Is Ima Gun Di any good?

8 posts Member
edited April 2016
I unlocked him in Bronzium pack but not sure if I should level him. Thoughts?

Is Ima Gun Di any good? 92 votes

Msor1980IvoB1987darksideAdamWJaqenhgarSticare_Courts_0073MarafettNonemodano7591MoaiTailsSekuElinadZeeb05effdashWildcats1203benacrowGruby03512GiranKenorSmithieAzraelrulez 79 votes
GenakumaSneakyMcPeteAksterRandallTakPerongelukbaevarStrongIT_L1V3SThePenguin77Winstart_Wolfieavihas 13 votes


  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    In my book, no one is any good, unless you can promote to 6-7.

    Which seems to be the only problem with Ima-Gun Di - promoting him takes ages.
    He's useable at the moment, and the upcoming update should make him much better.

    1) Three out of four abilities deal with defense up or down (including aoe defense buff) - which right now is almost useless, but next patch, if they do as promised and fix armor, it should become a meaningful buff/ debuff.

    2) He has great health (along with a % recover mechanic), average speed and average damage.

    3) He has a great leader ability on paper, especially with Aayla and Kit Fisto - unfortunately the counter based jedi are locked behind the chromium wall further decreasing his value. Even without those 2 in his team, he's a deterrent to aoe comps, as it's dangerous to aoe vs 5 possible counters.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If you are having trouble vs AoE, he is a godsend.
    I am farming him.
  • Options
    Ima gun di say yes
  • Predian
    615 posts Member
    I find him fun to use.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You need a specific team to make him good : Ima Gun di (L), Aayla, Kit Fisto, Dooku + 1 other (Lumi if you want healer, or Kylo or fives if you want higher hp counters). With random jedi it's not that good.
    Also keep in mind that stuns and effects from counter attacks don't last. I have my Ima Gun di at 6* and gear VIII and waiting for protection update to see if it's any worth to upgrade him further.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Di hits really hard for a Jedi. His regular and special attacks hit noticeably harder than Luminara, and he has very good HP. Everything we know so far indicates he will be useful in the future. But it's impossible to know for sure.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Double damage vs Droids on basic is relevant.
  • Options
    You can only level him up with chromium but theoretically he's pretty good.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    HunterXJD wrote: »
    You can only level him up with chromium but theoretically he's pretty good.

    This is not even remotely accurate.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    HunterXJD wrote: »
    You can only level him up with chromium but theoretically he's pretty good.

    This is not even remotely accurate.

    Oh my bad. I was thinking of someone else.
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    I don't even know why I'm farming him. I don't spend on Chromiums and I've like 20 something only shards, lol! He also drops in Bronziums so here's to hoping I get one! He's my side project along with Eder.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I don't even know why I'm farming him. I don't spend on Chromiums and I've like 20 something only shards, lol! He also drops in Bronziums so here's to hoping I get one! He's my side project along with Eder.

    The farm is long but not hard.

    At least, that's what she said.
  • Options
    HunterXJD wrote: »
    You can only level him up with chromium but theoretically he's pretty good.

    He's farmable in 5-A DS/ 7-C LS battles which are costly and take forever.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Double damage vs Droids on basic is relevant.

    Except thats plo koon
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yarzahn wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Double damage vs Droids on basic is relevant.

    Except thats plo koon

    Except its not, Plo Koon has Dispel on basic.
    Thanks for posting.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    It appears people don't even know who Ima Gun Di is, lol.
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    I got him from a bronzium pack (I'm super lucky) and I upgraded him to 5 stars lvl 72 gear lvl 9. HE IS A BEAST. He has more health and deals more damage than most of my 7 star gear lvl 9 characters. Anyway, to answer your question, he is really good.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    He better be good, taking forever to farm. Worst then Rey. Going to 7* him for Yoda challenge as I want all 5 jedis to smash Yoda on his AOE. Will even retreat the challenge to see it again and again. Just 100 shards to 7* though. Missed the last tier 6 Yoda challenge. The next event challenge will be awesome.
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    Used him for about 2-3 months since I unlocked a 4* in bronzium pack , since then hes been my leader pretty much until I got lumi to 7*
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    He was one of my first heroes possibly from a Bronzium but maybe I bought him. Can't remember. But he was a 4* battle machine amongst my 2s and 3s. He does hit quite hard and I have a sneaky suspicion he might end up even better come the update which will then make me regret not farming him. I will come back to him one day. That much is for sure.
    333 posts Member
    Yes and No.
    Yes: He is good as a toon. Useful against droids and good as a Jedi Leader.
    No. Farming him is a torture.
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    I actually just started farming him. He was in my shard shop and I bought an extra 120 energy. Off we go!
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    I actually just started farming him. He was in my shard shop and I bought an extra 120 energy. Off we go!

    Me too. You have to start somewhere for any toon. Some times folks forget that it's not just about the instant meta. With the slow rate of adding significant new toons by EA, farming toons as side projects for the future is still very viable.
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    I use him in a full Jedi team against droid teams in arena.

    I would use him as leader but the opportunity cost of QGJ as leader is too high. Maybe in next meta he will find a way.
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    I've got him from bronzium one of my first few days in the game. I think he hits great, and his defense kit is supposedly going to be helpful. He's a great lead for LS missions. Mine is about 10 shards away from 6* and I can't wait
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    18/100 for 7* and still praying to RNGesus.

    And guys, do you even watch rewards before you hit "sim"? IGD's 20 energy node is one of the very best things in the whole game! You (possibly) get IGD shard, Weapon Mod, AND a Purple Blowdryer! 200% worth it.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Options
    18/100 for 7* and still praying to RNGesus.

    And guys, do you even watch rewards before you hit "sim"? IGD's 20 energy node is one of the very best things in the whole game! You (possibly) get IGD shard, Weapon Mod, AND a Purple Blowdryer! 200% worth it.

    I definetlyvwatch rewards and thus am feeling quite alright about farming Rey (3 nodes), Anakin (3 nodes), Royal Guard (2 nodes x 2), First Order Tie Pilot (2 nodes) and Ima Gun Di (2 nodes). Not many with bad drops amongst that lot!
  • Options
    18/100 for 7* and still praying to RNGesus.

    And guys, do you even watch rewards before you hit "sim"? IGD's 20 energy node is one of the very best things in the whole game! You (possibly) get IGD shard, Weapon Mod, AND a Purple Blowdryer! 200% worth it.

    Yes, I love the additional rewards too.
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    Only his Counter Attack is useful~
    Korean Man~ Ally Code : 633-813-947
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