Cantina Energy

Takes over a day to fully build once you get, I think 124 energy. Whats the point after that? Does anyone here actually only play once a day? Seems like they should be increasing the energy regen by this point. No matter how much you have it should 100% regen in 24 hours, honestly I think 12/18 hours really but if its 24 its 24.

At this point my max energy could be 1,000 and it wouldn't matter. If its 124 or 1,000 it makes absolutely no difference to me its never going to get to max anyway I will play before that happens. I play several times a day, like I'm sure many of you do as well.

I'm also 100% sure nothing that is written here by me will make any difference just wanted to see what others opinions are on this matter. Do you like getting more energy or like me don't care at this point? Even if I spend my 100 crystals to get my 120 out of it the max doesn't matter you still get the full 120 added to your current.

If it just every other level switched from +1 max to +energy regen to the 24 hour basis it would actually feel like we were getting something at that point.


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