Daka Nightmare finally got me

I've had countless matches against teams with her in Arena, and she typically is a nuisance but not my first target.
Today she insta-revived IG88 four times and RG twice before her heal revved those two again. Somehow I didn't lose, but the next Match, another Daka insta-revived twice again and it was lights out for my team.


  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    I just dropped her from my squad. Not stunning as much and AI seems to target her more.
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    Beewl wrote: »
    I just dropped her from my squad. Not stunning as much and AI seems to target her more.

    Never got her despite the rumors that you need her to complete DS missions. Got through just fine without her...
    Hope today's matches were just due to freak RNG as I don't want to farm her.
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    I'm at 95/100. Hope she still has some use after the update.
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    Oh her stuns will be plenty useful for GW and active Arena duty, getting that +15% stun chance as lvl 8 basic ability
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    Somehow her reviving abilities seems to be enhanced when she's the n the opposing team..
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