Build a new team or continue to work on old one?

My current team is:
Plasma 4* lead
GS 5*
Sid 5*

I am new to the game and this is the first team that I am working on building. Most people are saying that those Toons will get nerfed in the coming update. What I am wondering is should I start working on a new team to try and not fall so far behind in the new meta? Or should I just continue to strengthen the team that I already have? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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    Stop and horde until the balance update this week. Do not continue nor work on another thing, wait for the change. Just my two cents.
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    Stop and horde until the balance update this week. Do not continue nor work on another thing, wait for the change. Just my two cents.

    Thanks for the advice. What would you suggest I spend my cantina energy on though? I can't save that up, so would it be good too work on the node that will give me more GS shards? Or maybe one for a new character like Lando?

  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    That's the same team I've been using in the arena and it hasn't been doing too hot lately. Seems to get targeted often in the top 100. I also recommend waiting to see what changes are made. Save all your tokens until then.
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    Stop and horde until the balance update this week. Do not continue nor work on another thing, wait for the change. Just my two cents.

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    By the time you get your new team to a respectable level they'll probably be nerfed too!!
    I would work on what I have..
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Chiatw wrote: »
    By the time you get your new team to a respectable level they'll probably be nerfed too!!
    I would work on what I have..

    That's a good point. lol

    My main team's not even 100% and here comes a meta change.
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