Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul

128 posts Member
edited May 2023
It's a brand new raid so I'm not trying to be overly negative but hopefully we'll see some changes.
What I like: The art is very cool and the overall feel of the raid is very different from previous raids in a good way. The damage caps are good, in theory, and I like that everyone needs to pitch in.
What I dislike: The reward structure and payout are all terrible.
If we look at the Title Update Post, Meathead said
By completing up to just individual Milestone 5 and Guild Milestone 3, players will obtain a significant portion of tokens to purchase early stage gear. This quantity of currency can be used to obtain items consistent with the previous reward value.
Taking him at his word, that means that you need 1.7M individual and 73M across the guild to hit those milestones which is one R7 team, two R3 teams, or one R5 + one R1 team in the required factions (assuming they can hit the damage cap... looking at you, Jawas) just to get back to where you were last week if your guild was clearing all the available raids. Even if that's not a major ask, any new requirement just to get the same rewards you were getting before is ridiculous.
Except that quote is not even correct. If you look at the great analysis done by Dolphin Buff Man on Reddit, you need the 7th personal box and 5th guild box just to break even on purple gear and aeros and even maxed out on both tracks (more on that in a second) you're way behind on G12 gear, guild tokens, GET 1 and 2, and ship credits compared to previous rewards. The guild token loss, in particular, really hurts newer players and their ability to star up and gear up characters. It's 2.55M for the 7th personal which is most of an R8 attempt, an R7 + an R3, two R5s + a bit... just for reference.
The counter argument is that you get more choice of what to spend on, which completely ignores the loss of GET but is anyone really happy with "instead of random gear you can get half as much gear of your choice if you invest in these specific teams"? And the bloated shipment page is a pain to navigate.
Finally, the final chest requires 520M which is 10.4M per player or 2x R8 runs and 3x R7 runs. Leaving aside whether some teams (Jawas, Tuskens) can even max those runs at those relic levels, that's a pretty huge ask for a raid model that is designed to be frequently updated (12 months? 18 months?).
You can't just raise the caps because some teams (BAM, Jabba) can max whatever cap you put out while others can't even hit the current caps. So I would suggest cutting the point requirements for the individual and raid tiers by quite a bit.
Post edited by Ultra on


  • Options
    Just call a spade a spade: CG wanted to dial back the raid rewards that F2P/low spend players relied on for years, but rather than being truthful upfront, they decided to cover up the rewards nerf with surface-level half-truths and outright lies in practice.
  • Options
    Just call a spade a spade: CG wanted to dial back the raid rewards that F2P/low spend players relied on for years, but rather than being truthful upfront, they decided to cover up the rewards nerf with surface-level half-truths and outright lies in practice.

    Kyrotechs 2.0 is what we should call this update, except its actually somehow worse
  • Gawejn
    1144 posts Member
    Just call a spade a spade: CG wanted to dial back the raid rewards that F2P/low spend players relied on for years, but rather than being truthful upfront, they decided to cover up the rewards nerf with surface-level half-truths and outright lies in practice.

    Yeah, not cg, some humans who are so confused that truth for them is this what they write or say, regardles if it is a fiction or not. Low moral humans. Full of lies in their life
  • Foxypad
    10 posts Member
    I thought CG wanted players in game for longer. New raid, which can only be done 5-6 times a month compared to previous 4 raids 30+ times a month.
    No new character shards as a reward , which would have encouraged more people to upgrade their existing characters and possibly spend money.
    Even a top of spear guild will be worse off with new reward structure. Newer and smaller guilds will be much worse off.
    The new currencies all look too similar.
    On a positive the artwork in the raid is awesome , I’ll take a screenshot of it , hit auto and never do raid again as the gameplay is boring.
    First NEW raid rolled out in years and you’ve lost a massive opportunity to keep the community happy
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    We really need to stay LASER focused on this. A lot of people are, understandably, very upset about the Error 3.0, but that may not even be CG's fault (unless their update somehow crippled EA's servers). But THIS is really what we should be upset about, not the Error 3.0. They have control over this. They LIED about this. There has to be accountability!!
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    This is obviously just the Gear Economy chase Phase 3.0. Undo every good thing they did with gear over the last 1.5 years.
  • Stovor
    2 posts Member
    I will express my thoughts in a language that CG might care about. I was planning to spend money in the game today for a celebration of May 4th. Based on the game crashing, the severe reduction in raid rewards, and most importantly the lies about it I will not be doing that. Hopefully others do the same and the game revenue will decline enough for them to make different choices.
  • Winterwolves
    1790 posts Member
    I'm getting nervous about relic salvage myself. Using the scavenger really relies on a flow of otherwise unused gear. If we are only buying the gear we want exactly, and getting less in total, that's going to really hurt when relicing toons in the next month or so.
  • Options
    This is obviously just the Gear Economy chase Phase 3.0. Undo every good thing they did with gear over the last 1.5 years.

    They’ve undone a lot of the goodwill they’d earned from the last few changes they’d made to the economy. This is just unnecessarily bad.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • tile
    53 posts Member
    to get the same R8/R9 rewards as CPIT (the aero mats), a guild needs to get to the 234M reward box. This 4.7M PER PLAYER in the guild. Setting aside that not everyone has all the toons needed to do a battle when you gate the attempts behind 5 factions, our guild only needed like 12 players to clear a CPIT to get 7 aeros. Now you expect all 50 to put in a very high score each to get the same rewards? Cmon now...who thought that was the same reward structure????????
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Not surprising. Trash rewards for a trash raid. Hopefully their new LOTR game puts them out of business.

    In actuality they will only get more revenue even if it's junk. That's how ip's work.
  • IkamuzU
    18 posts Member
    Another important fact is that if your guild does not get (at least) the 5th box you'd better choose the Sith raid.
  • Yrendar
    16 posts Member
    No guild tokens.
    No guild event token mk1.
    No guild event token mk2.
    No shards.
    No credits.
    No ship building materials.
    No five dot mod slice mats.
    No kyrotech in the raid store.
    Less raids, expensive stuff.
    This is a huge setback, and a spit in the playerbase's face.
  • Options
    IkamuzU wrote: »
    Another important fact is that if your guild does not get (at least) the 5th box you'd better choose the Sith raid.

  • Gawejn
    1144 posts Member
    Yeah,making a new part of whole game mode and making 90% or maybe more not playing it is completely like .......the greatest idea that cg made from 2016 till now....
    Guilds like 400mil will switch to hstr and wont be playing krayt dragon raid....
    And they said they want to engage players to play raids....than they make rewards the way that players wont be playing raids....same story...even worse couse rewards from not playing raids will be much worse than before...
    Only one player will be enough to solo hstr...

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    tile wrote: »
    to get the same R8/R9 rewards as CPIT (the aero mats), a guild needs to get to the 234M reward box. This 4.7M PER PLAYER in the guild. Setting aside that not everyone has all the toons needed to do a battle when you gate the attempts behind 5 factions, our guild only needed like 12 players to clear a CPIT to get 7 aeros. Now you expect all 50 to put in a very high score each to get the same rewards? Cmon now...who thought that was the same reward structure????????

    To be fair I think this new raid can be launched 2x as often as CPIT. That said you still need to hit 130M as a guild so 2.5M+ per player, and most guilds will not be there. 250-300M guilds easily clearing CPIT will not come close to that.

    My 370M guild will be lucky if we get to the 76M crate, very unlikely.
  • Zakracoon
    34 posts Member
    Seriously considering jacking the game in, this nerf is possibly the worse one ive seen in any game. This even affects the whales its that bad.
  • GK3
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    First the new raid looks fantastic. The graphics are excellent and it’s a breath of fresh air. Thank you.

    Secondly…This is utter garbage. So much that I felt the need to post on these forums. Whoever made the decision on the reward structure is clueless. You add 25 characters in a year and scale back rewards? You should be adding rewards!

    Remember…if you want people to spend money on this game it has to be FUN first. It seems like CG is actively trying to get us to NOT play this game. Having a decent reward box would not harm the in game economy. Especially with all the new characters being shoved out. No one likes feeling you’ve been kicked in the teeth every time you change something.

    Do the right thing here CG
    Post edited by GK3 on
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    There's a lot of good things going on, and a lot of bad things. As a long term player and guild officer in a 430m+ guild, there's a lot to talk about.

    The good: I like the new raid system, it seems polished and well thought out. The future for raids looks solid. All the new characters and utilizing dead factions is really great. The kits are fun and there's a lot of great theory crafting to be had. Keep that up!

    The bad: Resentment amongst long term players is the highest I've seen since I started playing 9 or 10 years ago. We think you guys aren't listening to us, that you're consistently petty and stingy, and the number of bugs and issues on literally every piece of content is insane.

    These raid rewards are literally insulting. Conservatively, we think we are losing at least 50% of the raid rewards we were getting before the update. Most of us think it's closer to 60-70%. You can show us all the models you want, and it doesn't matter when we see the reality in game.

    GET1 is completely gone from raid rewards.
    GET2 is completely gone from raid rewards.
    Regular guild activity currency is completely gone from raid rewards.
    Aeromagnifiers (which we used to get 10 per Cpit raid or 20 per week) have been moved to your new mk3 currency at incredibly expensive prices, AND our guild will maybe get enough for like 1 or 2 per raid if we don't use it on other overpriced gear.

    With just those 4 things alone, it's literally hundreds of gear salvage per month missing. 80 g12 pieces from GET1, a bunch of kyrotech from GET2, and HUNDREDS of purple gear from the guild activity currency that's gone. We would get several thousand of that currency and could choose how to spend it before the new raid system.

    We still haven't even touched base on the gear rewards from the 4 raids themselves. The full kyrotech, g12+ pieces, stun guns, carbantis, CREDITS which are also completely gone. You guys really effed up on all of this. Like, A LOT.

    So on top of us feeling like you set the gear crunch back in time about 2 years... we have the 5 hour blackout for half the guild during our fleet payouts, a very underwhelming May 4th celebration, and consistent bugs and hot fixes.. we are just angry.

    Then there's the petty crap you do. Last month it was 100 energy from the guild store, now it's a 75% chance of 50 energy instead. I get that it's free, but why the petty crap? You are alienating us. We have long term guild officers quitting over stuff like this. 10m accounts gone overnight. We love star wars, we have loved this game. Can you please just consider taking a step TOWARDS the player base? How can phase 1 of the gear crunch take over a year, and then you completely smash the progress we made by wrecking raid rewards? You have got to make this right or guilds are going to fall apart soon. Listen to the players.
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    Let's be honest CG know the impact this will have on players and how bad the rewards are. They've made a calculated decision and won't change on that.

    Gear changes to help newer players etc, was just lip service. Everything has just become further pinched.

    Imagine how bad this will be when R10 comes out... Which will be released in a few months once everyone's burned through their remaining R8 stash.
  • GK3
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    Let's be honest CG know the impact this will have on players and how bad the rewards are. They've made a calculated decision and won't change on that.

    Gear changes to help newer players etc, was just lip service. Everything has just become further pinched.

    Imagine how bad this will be when R10 comes out... Which will be released in a few months once everyone's burned through their remaining R8 stash.

    Probably. However you don’t want to lose 20% or whatever of your player base. Rewards were adjusted 3 times on Heroic Sith. The easiest solution is simple. Just add a gear box that includes everything in the other reward boxes from the legacy raids. Hardly game breaking and would make it feel like you’re actually playing for something. Remember fun=money. Unless they deliberately want to kill the game (which is absurd)
  • Robre
    41 posts Member
    This is exactly what our guild is discussing right now. Not a single person in our guild is happy with the rewards. We have been significantly set back. Credits, GET 1 & GET 2.

    Op forgot about the shards from the prior raids that help feed the shard shop. That's gone too. Another slap in the face.
  • Jarule
    41 posts Member
    I actually expected them to make an equivalent SIM box of HSTR rewards and then you'd just get all 3 SIM boxes plus whatever new rewards came from the Krayt raid. That way you're guaranteed the same or better than you were getting - ignoring for the moment you can get better than a SIM box by placing above 10th. Even at max rewards I can't earn enough Mk II currency to replace the gear income I had been getting.
  • Options
    GK3 wrote: »
    Let's be honest CG know the impact this will have on players and how bad the rewards are. They've made a calculated decision and won't change on that.

    Gear changes to help newer players etc, was just lip service. Everything has just become further pinched.

    Imagine how bad this will be when R10 comes out... Which will be released in a few months once everyone's burned through their remaining R8 stash.

    Probably. However you don’t want to lose 20% or whatever of your player base. Rewards were adjusted 3 times on Heroic Sith. The easiest solution is simple. Just add a gear box that includes everything in the other reward boxes from the legacy raids. Hardly game breaking and would make it feel like you’re actually playing for something. Remember fun=money. Unless they deliberately want to kill the game (which is absurd)

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    Great post. I couldn’t possibly agree more with all of this.
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    I am in 100% agreement with this. I no longer am able to feed the shard shop like I was able to before. A large source of credits no longer is available to me. Kyros that I purchased with GET will go way way down. Guild store currency is no longer a valid source of gear. It’s not smart. There are so many accounts disappearing from my alliance more then I’ve ever seen. And it’s not just my guild it’s the whole 40+ guild alliance. It’s crazy. My alt account is right around 5 mil and I’m considering stopping that account because it’s no longer going to be worth gearing it up and it’s the one I spend money on. They spent all this time giving us revamped gear then screwing us over in raids. It’s just dumb.
  • LendersQuiz
    1190 posts Member
    It's typically not my style to be overly negative...but I do have to ask these questions.

    1. I did my 5 battles and and now what? Did I win?
    2. Is there like a second phase?
    3. How come there aren't any rewards apart from some currency?
    4. Where is the SSC from the Han, Kenobi & Traya shards?
    5. What happened to the GET1/2 rewards?
    6. Why did it take 5 years to come with a raid that is so underwhelming?

    Truth be told, this raid is kinda boring...........again, apologies for being negative.
    I mean in looks cool, but how long till that wears off? A day?
  • K_Ley2
    43 posts Member
This discussion has been closed.