Ally problem

155 posts Member
edited April 2016
Maybe this question has been answered million of times, so sorry, but why when a friend adds me with the ally code he sees my chewbacca? I only use him vs. Mace windu, then he sits the bench in pvp GW and DS/LS battles too...


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    And so, how can I lend my best toons?
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    I have no idea. And about 16 folks have read this and not responded, probably because they don't know either. I have the same issues... Seems random
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    I don't think it's random...some days ago there was a post where people with high level toons could lend the toon you asked for to win the LS/DS/canteen battles you could't do by yourself. I asked a red burqa and that guy (thank you again!) gave me that toon...
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    I don't know about the toon that is displayed when you add them..

    But the toons you lend are the toons that are set as leader for that kind of battle. So if you use say Ventress as leader for DS missions, your allies can borrow her for DS missions and same with leaders for other missions and the challenges.
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    Ok, so maybe my friend sees chewbe, because today there is the Mace challenge, but when he goes to DS/LS/canteen battles he can use my others leaders, right?
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    Yes exactly but just the leader you used in your last fight on that type of battle
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    Ok, thanks for help!
  • Kelthuzad
    343 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    edit: i was wrong. happens if you only auto-sim everything since months :blush: . Check: always the leader you used last somewhere
    Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

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  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    @Kelthuzad I have to disagree. I have an alternate account and can assure you the leaders are different for every mode you play.

    Different for each challenge and also different for LS/DS/cantina
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    And so which is the leader shown on the whole allies page?
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    It's the last leader you used in any of the modes. Just checked back with my accounts and it changed after I used QGJ on an LS mission
  • sid
    232 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    KeKattia wrote: »
    It's the last leader you used in any of the modes. Just checked back with my accounts and it changed after I used QGJ on an LS mission
    Any mode but not GW, don't know about Arena.
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    Light side leader, dark side leader, or challenge leader. Whoever you used most recently
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