A Sincere plea.

155 posts Member
edited April 2016
Dear Devs,

In the upcoming patch, I beseech you, please please FIX whatever content you are about to release before doing so.
Make quality assurance a priority :)

I am grateful for your willingness to listen to our feedback. Making the game more defensive and encouraging diversity is great.

BUT there have been numerous instances where a new toon or content released is bugged. (Eg. Rex, Leia, FOTP).
So you eventually fix them but these bugs render them useless or imbalance for a while.

Already resources are scarce. Please don't make us farm stuff that's gonna change because of oversights. Please.

Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    Did you grow up before the Microsoft age or something? This is how software is released industry wide now. They all use the users as beta testers.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    I am not expecting a perfect update with no hitches.
    I am beseeching added emphasis on quality.

    Yes the developers ain't owe us anything but I believe most of the people here have paid an amount for this game.
    Think it's fair to expect a certain quality for this game we all love as Star Wars fans.

    Some of these bugs make no sense to me, they are blatant.
    E.g. Asajj not gaining the buffs from killing an enemy herself.
    Don't tell me during testing the devs didn't try Asajj killing an enemy. That's like a basic "maneuver"

    Back to your point on users being beta testers. So you're fine with being a guinea pig and finding out all the bugs?
    There has to be a limit/compromise with all these mistakes.

    I am just making a plea that a more thorough job will be done for this supposed "game breaking" patch.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Good luck with that. This is a quick cash grab. They put as little resources into it as possible while people are paying hundreds and even thousands so the pace isn't nauseatingly slow.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Good luck with that. This is a quick cash grab. They put as little resources into it as possible while people are paying hundreds and even thousands so the pace isn't nauseatingly slow.

    I think this isn't a quick cash grab. I have played this game since Nov and I got to admit that this game is here for the long haul albeit at a slow pace.

    There's also this inclination towards the aesthetics. I don't know about the rest but speaking for myself, I honestly don't care if the background during battles is in Hoth, Coruscant or Bespin.

    This is why I hope more resources can be spent on user interface improvements and additional content instead of backgrounds that honestly don't mean anything.
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    Back to your point on users being beta testers. So you're fine with being a guinea pig and finding out all the bugs?
    There has to be a limit/compromise with all these mistakes.

    It's not that I'm fine with it or not. In a perfect world it would be released and would work as intended. Those games, and all software for that matter, are few and far between anymore though. Hell, even iOs is buggy when it updates anymore. From Windows to Android to console and pc games and spreadsheet software...everything gets released before it's ready and receives patches as bugs become obvious. It's the nature of the industry. Frustrating, to be sure. But I'm not going to change the industry by myself and a small group of message board posters aren't either. It would take millions upon millions of people taking a stand against shoddy business practices and you're just not going to see that happen.
    I am Darth Spartacus
  • Citoak
    49 posts Member
    At least with Linux you can fix your own bugs...
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    There are so many known bugs that they haven't fix IE dots, thermals, Rex, the list goes on.

    Rule number 1: money is always right.

    Rule number 2: if money is wrong, go back to rule number 1.
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    Software testing is a fine art. While some bugs were easily missed and should have been caught, it's easy to miss the forest through the trees. Beta testing is THE best way to find bugs because in general, the average user finds clever ways to use the product in which no one ever anticipated and/or expected. A little different in this type of game, but in general that's the golden rule. Think it's fixed? Give it to the user and they'll find 500 bugs in 20 minutes. (Ok I'm exaggerating a little ...).

    I'm not really against the model, but while the forums are utilized it's quite easy to see what's broken and not spend any money on those things until fixed, if it bothers you that much.

    What I am a little miffed about is that there's a rather long turnaround for fixes that do seem trivial. Their update schedule seems to be monthly, with no plans to fix minor things in a weekly or even biweekly time frame. For a company as established as EA, I'm shocked their DevOps is this poor.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    Please don't call out the Devs in titled of posts.
  • Sweep
    58 posts Member
    There is art to testing, but it's also a science. All of this could be automated and compared to expected results - one set of test code for Android and iOS. Perhaps as the game matures, the test framework will as well.
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    Automated testing is only good for low level testing. "Does this function give the expected result?" I'm a huge fan of automated tests but in games, much of it can not be automated. Especially when it relates to game play experience. Example would be for the old Ventress bug. You would have to physically see that advantage was not given after her knockout strike - the bug was apparently that it was given, and immediately taken away because of the order in which events occurred. Automated testing would miss that if the expected sequence was wrong, which it was.

    I actually believe their test framework is probably sufficient. Like I said before, for visual bugs and incorrect text descriptions, there's absolutely 0 reason for those to not be fixed in a weekly update cycle. it indicates their DevOps is highly inefficient, and extremely rigid.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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