Please adopt the concept of testing releases

It has gotten beyond ridiculous at this point. The win a battle with Merrin/Daka/Talzin feat does not work, the implementation is different for the sector 1 boss at least, etc. And every kit release has issues (like Trench's zeta that turns off the ability instead of granting it). Simple unit testing, maybe having a QA person check to see what happens is on the tin, something, please.


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    Datacron set 9 is a great example where a concept of "code review" could be applied. Just mere inspection of the data would have illuminated issues such as the cron applying to all non-Hondo units instead of one side, including the toon in the list of non-self allies, and Bastila's DC only applying when Bastila is in the lead slot.

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    Bastila's DC is her leader ability - unless there's 400% prot up the DC isn't applying at all
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