337 mil GP, 21 ROTE, 70% TW win rate

Looking to add one before TW lock! (But may have openings later too)

Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on progessing and having fun, not a lot of strict rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.

  • Name: Nightbrothers
  • 337 mil GP
  • https://swgoh.gg/g/2104/nightbrothers/
  • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
  • guild reset 8:30 EST (East Coast N America)
  • 21 stars in last ROTE, will be doing pretty much all ROTEs
  • raids 9 pm EST
  • 43-20 record in TW, (losses are mainly vs guilds with a ton more GP/GLs), very organized, we assign specific players and squads to most territories
  • we require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW
  • Min 5 mil gp, but will take lower if have a very focused roster
  • Swgoh guild with a drinking problem, or drinking guild with a swgoh problem? You decide.
Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
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