The most ridiculous GW is happening to me right now

3236 posts Member
I'm a level 55 and I'm getting level 70 teams already?

58 Phasma lead
55 Talia
70 Daka
70 Lumi
70 Sid

Granted, they aren't all starred up to 7 or anything, but Wth? And now I have an all level 60 Droid team with Lumi on this node that frankly I'm not getting past it no matter what I throw out there. I had to use the B team on a node before the level 70s that was even more ridiculous. The Droid team is on the 10th node. Some days the RNGods laugh at you.
Meanwhile, down on the farm....


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    Step 1: get pillow
    Step 2: scream into said pillow
    Repeat as necessary
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    My advice isn't much better than screaming into a pillow. Just accept it for what it is. Keep plugging away at it and get as far as you can go. Build your team up. Hopefully you have enough for an A team, B team, and a suicide team if necessary. You'll know when you can complete it on a daily basis. When that happens it will be easy and you'll be able to laugh off those days it was hard.
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    I struggled at first and started to get really miffed about it but just keep plugging away and you will soon be able to walk through it every day if there's one thing this game requires it's patience :p
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    I have read and tried every single piece of advice on GW. I used to never finish it. Thankfully I have finished it daily for the past three weeks. You need to things
    1) to be in the top 100 in all of SWGoH. That means lvl 72, gear 8 or 9, all 7*
    2) Barris offee
    I did number 1, but never had barriss. Once I got her.... I can do it. You'll get fully maxed out level 70/72 starting at node 4 if you have my experiences. Not only must you win that node (see number 1), but all five toons must be alive and healthy at the end! Thus you need Barris.

    On a side note, I'm still convinced the AI makes GW opponents slower than arena opponents, because I can't finish an arena battle with all five healthy. Arena goes fast and strong. GW is slower and thus the healers shine
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'm a level 55 and I'm getting level 70 teams already?

    58 Phasma lead
    55 Talia
    70 Daka
    70 Lumi
    70 Sid

    Granted, they aren't all starred up to 7 or anything, but Wth? And now I have an all level 60 Droid team with Lumi on this node that frankly I'm not getting past it no matter what I throw out there. I had to use the B team on a node before the level 70s that was even more ridiculous. The Droid team is on the 10th node. Some days the RNGods laugh at you.

    I completely relate to this. Droid teams give me more problems than any other team, especially when there is a Poe and a Poggle/ST Han . Unless I can kill 88 right away , I'm doomed and even then, it's a coin flip. My tenacity must not be that high or I would be able to resist Poe's taunt.

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    People just need to accept the fact that until you get a group full of 7 star lvl 70 toons to include 2 healers and about 5 backups of lvl 70 4stars and up there are going to be days that gw is just going to suck. It's not designed to be a cakewalk. It's designed to force you to level up several toons you don't ordinarily use in arena. A deep roster is the only, and I repeat only "trick" to finishing gw with any regularity.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    I remember the struggles, but when I got to level the end of the 60's with a few 7 stars built up its rare I don't complete a war now, I only have one main team with a couple of subs as I don't not have a deep roster.
    Inglorious Blasters I Guild Leader I 'We drink a lot of tea.'
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    I don't mean to argue with anyone, but I've found a lot of "you mustn't have this" advice to be bull. Not that it doesn't have merit, mind you. Sure a Barris will help. Five 7 star characters max gear, max level would be awesome and makes it easier for sure.

    However, I don't have Barris and just maxed my A team for GW about a week and a half ago. I've been completing GW with ease for about six weeks. I've only not completed it twice in that time. Two healers will help. Do you always need two healers? No. Sometimes you need three. I've found that there isn't always a cookie cutter team for every team you face. GW is a place to see what tactics work on which teams and more importantly why.

    The only "silver bullet", "must have" advice I've found that really, truly works is a deep, well balanced roster. While you don't necessarily have to have everyone maxed out before it becomes easy, you do have to have people leveled. Going up against a level 73 maxed out team when all you have is 2 7*fully geared and maxed, and 3 level 60 toons is not a good idea. Come up with a plan to promote, star, and gear everyone about the same pace and you'll get there. Just your A team. Have a suicide squad that will go in there and pull out the other team's specials. Get two suicide squads for when you get to two hard nodes in a row. Once you get to a point where your A team is solidified, build your B team. I use that to get rid of one or two of the other teams characters. They don't have to be winners, just strong enough to survive to kill of some of the other team.

    Use your retreat pretty liberally, especially at first. People will tell you you can't go back in with the same squad because you get the same result. That's not true. If you attack differently, so will the other team. If you simply move one of your players to a different spot, the AI will change. Just something to think about.

    Eventually, you'll get to the point where you'll have just one team to make it through with a couple of subs for special occasions. Like I said, your A team will not be able to go up against every other team. That's why I have subs now. Consider them like situational players.

    Just keep plugging away at it l, building your team as you go. You'll get there.
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    Just level up. When your team is max level, you will never face a higher level opposition, and GW will become rather easy
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    sying wrote: »
    I don't mean to argue with anyone, but I've found a lot of "you mustn't have this" advice to be bull. Not that it doesn't have merit, mind you. Sure a Barris will help. Five 7 star characters max gear, max level would be awesome and makes it easier for sure.

    However, I don't have Barris and just maxed my A team for GW about a week and a half ago. I've been completing GW with ease for about six weeks. I've only not completed it twice in that time. Two healers will help. Do you always need two healers? No. Sometimes you need three. I've found that there isn't always a cookie cutter team for every team you face. GW is a place to see what tactics work on which teams and more importantly why.

    The only "silver bullet", "must have" advice I've found that really, truly works is a deep, well balanced roster. While you don't necessarily have to have everyone maxed out before it becomes easy, you do have to have people leveled. Going up against a level 73 maxed out team when all you have is 2 7*fully geared and maxed, and 3 level 60 toons is not a good idea. Come up with a plan to promote, star, and gear everyone about the same pace and you'll get there. Just your A team. Have a suicide squad that will go in there and pull out the other team's specials. Get two suicide squads for when you get to two hard nodes in a row. Once you get to a point where your A team is solidified, build your B team. I use that to get rid of one or two of the other teams characters. They don't have to be winners, just strong enough to survive to kill of some of the other team.

    Use your retreat pretty liberally, especially at first. People will tell you you can't go back in with the same squad because you get the same result. That's not true. If you attack differently, so will the other team. If you simply move one of your players to a different spot, the AI will change. Just something to think about.

    Eventually, you'll get to the point where you'll have just one team to make it through with a couple of subs for special occasions. Like I said, your A team will not be able to go up against every other team. That's why I have subs now. Consider them like situational players.

    Just keep plugging away at it l, building your team as you go. You'll get there.

    That's pretty much it.

    Focus on your A-team so it gets better and better.
    The GW A-team is not the same as an Arena A-team, chances are the union of both A-teams mean that you are required to have 7 to 10 toons at the top your level allows.
    You also have the challenges, which are another incentive to widen your roster, since you can speed up gearing characters by completing the challenges.
    There are also the light and dark teams to keep in mind to unlock all nodes to be able to SIM them later.

    What I have done was to unlock one other character after I max a character, so my roster widens. Suicide squads are invaluable to waste the enemy specials at the first rounds of battle, making it a lot easier. I am at a point that I leveld even my suicides to 40, which is cheap to do, so they might in some cases resist 2 hits from the top level squads.

    As you max your chars, you will start cherry-picking some of your pugs to promote them a little so they get better.
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    I think a lot of good has been said here already, mostly by sying and Brazilian_Joe.

    I will only add that for someone who is struggling on GW, Barriss Offee can help, but she isn't the be all, end all. She gives everyone more life, increasing your survivability, and heals each turn, helping you recover from attacks. She's a healer too, and a decent counter to the Sid/Kylo block of health gain with her ability.

    BUT! She's a terrible dmg output character. The Jedi Counsular outstrips her easily. She gives you time in GW. If you other characters can't carry the weight, then she's not all that great.

    So if her purpose fits your GW team, get her. If not, don't.

    Hope this helps everyone!
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    @pac0naut I came up against a droid team in GW today too. Put QGJ as your leader, becuase then GQJ, lumi, GS and RG will be faster than them. Try and get RG on the end of the assists to try and stun the droids, or stun one and kill one. 88 has less health so kill him and stun 86 on the first turn. Put talia in as your 5th toon becuase she'll heal RG much more than JC will, so when he's taunting he should stay above 50% health if you can.
    For this team that you face, put in a low level snowtrooper, ewok scout, and someone else who will die fast but still force the AI to use special abilities. This will mean the sting will be taken out of the squad, and the RNG of the whole match will be reset. Try to keep Sid stunned with your RG, and meanwhile, take out daka becuase those revives are going to make you throw your device across the room. Next, while still trying to keep Sid stunned (this should be fairly easy as long as RG has level 5 on his basic), kill talia, and then phasma. Then take your pick between Sid or lumi to kill next (I'd pick Sid to stop heal immunity). For this battle use QGJ (l), lumi, RG, GS, and either JC or talia (your choice).
    I came up against a full level 65 squad today, and was able to beat it becuase it was the last node (thank god). GW is getting harder for me too, so I stopped farming GS as soon as he hit 6* and I'm now farming JC from cantina and will continue to do so until 5*, then I'll finish GS.
    (In case you guys on here didn't know, my 2nd account is the same server as @pac0naut )
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    People just need to accept the fact that until you get a group full of 7 star lvl 70 toons to include 2 healers and about 5 backups of lvl 70 4stars and up there are going to be days that gw is just going to suck. It's not designed to be a cakewalk. It's designed to force you to level up several toons you don't ordinarily use in arena. A deep roster is the only, and I repeat only "trick" to finishing gw with any regularity.

    This. It's true. And there will still be days where, if you get lazy, and let an important toon die off too early, it will come back to bite you later and you may not be able to finish.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Thanks all. I made it past the Droid team but pretty much burned everyone. I'll take 2 Lumi pulls today. I just thought it was ridiculous to see level 70 this soon. I don't have a solid B team, it's just a suicide squad with what little toons I have.

    The thing most of y'all don't know who are suggesting Barris is I can't get her yet. I'm only a level 56 and can't get there in Cantina yet as 5 is locked. Chromium is too much of a risk. Last pull I got 10 Fisto shards. Yay.

    @Dooku_for_days - yeah, unfortunately he got burned. QGJ is going up to 4* today. I've almost got him geared to purple. I'm not high enough to level up certain gear levels,but GS and almost Sid are ready to go once I get to level 62 or something.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    @pac0naut In terms of gear, try to live in the now and not the future. What I mean by this, is don't go after gear that can only be equipped in 4 or 5 levels time, as it will take a week or so to get there. Focus on gear that can be equipped as soon as you craft it. This way, once your characters are maxed for their current level, then you can start pre-farming and crafting gear so you can get them up in the future as soon as you hit the level. Right now though, there's no point having gear sitting there when it's only going to be of use in a week or so.
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    Max Level and healers are key. As of 4/8, I'm running 7 star, L72, gear 8 with:

    Bariss lead, QGJ, Luminara, Jedi Consul, and Yoda. It's usually a long slog, and hitting Darth Sidious can be Darth Tedious, but you can recover from just about anything to full strength... every other day or so, i get a character knocked out (usually JC) so i restart and run either a Suicide Squad (can't wait!) to waste opponents special abilities, or a droid team to either wipe them out or severely weaken. This has been working for several weeks from high level 60s and 5 star Bariss. The extra 500k Republic Dataries for campaign completion each day really helps with leveling, too.

    Running this team with QGJ as lead makes them too fast, as you don't heal up by the end of the round, and can get pooned in the next round. You can also swap out JC for Ahsoka. She's faster (with her boost) than JC, hits harder, self heals, but can only heal the team every 4 rounds (presuming you still have an opponent in the green). You can win consistently either way, but i like the security of the JC heal every 2-3 rounds to pick up if Bariss' team auto heal isn't working quickly enough or Lumi is temporarily blocked.

    Mace or Eeth Koth are a nice substitute for Yoda if you don't have the little green guy up to snuff yet. Not sure with Ima, Aayala, Plo, Kit or Anakin, as i don't have them max starred/leveled yet, but i'm fairly sure they'd be fine as well for Yoda. The Jedi Guardian is still, unfortunately, riding the small bus.
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    Following up to other comments above, i think it is also key to have your GW team similarly powered to your Arena team. I understand GW pairings are based on either your best or most recent Arena win team's power. So, if your Arena team is kick-a$$, and your GW team is lagging, you're going to be paired with more powerful opponents. The trick would seemingly be don't level/star your Arena team until you can get your GW team caught up or ahead of your Arena team.

    In my case, my Arena and GW team are very similar. I run QGJ as lead and use Ahsoka instead of Barriss in Arena, so they kind of automatically stay paired. Usually finish around 100th in Arena.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @pac0naut In terms of gear, try to live in the now and not the future. What I mean by this, is don't go after gear that can only be equipped in 4 or 5 levels time, as it will take a week or so to get there. Focus on gear that can be equipped as soon as you craft it. This way, once your characters are maxed for their current level, then you can start pre-farming and crafting gear so you can get them up in the future as soon as you hit the level. Right now though, there's no point having gear sitting there when it's only going to be of use in a week or so.

    @Dooku_for_days - Unfortunately, you don't know you can't equip it until it's crafted. There's no heads up that I see.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Bradford30080
    404 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'm a level 55 and I'm getting level 70 teams already?

    58 Phasma lead
    55 Talia
    70 Daka
    70 Lumi
    70 Sid

    Granted, they aren't all starred up to 7 or anything, but Wth? And now I have an all level 60 Droid team with Lumi on this node that frankly I'm not getting past it no matter what I throw out there. I had to use the B team on a node before the level 70s that was even more ridiculous. The Droid team is on the 10th node. Some days the RNGods laugh at you.

    Get talia out of there and if you have a weak old ben put him in the death spot... Or just replace her with anything. Whats the use of a third healer. And put syd in lead slot
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    @Bradford30080 that isn't the GW squad of @pac0naut that's what he came up against. He's level 55, not 70 :D
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    @Bradford30080 that isn't the GW squad of @pac0naut that's what he came up against. He's level 55, not 70 :D

    Gotcha, Well kill phasma first
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @Bradford30080 that isn't the GW squad of @pac0naut that's what he came up against. He's level 55, not 70 :D

    Gotcha, Well kill phasma first

    I did. That's what I had to change up. Also, it helps when the coffee infusion kicks in. I tried doing GW while being awake at midnight. Not doing that again.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    The road ahead is long for you,
  • Mol_Eliza_99999
    278 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I use 3 healers : Barriss, JC and Lumi. They get me thru 11 nodes without casualties. On node 12 I put my "in your face" team (QGJ, Rey, FOTP, QGJ, Leia).

    Once in a while I face droid teams. I slot RG or Poe in place of Leia or Lumi to take the heat off. Sure, that tank dies most of the time, but the team lives to fight another day.

    Key is not a strong roster. I have A, B, C, D teams all 7* purple gear, but don't use them as I don't lose anyone.

    Key is 3 healers, or more precisely Bariss. Her passive heal will get you thru. Droids will take one tank down. Even at 4* she is viable in GW.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The only way I've been consistently beating the GW is to keep my A team max level/gear and B team as high as I have the resources to take them. Since as most know they throw higher level teams in whenever, it's the only way to safeguard yourself from coming up against a team with 5000 more power than you half way through. I've been there.

    Of course higher level doesn't always = higher power, but the matchmaking is still way off, even after they supposedly fixed it.
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Oh yes I remebr when I was lvl55 ish and ran into impossible teams. At that stage I ran into a barriss lumi team and I could not even touch them the heals were unreal...

    The only advice I can give is that at this level, sometimes you're going to have to concede the galactic war for the day. But keep luggin away and starring/levelling unlockin characters.

    From lvl60 onwards or so I was clocking GW all day everyday.

    Now I laugh when I see barriss lead as its a free win with all cooldowns reset and full health for the next fight:)

    Just keep at it mate
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    The road ahead is long for you,

    Indeed. Every day is another step.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    Honestly i have beaten over a month straight and i have no max level toons, several 7* yes but i keep a deep roster. I have a clear A, B, C and suicide squads. I will keep retreating and keep my A fully alive until node 11 then i will either test new toons or not care if one dies. Balance and depth is key for GW when the nodes get harder.
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