldn't figure out why it happened , does that mean what LA wrote as canon , Disney has reduced it to non canon ??
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    scuba wrote: »
    Don't forget a grand kid and nephew!
    There's indeed a lot of depth to be discovered outside of the movies. The funny thing is I was under the impression Kylo Ren was a nickname for one of the three kids that exist in the non-canon version. At first I was disappointed in Disney, but on the other hand it's great. If you think about it, the non-cannon is basically a what-if. What if Leia and Han chose to have three kids instead of one? The non-canon has that answer for you.
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    They say 'it's to allow creative freedom', although 50% of TFA comes from the EU, while another 49% from the OT, and 1% originality
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    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    I've read the original ep7 scripts with jacen ect . just couldn't figure out why it happened , does that mean what LA wrote as canon , Disney has reduced it to non canon ??
    In short - yes. J.J. Abrams actually mocked George Lucas in a Youtube Q@A when asked if he intends to disregard the entirety of his work on the extendid universe. It's still there for you to enjoy, but not something they intend to follow when producing new content.

  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    I loved most of what is now considered legends and the new direction they were going. I have read them all. I was excited to see that they brought the sith back but Unfortunately the story line got stopped.
  • pipboy3009
    136 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I gunna presume the story line where sidious has his body cloned on kamino long before Vader throws himndown a shaft In ROTJ and Luke goes on massive quest killing all the emperor clones before becoming a sith for a short time ...... Is now irrelevant and non canon ,
  • pipboy3009
    136 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I hope not anyway
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    I gunna presume the story line where sidious has his body cloned on kamino long before Vader throws himndown a shaft In ROTJ and Luke goes on massive quest killing all the emperor clones before becoming a with for a short time ...... Is now irrelevant and non canon ,

  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    I gunna presume the story line where sidious has his body cloned on kamino long before Vader throws himndown a shaft In ROTJ and Luke goes on massive quest killing all the emperor clones before becoming a with for a short time ...... Is now irrelevant and non canon ,

    technically, yes, but Disney will likely 'take inspiration' from it, i.e. ripping it off.
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    scuba wrote: »
    I loved most of what is now considered legends and the new direction they were going. I have read them all. I was excited to see that they brought the sith back but Unfortunately the story line got stopped.
    I read a lot of them when I was younger. The Bane trilogy was absolutely fantastic!

    I'm not sure what you mean about them stopping the story line where the sith come back, though. I might have some catching up to do; I read some of the best EU novels, but far from all of them.

    That just brought back some memories haha (like how Luke convinced Mara Jade to lend him his lightsaber when he was her captive. You know she had the hots for him then ;D
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    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!
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    Zanhaep wrote: »
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    I gunna presume the story line where sidious has his body cloned on kamino long before Vader throws himndown a shaft In ROTJ and Luke goes on massive quest killing all the emperor clones before becoming a with for a short time ...... Is now irrelevant and non canon ,

    technically, yes, but Disney will likely 'take inspiration' from it, i.e. ripping it off.

    As in slightly changing it , say dooku was cloned secretly when he was on kamino with fett ?? ,lol
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    Legacy of the Jedi an lost tribe of the sith. Starts going a different direction.
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!

    Dark Empire. They're a trilogy of comics. I think they're pretty hard to find nowadays though
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    *-accidental post-*
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    Zanhaep wrote: »
    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!

    Dark Empire. They're a trilogy of comics. I think they're pretty hard to find nowadays though

    Do they class as non canon then ??
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    I gunna presume the story line where sidious has his body cloned on kamino long before Vader throws himndown a shaft In ROTJ and Luke goes on massive quest killing all the emperor clones before becoming a with for a short time ...... Is now irrelevant and non canon ,

    technically, yes, but Disney will likely 'take inspiration' from it, i.e. ripping it off.

    As in slightly changing it , say dooku was cloned secretly when he was on kamino with fett ?? ,lol

    It was on Byss I believe,but yes.
  • pipboy3009
    136 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Oh right , I thought it was kamino lol ( don't worry I won't get into an internet argument about it lol , not read a lot in a long time , that long I still expect to see plo koon with a yellow sabre haha
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!

    Dark Empire. They're a trilogy of comics. I think they're pretty hard to find nowadays though

    Do they class as non canon then ??

    Yes, but you should read them regardless. Read the likes of the Thrawn trilogy and the X-Wing series beforehand to gain some background info
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    Or adi gallia with a pink sabre haha
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    Zanhaep wrote: »
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!

    Dark Empire. They're a trilogy of comics. I think they're pretty hard to find nowadays though

    Do they class as non canon then ??

    Yes, but you should read them regardless. Read the likes of the Thrawn trilogy and the X-Wing series beforehand to gain some background info

    Thrawn trilogy ?? Not based on mandalore is that ?? Not heard of it before
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    I've heard about that story line with Luke and Palpatine's clones, but I've never really read it. Is this a trilogy? If someone would point me in a general direction that would be fantastic, I think I'll read those!

    Dark Empire. They're a trilogy of comics. I think they're pretty hard to find nowadays though

    Do they class as non canon then ??

    Yes, but you should read them regardless. Read the likes of the Thrawn trilogy and the X-Wing series beforehand to gain some background info

    Thrawn trilogy ?? Not based on mandalore is that ?? Not heard of it before

    Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command. Named after the main antagonist, and is definitely one of the first EU books to read before any others
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    If I can find em online I'll have a look :smile:
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    pipboy3009 wrote: »
    If I can find em online I'll have a look :smile:
    It's worth it they really are great. I actually have a physical copy yellowing away somewhere.
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    A lot of the EU was garbage, IMO. Some was great. Timothy Zahn's stuff was part of the latter group. Not only the Thrawn trilogy (which I believe we're the very first novels allowed that expanded on the original films) but the ones he wrote after, too.
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    A lot of the EU was garbage, IMO. Some was great. Timothy Zahn's stuff was part of the latter group. Not only the Thrawn trilogy (which I believe we're the very first novels allowed that expanded on the original films) but the ones he wrote after, too.

    Admittedly, The Crystal Star was downright awful, but a considerable portion of it is better than anything that came out of the Disney canon. People only prefer the Disney canon because it's a film instead of books
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