Add individual reward track to ALL Territory Battles and Guild activities!

A lot of people these days don't even bother to play the missions, they deploy and that's pretty much it. Every single Guild activity should have some sort of extra rewards for actually participating in the events. And not just being carried by their Guild mates. We do have a ranking system in TB, why doesn't it come with some kind of bonus? Same should apply for Territory Wars, or any Guild activity where the more participation yields more rewards, to encourage people not to be lazy.

Since CG is planning to change the raids, and implement an individual reward track for that, why not do that all across the board? This way people who participate in everything advance faster and slackers advance slower.

I'm all for helping, but there should be something extra for those who do more. For example
#1-5 : 1 zeta, 350Mk1, 350Mk2, 1 Gear box
#6-15: 200Mk1, 200Mk2, 1 Gear box
#16-25: 100Mk1, 100Mk2 1 gear box
#26-35: 1 gear box
#36-50 1 omega

Or something like that. Not huge rewards, but something to motivate, so people actually compete to get more. And if this still doesn't motivate those who do the bare minimum, hey at least those who do the maximum know that they get a little extra for it. Simply because it kind of stings when you participate in everything, and the guy who did the bare minimum gets the exact same rewards as you.


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    A lot of people these days don't even bother to play the missions, they deploy and that's pretty much it. Every single Guild activity should have some sort of extra rewards for actually participating in the events. And not just being carried by their Guild mates. We do have a ranking system in TB, why doesn't it come with some kind of bonus? Same should apply for Territory Wars, or any Guild activity where the more participation yields more rewards, to encourage people not to be lazy.

    Since CG is planning to change the raids, and implement an individual reward track for that, why not do that all across the board? This way people who participate in everything advance faster and slackers advance slower.

    I'm all for helping, but there should be something extra for those who do more. For example
    #1-5 : 1 zeta, 350Mk1, 350Mk2, 1 Gear box
    #6-15: 200Mk1, 200Mk2, 1 Gear box
    #16-25: 100Mk1, 100Mk2 1 gear box
    #26-35: 1 gear box
    #36-50 1 omega

    Or something like that. Not huge rewards, but something to motivate, so people actually compete to get more. And if this still doesn't motivate those who do the bare minimum, hey at least those who do the maximum know that they get a little extra for it. Simply because it kind of stings when you participate in everything, and the guy who did the bare minimum gets the exact same rewards as you.

    Unless it somehow accounts for people placing toons in ops, this idea is a hard pass for me.
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    If thats the case for you its time to cut ties and leave ur guild, if people cant be bothered to do the waves in TB and your leadership isnt doing anything about it, that means you are not in an end game guild, time to move on
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    If thats the case for you its time to cut ties and leave ur guild, if people cant be bothered to do the waves in TB and your leadership isnt doing anything about it, that means you are not in an end game guild, time to move on

    I don't have the "constant upgrade" mentality. I like the Guild as a whole. And I don't see the idea as anything extreme. Raids are based off participation and placement. Which is fair. And it makes people try. My point is that every aspect of the game should be the same. You do more you get more, you do less you get less. Even tho I do the maximum myself in everything I'd never join a "militarized" Guild. We're talking about positive motivation here, not scolding and booting, and switching Guilds every month. Like I said, if they can and will implement that in Raids, they could and should do it in all Guild activities. One reward track for the Guild, and one for individuals based on participation.
  • Deathbringer59
    622 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    This idea is a hard pass for me. Alot of guilds do have the whole guild participate. No matter what someone is gonna be 50th. What happens if that person really did try, get alot, wasnt carried but was still bottom. Someone else has to be 49th as well. This is why CG is getting rid of it from raids.

    If that is your guild experience and you really don't like it, talk to the guild leader/officer and see what changes can be made. If none change guilds.

    Edit: oh I see you meant two tracks of rewards. Well if that happens, CG would probally split all current rewards in half and throw them in the individual. But I still don't see them doing this anytime soon. The way TB is running is fine imo
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Unless it somehow accounts for people placing toons in ops, this idea is a hard pass for me.
    It would work if the point values are altered to emphasize more value in Combat and Platoons.
    • If you use your squad for Combat, 2.5X if you used a 150,000 GP squad, you get 375,000 pts, plus whatever you earned based on Waves killed
    • Whatever you put in Platoons, you get 2X points, along with increasing points in filling each
    • Whatever leftovers you Deploy it's 0.5X points

    Meritocracy should play a small role in this game for group events. Even if it's small boost of rewards as the OP suggests. Even if it's a little less, it would incentivize more output.

    Or, not to hijack to this thread, add a reward track based on performance:

    0-4 Waves killed = no rewards
    5-17 Waves killed = Tier 1 rewards crate
    18-30 Waves killed = Tier 2 rewards crate

    0 units Platoon'ed = no rewards
    1-9 units Platoon'ed = Tier 1 rewards crate
    10-25 units Platoon'ed = Tier 2 rewards crate
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    Or, just leave it as it is?
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    For TB this would just make it harder to fill platoons since anyone that gave up a 'strong' character would feel slighted. As of now, if you drop a wave because you had to platoon someone that you needed, that doesn't hurt the outcome as much. I don't dislike the idea, but the implementation would be tricky.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    You want people to "accidentally" cross the * lthreshold while trying to preload an area, since they want to get extra rewards thtough higher 'participation"?
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    This could just be added to Hoth and Geo as a catch-up mechanic for smaller guilds. We need more ways to gain ground especially in GET1/2, and the small amount of rewards suggested by OP would be enough to make a difference without upsetting the balance of the game.

    And sure just leave ROTE as-is.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    When people can't be bothered to improve the rewards on a guild-wide track, what makes you think that they will try to improve them on a personal track?If they cared about the rewards, they would put in the effort already.
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    I think it needs to not be a comparison to the guild but just individually achievements. Platoon x gp, attempt y cms.

    Tw it wouldn't work. You don't want people throwing crap teams on defense or banner chasing with inefficient teams.

    PvE individual reward tracts is fine, PvP just hard no
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    Platoons should not be used for any individual rewards, as not everyone would have a chance to platoon in some situations. Once they are filled, they are filled.
  • Gale_Toral
    128 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    "Those who do more" is incredibly subjective in ROTE. That one guild member who will happily r7 CUP, Bodhi, Rose and Logray but barely gets 3-4 CM waves completed has almost certainly done significantly more than someone who deploys r7 GL requirements and hits every CM instead, even if their respective TB scores are very imbalanced.

    Just remove the nonsense from the rewards and fill those gaps with actually relevant gear and let the issues sort themselves.
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    The idea of tb is to work together to maximize impact. Individual rewards sounds mostly counterproductive to that goal.
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    I like the idea, but it would be way too tricky and difficult to implement. There's already a lot of things that people in this thread mentioned that would make it problematic. And I'm sure there's tons more. The idea itself is good imo, but it's not really realistic to pull off.
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    My gp is 2/3 that of the highest members in my guild. Yet, I'm the TB officer and strategize every one. I spend upwards of hours planning out filled Operations and setting orders for best teams. I've invested hours into a guildwide list of characters needed to fill every Operation. But my overall score is low in comparison to some people who do 1 or 2 CM's and hit deploy.

    I understand the concept of what you're asking for, but your comparing of activity level based solely on score output is lacking. The way it is now works well for my guild. But if they changed it, what motivation would I have to keep my guild competitive and working for the higher rewards?

    If it's something you're unhappy with, I would recommend finding a guild that's more suited to your way of thinking.
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