8m GP looking for new home.

9 posts Member
edited June 2023
Found an alliance now but cannot figure out how to nuke the post
Post edited by Jekiza on


  • Options
    Hey Jekiza, Are you still looking for a guild? We're called NO CHORES (363mil+ GP) and I think you could be a great fit for us.

    We run Krayt raid at 6:30p EST, with a 24 hour join period, so no one misses out on rewards.

    Territory Wars and Battles:
    We do well in Territory Wars, and earn an average of 19* + 3-5 Reva shards, but that should be increasing shortly, in ROTE.

    We don't have any strict rules, but are looking for players (5mil GP minimum) who are active and are able to contribute to guild activities (HSTR, territory battles, etc.). We understand that people have lives, so there are no daily requirements or discord needed.

    Contact Us:
    • Guild Leader: GrendelKhan (Forum), Ally Code: 442-672-591
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