Is speed not strictly linked to time meter now?

330 posts Member
2 games in GW,
Both Anakin and QGJ speed 137+25, that'll be 162.
The first Sid with speed 142+11 moved slower than QGJ but faster than Ana.
The second Sid with speed 142+6 moved slower than Ana but faster than QGJ.
So... Are there any changes or updates between speed and time meter?


  • Options
    Turn meter = f(speed) i think
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    Sid gains turn meter whenever someone is defeated. The difference between QGJ and Anakin would just be a coin toss if they have the same speed.
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    In GW, first turns after your first battle go wonky.

    In arena, one can always predict first turn order. In GW, each match is a continuation.
    Knights of the Mobile Republic
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Was just wondering the same after my two arena fights vs the same guy where koth went before GS

    He had Qgj(L), yoda, sid, koth and dooku.
    Both times his Qgj went first before mine (same gear as his) then mine goes and the next thing I know dooku attacks, sid attacks, and koth attacks before my fully geared and starred GS.

    I have Qgj(L), rey, gs, daka, and han.
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