Squad Arena: Choose the enemy vs Random enemy

974 posts Member
edited April 2016
Would you prefer if squad arena only had one "Play" button and matched you vs a random enemy team (in the next 3-20 ranks) depending on your rank? Then if you win, you would steal his rank (as it is now) or have some other suggestion?
This is how it's done in most pvp games/e-sports. You don't know the enemy team, so you have to build a strategy "on the go".
One huge problem i have with Squad arena now, is that i want to change leader, but when i choose someone other than my Dooku, i get targeted and droped more. So i'm forced to have Dooku as leader, even if i don't like him.
Anyone else that feels like that or have any other suggestion?
What do you think?

Squad Arena: Choose the enemy vs Random enemy 15 votes

Arena should be vs random enemy teams
CPMPKobiTheDukeofDukes22Darth_VosahkMol_Eliza_oops 5 votes
i wish to pick my enemies / snipe
Wildcats1203benacrowYGBDyerth_7LawKamikazeRhombusPetrozzaBastilaDhanDooku_for_daysSamurai 9 votes
kbonifay 1 vote


  • Options
    i wish to pick my enemies / snipe
    If they do a better job with balance random could be cool, but currently that would just lead to too much frustration for anyone not running GS, Rey, and RG
  • Options
    Arena should be vs random enemy teams
    Snipping is better, but if I could sacrifice that to be able to not use dooku as my leader (don't like him as leader either) and to not fight him every time a I play, I would.
  • kbonifay
    392 posts Member
    arena is busted.. you shouldn't be allowed to freeze out the top positions. but thats the latter of the issue... meta has to be fixed first and opened up to allow multiple teams to compete and compete openly.

    good thing they are introducing raids, that should distract me from getting so salty over arena freeze outs. :)
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Arena should be vs random enemy teams
    If they do a better job with balance random could be cool, but currently that would just lead to too much frustration for anyone not running GS, Rey, and RG

    I think it already does. If you don't run meta team, you are always the target. I run AOE team and as soon as i enter top #20, i get dropped. Instantly. At least Dooku lead prevents me from dropping outside of #50, although i wanna use different leader.

    I agree, there are so many things wrong with arena atm. Even the reward "mechanic" is unfair for most players. For example me and many others will never be able to get rank 1 rewards, because we can't play during the reward time. At least getting matched vs random teams could solve the issue of "focusing the non Dooku/RG-GS-Rey teams outside of #20".
    But i don't see this coming any time soon, so i guess i'm stuck with my Dooku leader.
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