Share your RNG horror story!

2844 posts Member
I will start:
Arena today, battling for 20th place.
Me: QGJ(L), Yoda, Ahsoka, Lumi, Eeth
Them: Dooku(L), GS, Daka, RG, QGJ

My opening salvo vs GS is mostly dodged, requiring greater commitment of focus, resulting in his death and auto rez (ty daka ****), RG taunt up, so refocus on him except he keeps dodging and I get double stunned. Taunt wears off hit the GS again, more dodges, another auto rez (what the...), yay taunt back up, refocus on RG, death and... Auto rez /facepalm. Finally down, I can finally move on to Daka. Her next move? Rez the RG successfully, four stuns later I finally die....

Just wow...


  • Options
    So i was farming rey and had gotten to the point I needed 1 more shard to unlock her. I then proceed to sim the last 3 battles of her 2nd hard node and what do you know I got none. I though whatever and spent 50 crystals to refresh... nope. I did th same with the other node... nope. I estimate I spent about 600 crystals trying to keep refreshing to get that last shard and I didn't get 1. Well 2 days later I finally got her last shard but was out of crystals :/ Lesson learned
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Short arena story short:

    Came up against a QGJ (L), Yoda, Lumi, Ahsoka, Rey team yesterday.

    Not exactly sure what happened but that entire team went twice before I could move. Or that's the way it seemed. Before I knew it I was nothing but red and sat there staring at my phone for a minute.
  • JbizzyG
    304 posts Member
    Something something Dooku, something something Rey.
  • Devour
    262 posts Member
    This one time I was in SA with my awesome meta/synergy squad and I was up against this really awful non-meta team with no synergy and they dodged all of my attacks and all of their attacks were crits and all of their stuns landed and Poe landed no Expose debuffs on taunt and Daka rezzed nobody and they focused RG before he needed to taunt. And their Daka rezzed everybody that died even though I didn't land any attacks.

    The End
  • Options
    Had an Arena battle the other day and was laying waste to a squad. Took out GS and Rey with ease. my full squad vs Lumi,Kylo and Sid. Decided to take out healer since Kylo had backlash on and Sids Jedi dodge. Lumi dodged 6 attacks in a row and I lost. Could of still won by healing but I wanted to see how many she could dodge in a row after the 3rd time.
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    Which horror story? Pick any one of them where someone hid a squad behind an evasion leader and got a +50% dodge rate. Imagine what it will be like when fortitude comes into play? If they don't fine tune the AI dodge rate to make it more accurate to what is advertised, the game will become a joke.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    My Lumi at 3/4 health their Sid in the yellow

    Lumi goes, dodged, Sid goes 3 straight turns somehow and ends the match, Sid was the leader so no Phasma proc involved.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Was trying to pick one, then I realized all the recent ones have one thing in common. Dooku-lead opponent.

    Crazy evasion rates (60-75%) = gg. Wasted arena battle :s

    I honestly am starting to wonder if there is a bug (aside fromthe obvious one - that foresight "counts" as evading)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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